100字范文 > 快速进攻 quick attack英语短句 例句大全

快速进攻 quick attack英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-10 21:51:17


快速进攻 quick attack英语短句 例句大全

快速进攻,quick attack

1)quick attack快速进攻

1.By observing and analyzing the characteristics of starting attack from defense of the top eight at the competition of 2000 European Soccer Cups ,we found that the results ofquick attacks are much better than those of general attacks.对 2 0 0 0欧锦赛前 8强比赛的观察分析表明 :由守转攻时 ,快速进攻比一般进攻的效果明显要好 ;不同场区的快速进攻中 ,中区、进攻三区的成功率高 ,进球最多 ;最有效的攻击点在肋部。

2.By analyzing the characteristics of thequick attack methods used in a soccer match & the spots attacked inquick attack in the match, we find that the results ofquick attacks are much better than that of general attacks.笔者通过分析 ,得出快速进攻效果明显比一般进攻效果好 ,且在不同的场区发动快速进攻的方式与攻击的位置不同。


1.Study of the Quick Attack Methods Used in Soccer Match& the Spots Attacked in Quick Attack in Soccer Match;足球比赛快速进攻的手段与攻击位置研究

2.They may play a major role in hasty attacks.他们在快速进攻中可以发挥主要作用。

3.Analysis of the Application and Type of Fast Break Technique in Football Matches足球比赛快速进攻战术应用及类型分析

4.Analysis of the Characteristics of the Rapid Attack in Gearing Defense to Attack at Competition of European Football Championship欧锦赛由守转攻时快速进攻主要特征的分析研究

5.Analysis on All Success Rate Influence Factors of Tactics Attacked Fast in NBA Finals of ~ Season;~赛季NBA总决赛快速进攻战术成功率诸影响因素分析

6.On the Importance of Swiftly Offensive of Chinese Team s Performance in the Top Soccer Teams Competition in Asian.;亚洲区足球十强赛中国队快速进攻运用情况的研究

7.A Study on Application of Fast Break Tactic in the Second Round of the Eighteenth World Cup第18届世界杯足球赛16强快速进攻战术运用的情况

8."In the first two sets, the tight defence and changeable quick attack of Korean team made it hard for Cuban team."在前2局比赛中,韩国队严密的防守和不断变幻的快速进攻使得古巴队难以适应。

9.An Improved Algorithm of Source-End Detection Mechanism Against DDoS Attack;一种改进的DDoS攻击源端快速检测算法

10.The Tactical Application of Backstroke of Fleetness on the Offensive Side in Football Match;谈足球进攻中的快速反击战术的应用

11.Drive: To swim quickly into the space in front of the goal on offence without the ball.插入:无球进攻队员快速游到球门前的空隙区域准备攻门。

12.If you"re not rushing, then you"ll use the colonial age to crank on your economy, trying to quickly get to the next age.如果你不快攻,那么你就用殖民时代暴经济,试着快速进入下个时代。

13.When the time comes to drop its weapons, the wings could sweep back and telescope down to a shorter length, preparing the craft for a fast attack run.投弹时间一到,将机翼长度缩短并向后收起,方便飞机进行快速攻击。

14.A swift, sudden military offensive, usually by combined air and mobile land forces.闪电战快速突然的军事进攻,通常海军陆军联合作战

15.New Direction for Joint Design of Stream Cipher and Error-correcting Codes-Advances of Research on Fast Correlation Attack Decoding Algorithm流密码与纠错码联合设计新方向——快速相关攻击译码算法研究进展

16.He was too old to react fast enough to ward off a wolf attack and Danni was not as quick to move out due to her pregnancy.他年纪大了,不能快速反应击退狼的进攻,因为怀孕,丹尼也无法快速行动。

17.Many-sided Training for the Speed of the Change of Attack and Guard and the Consciousness of Rapid Attack;提高攻守转换意识和快攻速度的综合训练方法

18.Heir Advance Company is America"s most experienced financial services firm specializing in fast cash advances to Heirs of an Inheritance.继承人进步公司是美国的在对一种遗传的继承人专攻快速的现金进步方面服务的公司。


fast break快速进攻

1.This article takes as research subject some finals in the 18th Football World Cup,the 5th Women\"s Football World Cup and the 13th European Cup and employs video analysis and logical analysis to researchfast break in modern football matches,analyze its essence and application and type in the three football events.运用录像分析和逻辑分析等方法,以第18届世界杯足球赛、第5届女足世界杯赛、第13届欧洲杯足球赛等比赛决赛阶段部分比赛为对象,对现代足球比赛中的快速进攻进行研究,分析了现代足球比赛中快速进攻战术的本质以及在三项赛事中的运用特点和类型。

2.By means of literature review and video data recording,the application offast break tactic in the Eighteenth World Cup is explored.运用文献资料法、录像观察法等方法,对18届世界杯足球赛快速进攻战术运用情况进行研究。

3)consciousness of quick attacking快速进攻意识

1.Also the athletes body diathesis, theconsciousness of quick attacking and ball-catching are affecting prerequisites.队员的身体素质,快速进攻意识和获球方式是提高进攻速度的的条件。

4)The past break.快进攻,

5)high-speed counterattack快速反攻

1.The reason thathigh-speed counterattack is main means of making scores in matches is given.通过观看比赛,对排球比赛中得分诸因素进行统计、分析,说明反攻是得分的主要手段并提出快速反攻是个薄弱环节。

6)attacking speed进攻速度

1.Document study and mathematical statistics are adopted to make a comparative analysis to theattacking speed and rate of success in the USRussia Men s Basketball Match 2002.采用数理统计等方法,对2002年美、俄男篮对抗赛的进攻速度、成功率等进行分析,认为影响其进攻速度的基本条件是获球方式,影响进攻速度的主要因素是战技术水平的发挥。

2.With the methods of documents,tape-records,statistics and Delphi,the author makes an statistics on theattacking speed of Chinese team in seven competitions in the 14th world championship,a comparison between our team and foreign teams and analysis the reasons for low speed in attack of our team.运用文献资料法、录像观察法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法对第14届世界男篮锦标赛上的中国队及与赛队7场比赛的进攻速度进行统计后,并与国外球队进行比较,找出差距,深入分析我国男篮进攻速度慢的原因。

3.With the combination of the documentary analysis,video observation,expert interview and statistic analysis,this research conducted a statistical analysis on theattacking speed of Chinese team in seven competitions in the 14th world championship,and a comparative analysis between Chinese team and foreign teams.运用文献资料调研、录像观察、专家访谈和数理统计等研究方法,对第14届世界男篮锦标赛上的中国队和与赛队的进攻速度进行统计和比较,找出差距,进而对中国队和与赛队不同获球方式的进攻速度进行细分比较,深入分析我国男篮进攻速度慢的原因;并针对中国男篮存在的问题,提出了对策和建议。


《美俄关于进一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》《美俄关于进一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Further Reduction and Limitation of Offensive Strategic Arms, START IIMei一E guQnyu Jinyibu Xueiian heXianzhi Jingongxing Zhanl位e WuqiTiaoyue《美俄关于进一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》(Treaty betwee”‘heUnited States ofAmeriea and the Russian Fed-erarion on Further Redue才ion and Limitationof口户inslve StrategicA二5 STARTH少美国和俄罗斯继美苏签署削减战略武器条约之后缔结的又一项削减进攻性战略核武器的重要条约。1993年1月3日在莫斯科签署,自双方交换批准书之日起生效。只要《美苏削减战略武器条约》有效,该条约就一直有效。条约由序言、8条正文和3个附件组成。主要内容是:①在条约实 施第一阶段,即条约生效后7 年内,美俄双方将部署的洲际 弹道导弹、潜射弹道导弹和重 型轰炸机所载核弹头总数各自 削减到3 800一4250枚,其中潜 射弹道导弹弹头不超过2 160 枚,多弹头洲际弹道导弹弹头 不超过1 200枚,重型洲际弹道 导弹弹头不超过650枚;条约 实施第二阶段,到1月 1日前,美俄双方将上述各类核 弹头总数各自削减到3 000-3 500枚,其中潜射弹道导弹弹头不超过1 700一1 750枚,而包括重型洲际弹道导弹在内的陆基多弹头类型的洲际弹道导弹将全部销毁。②以前,双方将消除或改装已部署和未部署的全部多弹头洲际弹道导弹发射装置(包括训练和试验用的),改装后的发射装置只能发射单弹头导弹,且今后不再拥有多弹头洲际弹道导弹发射装置;消除全部已部署和未部署的重型洲际弹道导弹及其发射架,且今后不再拥有这种导弹及其发射架,也不得将重型洲际弹道导弹转交他方;消除包括试验和训练用在内的所有重型洲际弹道导弹发射井,但允许将其中最多90个发射井改装成非重型洲际弹道导弹发射井;双方均不得将发射架直径超过2.5米的洲际弹道导弹置于改装后的任何重型洲际弹道导弹发射井。
