100字范文 > 繁殖器官 reproductive organ英语短句 例句大全

繁殖器官 reproductive organ英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-10 12:33:38


繁殖器官 reproductive organ英语短句 例句大全

繁殖器官,reproductive organ

1)reproductive organ繁殖器官

1.This paper made a research on cell histological structure ofreproductive organ of Cistanche deserticola Ma,determined the structure of microdiodange and microform of microdiode,sprouting and pollinating progress of pollen,observed the cell tissue at parasitic combining position of Cistanche deserticola Ma and Haloxylon ammodendron Bunge.本文应用解剖显微观察方法,研究了肉苁蓉繁殖器官的细胞组织学结构。

2.As examples, somereproductive organs of the Early Cretaceous ferns from Northeast China: Ruffordia, Athyrium, Dryopterites, Acanthopteris, Coniopteris, Dicksonia and Arctopteris are shown in the plate.本文介绍了蕨类植物化石原位繁殖器官微细构造研究的实验技术和方法,讨论了这一研究在蕨类植物化石的分类归属和系统演化研究中的意义。

3.There was no description or record for thereproductive organs of Bambusa diaoluoshanensis Chia et H.《中国植物志》第九卷第一分册及其它的相关文献均无关于竹亚科簕竹属吊罗坭竹花的描述或记录,本文作者采集制作了该竹子繁殖器官标本,并分别用中文和拉丁文对其进行了描述,其主要特征为:花枝长70~170cm;花序为总状花序或简单的圆锥花序;花序轴粗,节明显;小穗含4~5朵小花;小穗无柄;小穗轴节间无毛,呈棒状;颖2,膜质;外稃长或等于内稃;鳞被2;雄蕊6;子房卵形;柱头3,呈毛刷状;颖果未见。


1.Other birds feed on developing reproductive structures or seed.另外一些鸟取食发育中的繁殖器官或种子。

2.Stem A longitudinal axis upon which are borne the leaves, buds, and reproductive organs of the plant.茎:植物体着生叶、芽和繁殖器官的纵向轴状结构。

3.An Description on the Reproductive Organs of Bambusa diaoluoshanensis Chia et H.L.Fung竹亚科簕竹属吊罗坭竹繁殖器官的补充描述

4.The Relationship between Developmental Processes of Reproductive Organs and Infection Quantity of Endogenous Rhizobia苜蓿繁殖器官发育过程与内生根瘤菌侵染数量的关系

5.It is characterized by oil food reserves and tubular Branches that have multiple nuclei and lack cross-walls except in association with reproductive organs or an injury.细胞内有油点,为管状、分枝的多核体,无横隔壁,但繁殖器官和伤口邻接处例外。


7.The objective of our study was to study the macromorphology of the reproductive organs through laparoscopy implemented during the anoestral season and in the stages of the sexual cycle through the breeding season.研究目标是通过在非繁殖季节和繁殖季节的发情周期内利用腹腔镜研究生殖器官的宏观形态。

8.Amino Acid and Fatty Acid Composition in Pelteobagrus fiulvidraco during Reproducing Period黄颡鱼繁殖期主要组织器官中氨基酸和脂肪酸的组成

9.Amino Acid and Fatty Acid Composition in Mystu Macropterus during Reproducing Stage大鳍鳠繁殖期主要组织器官的氨基酸和脂肪酸组成

10.But with humans, only our sex cells are involved in reproduction, and the rest of our cells, including those that make up our skins and organs, cannot reproduce indefinitely.但是,在人类,只有性细胞与生殖有关,我们的其它细胞如组成皮肤和器官的细胞不能无限繁殖。

11.genitourinary trauma泌尿生殖器官之损伤

12.The female genital organs.阴道,阴部女性生殖器官

13.cunt:The female genital organs."阴道,阴部:女性生殖器官."

14.having no or imperfectly developed or nonfunctional sex organs.没有生殖器官;生殖器官发育不全或失去功能。

15.The male organ of copulation in certain invertebrates.雄性生殖器官某些无脊椎动物的雄性生殖器官

16.The human external genitalia, especially of a woman.Often used in the plural.外生殖器,外阴尤指女性的外生殖器官。常用复数

17.A reproductive organ, especially one of the external sex organs.Often used in the plural.生殖器官,尤指外生殖器之一。通常用复数形式

18.Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Asiatic Lily from flower organs亚洲百合花器官的组培快繁技术研究


Reproductive organs繁殖器官

1.Anatomical studies on the vegetative and reproductive organs of psammophyte Eremurus inderiensis(M.新疆沙生植物粗柄独尾草的营养器官和繁殖器官的解剖学研究表明,为适应沙漠环境,其形态结构表现出下列特征:根肉质,皮层厚;茎皮层内有4~7层厚壁细胞组成的纤维带,维管束大致3轮;叶表皮细胞外壁有较厚的角质层,气孔器小,略下陷,孔下室发达,等面叶,环栅型,叶脉维管束发达;雌蕊三心皮三室,中轴胎座,直生胚珠。

2.This paper mainly studied in vitro culture of Lily, which compareddifferent varieties of Lily in vitro culture through Oriental Lily, AsiaticLily reproductive organs such as scales bulb, bulblet and floral organ.本论文主要通过对东方百合、亚洲百合的繁殖器官如鳞球茎、珠芽、花器官进行离体组织培养试验,从而比较不同百合品种间繁殖器官的离体培养差异,并分别在灭菌、诱导分化、继代增殖、结鳞茎和生根移栽等方面进行了研究,试验结果表明:1、百合不同繁殖器官灭菌效果有差异,珠芽和花器官的灭菌效果好于鳞片;亚洲百合珠芽较适宜的灭菌剂组合为:15%NaClO(15′)+0。

3)Reproductive organ生殖器官

1.The effects of estradiol benzoate on the number and distribution of mast cells in the reproductive organs of mice;苯甲酸雌二醇对小鼠生殖器官肥大细胞的影响

2.Relationship between ERαgenotype and partial reproductive organic characteristic of Meishan sows;ERα基因与小梅山猪生殖器官发育特性的关系

3.Quantitative characters of reproductive organs of natural Elymus excelsus population in Songnen Plains of China;松嫩平原天然肥披碱草种群生殖器官的数量性状分析

4)Reproductive organs生殖器官

1.Experimental study on improving antioxidation of reproductive organs of praesenilis female rats with JINGXUEGUI GRANULE;精血归颗粒对初老雌性大鼠生殖器官抗氧化作用的实验研究

2.Research on the Growth of Reproductive Organs on Rex Rabbit;獭兔生殖器官生长发育规律研究

3.Expression of substance P in the reproductive organs of mastitis rat and observation of mast cells;乳腺炎大鼠生殖器官中P物质的表达与肥大细胞的形态学观察

5)genital organs生殖器官

1.In order to understand procreating physiology of the male porcupine,provide the foundation for studying on the artificial procreating technology and heighten the breeding efficiency of porcupine,the authors have made the anatomical study on thegenital organs of male porcupines.了解雄性豪猪的生殖生理,以便为豪猪的人工繁殖技术研究提供基础依据,进而提高豪猪繁殖效率,对雄性豪猪的生殖器官进行了系统解剖研究。

2.In order to understand the female porcupine procreating physiology and provide the foundation for studying on the procreating technology of the manpower such as the judgement of oestrus,the technique of urging oestrus,the artificial insemination,the embryo transplant,the fecundation outside the body etc,the authors have carried out the anatomical study of thegenital organs of female porcupines.为了解雌性豪猪的生殖生理,为其发情鉴定、催情技术、人工授精、胚胎移植、体外受精等人工繁殖技术方面的研究提供基础依据,对成年雌性豪猪的生殖器官进行了系统解剖研究。

3.Using immunohistochemistry SABC technique, the location, distribution and density of nerve fibers immunoreactive to substance P(SP) were studied in thegenital organs of the female Wistar rats during diestrus.结论:分析研究雌性大鼠生殖器官内P物质免疫反应阳性神经纤维的分布,提示P物质可能与卵泡发育、性激素的产生、血管及非血管平滑肌的运动调节有关。

6)urogenital organ泄殖器官


听觉器官和前庭器官的进化5 脊椎动物平衡器官―半规管的比较

听觉器官和前庭器官的进化5 脊椎动物平衡器官―半规管的比较 李瑞端绘[图]
