100字范文 > 汉语新文学 Chinese New Literary英语短句 例句大全

汉语新文学 Chinese New Literary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-16 10:36:35


汉语新文学 Chinese New Literary英语短句 例句大全

汉语新文学,Chinese New Literary

1)Chinese New Literary汉语新文学

1.On the Regional Work in Sorting outChinese New Literary Documents——And on the Notion Adjustment in the Work onChinese New Literary Documents in Macau论汉语新文学文献整理的地域性运作——兼论澳门新文学文献观念的调整


1.On the Regional Work in Sorting out Chinese New Literary Documents--And on the Notion Adjustment in the Work on Chinese New Literary Documents in Macau论汉语新文学文献整理的地域性运作——兼论澳门新文学文献观念的调整

parative Studies of the New Chinese Grammar and the Chinese Grammar《新著国语文法》与《汉语语法学》比较研究

3.Personal Views of Molding a New Image of the Chinese Philology;塑造汉语言文字学学科新形象之我见

prehending Afresh the Chinese Characters and Promoting the Modernization of the Chinese Language Teaching and Learning重新认识汉字 推动语文教学现代化

5.Grasping the characteristics of the new textbooks and making a success of Chinese teaching;把握新教材特点 搞好汉语文教学

6.New China s Study and Teaching of the Chinese Language and Culture for Japanese Students;新中国对日汉语文化教学与研究述评

prehending Afresh the Chinese Characters and Promotingthe Modernization of the Chinese Language Teaching and Learning;重新认识汉字 推动语文教学现代化

8.Renovation and Development of Chinese Teaching Ideas--A Discussion on the Reform of Chinese Teaching of Ethnic Minorities;从“汉语文”到“汉语”,汉语教学理念的更新与发展——浅谈少数民族汉语课程改革

9.New Approach to Learning Chinese Teaching Spoken Chinese and Character Separately;从《新编基础汉语》看“语文分开”的初级对外汉语教学模式

10.Sociocultural Information of Modern Chinese Neology Based on 171 Items of New Words;现代汉语新词语的社会文化信息探究——基于171条汉语新词语的社会学分析

11.A Study on Translation of Subjects in English Literary and Nonliterary Texts英语文学/非文学文本中主语汉译研究

12.On Researching the Awareness of Tramping in Chinese Literature Since the "New Age";“新时期”以来汉语文学中的流浪意识的考察

13.The Preliminary Research on Curriculum System Innovation of Chinese Language and Literature Specialty汉语言文学专业课程体系创新的初步探索

14.I used to work as a translator during my vacations.英语专业并辅修汉语言文学,擅长汉语和英文。

15.I love Chinese language and Chinese literature.热爱汉语和中国的文学。

16.Late Enrollment: A New Form in TCFL--A Case Study of the South Korean Students Learning Chinese;插班:对外汉语教学形式的新探索——以韩国中文系留学生的汉语教学为例

17.Significance of Affective Meaning and Cultural Connotations of Chinese and Uygur Words in Second Langugage Teaching;新疆第二语言教学要重视汉、维语词的色彩义及民族文化

18.The Cultivation of College Studlents" Chinese Proficiency and Teaching大学生汉语能力培养与大学语文教学


literary Chinese文学汉语

1.This article is to analyze the New Sensualism s expression of urban experience from the perspective ofliterary Chinese.本文从文学汉语的角度分析新感觉派对都市体验的表达。

2.This paper probes into the occurrence of modem essays from Zhou Zuoren sliterary Chinese, which can be described as an intellectual language.本文从周作人文学汉语的实践过程来探讨现代美文的发生,认为周作人的文学汉语特色可以用"知言"来概括,分三层论述:首先描述了知言的特性构成了美文的特征,接着分析了知言与美文何以能够统一的历史过程与逻辑原因;最后探讨了周作人知言形成的原因。

3)Chinese literature汉语文学

1.Chinese literature can offer the geistic life experience about the material world in the exhibition of graphemes of Chinese characters.汉语文学能够在字形的展示中提供关于物质世界的感性生命经验,同时字形状物也造成了汉语文学超验意义和诵读意义的不足,所以,汉语文学力图把“意境”和“音韵”注入感物、咏物之中。

2.Characters naming inChinese literature is one of the most national narrative strategies formed on the base of Chinese name culture and language laws, which possesses the functions of marking characters sex, displaying the author s creating intention and expressing cultural content and it s also an important form of reflecting authors art talents.汉语文学的人物命名是在中国名实文化和汉语语言规律的基础上形成的最富有民族性的叙事策略之一。

3.The awareness of tramping inChinese literature since“new age”is worth of attention for its being a sort of modern awareness.“新时期”以来汉语文学中呈现的流浪意识,因其作为现代意识的一种而值得关注。

4)Chinese Language and Literature汉语言文学

1.The teaching ofChinese Language and Literature for four-year practical college students should transfer from "knowledge-centered" to "ability-centered",with the emphasis placed on training their qualities and abilities.应用型本科院校汉语言文学专业教学,应当由"知识中心"的教学转至基于知识的"能力中心"的教学,注重培养学生的专业素养和专业能力。

2.Chinese language and literature specialty is the leading specialty of a country or a nation s senior educational system,which also serves as the main force in improving the whole nation s language ability.汉语言文学专业属中国语言文学系列,是一个国家或民族的高等教育体系中的主流专业,也是提升全民语言文字素质的核心主力专业。

3.Specialized in Chinese language and literature and fostered in the present training mode, the undergraduates find it hard for them to meet the requirements of the time.按照现有的专业培养模式培养出来的汉语言文学专业本科人才已经很难适应时代发展的新要求。

5)Chinese literature汉语言文学

1.This paper , by analysing the existing problems inChinese literature teaching , presents reforms on the purpose , the task , the curriculum and several major courses of this major .针对汉语言文学专业教学中存在的问题,就该专业的目的、任务、课程设置及几门主干课的教改,提出了自己的思考。

6)Chinese teaching汉语文教学

1.Grasping the characteristics of the new textbooks and making a success ofChinese teaching;把握新教材特点 搞好汉语文教学


