100字范文 > 打法类型 Playing Style英语短句 例句大全

打法类型 Playing Style英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-14 12:35:38


打法类型 Playing Style英语短句 例句大全

打法类型,Playing Style

1)Playing Style打法类型

1.This paper studies table tennis playing styles of 284 athletes who took park in the fifth National City Game in order to know the present situation of playing styles in the preparation for the Olympic Game.通过第五届城市运动会乒乓球项目284名男女运动员打法类型的调查研究。


1.We must pay attention to the style of play maladjustment.打法类型配备比例失调现象应引起足够的重视。

2.Investigation and Analysis on the Types of Playing Technique and Way of Table Tennis Team of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省乒乓球队技术打法类型的调查分析

3.Investigation and Analysis on the Type of Playing Technique and Method of Playing Table Tennis for Children in Fujian Province;福建省少儿乒乓球技术打法类型的调查分析

4.The paper shows that most athletes" playing style is the tennis grip fast attack style.进一步了解我国备战奥运会后备力量打法类型的现状。

5.Analysis on Medal Distribution and Medallist s Playing Type of Table Tennis in the Olympic Games;奥运会乒乓球比赛奖牌分布与获奖运动员打法类型分析

6.Survey of Playing Styles of Table Tennis Players at the 5~(th) City Games;对第五届城市运动会乒乓球运动员打法类型的调查研究

7.Studies on China"s Women"s Table Tennis Players Play Different Types of Studies to Rationalize the Allocation对我国女子乒乓球队后备力量打法类型分布的研究

8.Developing Trend and Construction of the Playing Type of Chinese Excellent Table Tennis Players我国优秀乒乓球运动员打法类型的构建及发展趋势

9.testing methods for determination of types of knots in hand-made carpets手工打结地毯的打结类型鉴定试验法

10.An Introduction to the Relationship between Athletes Performance and their Different Temperament for Table Tennis;论乒乓球的打法与运动员气质类型的关系

11.The attachment type is not recognized. Save this file and then open it from within a compatible program.无法识别附件类型。请保存该文件并在与之兼容的程序中打开。

12.Three types of printers are available: wire printers, ink jet printers and laser printers.有三种类型的打印机:外打式打印机、喷墨打印机和激光打印机。

13.Can"t print form image to this type of printer无法将窗体图象打印到此类打印机

14.The file %1 is not associated with a file type for printing.文件 %1 没有与打印文件类型相关联。

15.The attachment type is not recognized. Save this file and then open it from within a compatible program.\0无法识别的文件类型。请保存此文件,然后使用兼容的程序将其打开。\0

16.Unrecognized file type. Tap and hold the attachment to save it and open it using a compatible program.无法识别的文件类型。请点击并按住附件以将其保存并使用兼容的程序打开。

17.Unrecognized file type. Tap and hold the attachment to save it and open it using a compatible program.\0无法识别的文件类型。请点击并按住附件以将其保存并使用兼容的程序打开。\0

18.Cannot convert an unmanaged type to a managed type无法将非托管类型转换为托管类型


pingpɑngqiu gezhong leixing dɑfɑ乒乓球各种类型打法

3)beating method打纸型法

4)loop combined with fast attack弧快类打法

1.Characteristics of getting two points continuously in return serve byloop combined with fast attack for female tennis holders女子横板弧快类打法接发球连得两分组合特点研究

5)Attack play进攻型打法

6)Defensive play防守型打法


打法打法 打法 推拿手法名。以拍打治疗部位治病的方法。与拍法相似但用力较重。《千金要方·老子按摩法》:“若有脚患冷者,打热便休。”
