100字范文 > 东魏 the Eastern Wei Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

东魏 the Eastern Wei Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-08 04:36:55


东魏 the Eastern Wei Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

东魏,the Eastern Wei Dynasty

1)the Eastern Wei Dynasty东魏


1.On the Enterprising Spirit of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi --A Concurrent Study of the Division of Eastern Wei and Northern Qi;论东魏北齐的积极进取——兼论东魏北齐历史的一种分期法

2.The Trend of Han-hua under the Conflict between Hu and Han in the Dong-Wei and Bei-Qi Dynasties;东魏北齐“胡汉冲突”下的汉化趋势

3.A Study on Jinyang s Status as "Ba-Fu" and Another Capital in the Eastern Wei and the Northern Qi Dynasties;晋阳在东魏北齐时霸府和别都地位探索

4.A Research on the Arrangement of Yenan City of Eastern Wei;一个古史传说的嫁接——东魏邺城形制研究

5.Country Power Structure and Wealthy and Powerful Family Large-scale Land Ownership in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi Dynasties东魏北齐国家的权力结构与豪族大土地所有制

6.On Universality & Reasons of Corruption Phenomenon in the Eastern Wei Northern Qi Dynasty东魏北齐贪污现象的普遍性及其原因探析

7.From Volume Thirtieth of Jin Shi Cui Bian to View the Systems of Monk Officials in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi Dynasties;从《金石萃编》卷30《敬史君碑》看东魏、北齐的僧官制度

8.The Evolution of the Poetic Study from Han Dynasty to Wei Dynasty-The Poetic Study on Late Eastern Han Dynasty;汉魏诗学的嬗变—东汉晚叶诗学研究

9.A comparison between Pei of the Kingdom of Wu from the South and Pei in Hedong in the late Northern Wei Dynasty;北魏后期南来吴裴与河东裴氏之比较

10.The essential oil in dong quai contains Ligustilide, butylphthalide, Ferulic acid and various polysaccharides are also present.精油含有藁埠东、酞、阿魏酸及各种多糖亦有之.

11.Molecular Epidemiological Study of Domestic Animal on Clostridium Perfringens in Shandong Province;山东省畜禽魏氏梭菌分子流行病学研究

12.Investigation of Clostridium Perfringens Toxin Types Isolated from Animals in Shandong Province by Multiplex-PCR;山东省畜禽源性魏氏梭菌毒素型Multi-PCR调查

13.The Origin and Development of Donghan、Wei、Jin、Nanbeidynasty Folk Song Psychological Verb;东汉魏晋南北朝民歌心理动词的来源和发展

14.Astronomical Archaeology on the Colony of Sites of the Han-Wei Period in Northeast China s Three-River Plain;东北三江平原汉魏时期遗址群的天文考古

15.Shandong Emigration and Cultural Changes during the Period of the Wei-Jin And Southern-Northern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期的山东移民与文化变迁

16.Study of Wei Jiao s ordinance on extinguishing Yinci:Popular Religion and Confucianism in Guangdong Area;魏校的捣毁淫祠令研究——广东民间信仰与儒教

17.Exchange of Buddhist Culture between China and Southeast Asia during the Wei , Jin and Northern-Southern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期中国与东南亚的佛教文化交流

18.The Formation and Variation of the Aristocratic Clans Status in the East Area of the Yangtse River during the Han,the Wei and Six Dynasties;汉魏六朝时期江东大族的形成及其地位的变迁


Epitaphs of Eastern Wei东魏墓志

3)Eastern Wei Northern Qi东魏北齐

1.On Universality & Reasons of Corruption Phenomenon in theEastern Wei Northern Qi Dynasty东魏北齐贪污现象的普遍性及其原因探析

4)from Eastern Han to Wei and Jin dynasties东汉至魏晋

5)the Eastern Han,Wei-Jin Dynasties and Sixteen Kingdoms东汉魏晋十六国

6)Donghan、Wei、Jin、Nanbei dynasty东汉魏晋南北朝

1.InDonghan、Wei、Jin、Nanbei dynasty, dynasties in the ancient China history, the connotation of Chinese word changed greatly for the first time.东汉魏晋南北朝是上古汉语第一次发生重大变化的时期,是汉语从旧质态向新质态过渡、词汇向复音化迅速演变、新词孳乳繁衍的重要阶段,也是词义趋于纷繁复杂、一词多义词义系统普遍形成的时期,东汉魏晋南北朝民歌则是这个时期反映口语程度较高的语料。


