100字范文 > 血流动力学监测 hemodynamics monitor英语短句 例句大全

血流动力学监测 hemodynamics monitor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-08 00:59:46


血流动力学监测 hemodynamics monitor英语短句 例句大全

血流动力学监测,hemodynamics monitor

1)hemodynamics monitor血流动力学监测

1.Study of continuoushemodynamics monitoring techniques in patients with mechanical ventilation;连续血流动力学监测技术在机械通气患者中的应用研究


1.Clinical application of cardiopulmonary capacity monitor PiCCO in monitoring the hemodynamics of patients with serious burnPiCCO心肺容量监护仪在危重烧伤患者血流动力学监测中的临床应用

2.The Monitoring of Hemodynamics and Serum Uric Acid in Elderly Chronic Heart Failure Patients老年慢性心衰患者的血流动力学监测及血尿酸改变

3.Analysis of the Correlation between Non-invasive Hemodynamic Monitor and Cardiac Echocardiography on the Evaluation of Cardiac Function无创心脏血流动力学监测仪与超声心动图检测心功能指标的相关性分析

4.Assessment of fluid treatment in elderly patients with severe sepsis guided by monitoring the variation of stroke volume功能性血流动力学监测指导老年重度脓毒血症患者液体治疗的评价

5.Diagnostic value of the non-invasive hemodynamic monitor system combine with the natriuretic peptide measurement in critical patients with dyspnea无创血流动力学监测联合脑钠素检测对呼吸困难危重患者的应用价值

6.Significance of hemodynamics monitoring by Swan-Ganz catheter for patients undergone off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting漂浮导管对非体外循环冠脉旁路移植术后早期血流动力学监测的意义

7.Study on Ultrasound in Monitoring Hemodynamics of Kidney, Liver and Large Vessels in Hemorrhagic shock rat;超声监测失血性休克大鼠模型肾、肝、大血管血流动力学的研究

8.Clinical Hemodynamics and Plasma Endothelin-1 in Patients with Acute Lung Injury急性肺损伤患者血流动力学参数分析及血浆内皮素水平监测

9.The Research of Monitoring Drug on Neonatal Haemodynamics s Changes with Pulmonary Artery Hypertension by Echocardiogram;超声心动图监测药物对新生儿肺动脉高压血流动力学变化研究

10.Continuons Hemodynamic Monitoring during Cesarean Section under Epidural Block硬膜外阻滞下剖宫产术中血流动力学变化的动态监测

11.objective:To probe into the clinical value of coloured Dopper imaging in monitoring blood flow veloity of fetal navel artery.目的:探讨彩色多普勒监测胎儿脐动脉血流动力学的临床价值。

12.Ultrasound Observation on Liver Hemodynamic Change in Post-operation of Liver Transplantation and a Study of the Application of Ultrasonic Contrast Agent SonoVue to Liver Transplantation;超声监测肝移植后血流动力学变化及SonoVue在肝移植中的应用研究

13.Research Prograss on TCD Monitoring and Evaluation of the Cerebral Hemodynamics State during Intracranial Hypertension颅内压增高时TCD监测与评估脑血流动力学状态的研究进展

14.Monitoring of Spinal Cord Hemodynamics by Laser Speckle Imaging Technique激光散斑成像技术监测脊髓血流动力学的实验研究

15.Correlation between PiCCO and ThDCO in monitoring perioperative hemodynamics in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantationPiCCO和ThDCO监测原位肝移植患者围术期血流动力学变化的相关性

16.Cardiovascular Hemodynamics Monitor System Based on Impedance Inspection;基于阻抗检测的血液动力学监护系统

17.Research on and Development of Software System of Impedance Cardiography Based Hemodynamic Diagnosing and Monitoring;心阻抗血流动力监测软件系统研究与开发

18.Predicting PIH Using Dynamic Trend of Hemodynamics & Hemodynamic study of PIH;血流动力学参数动态预测妊高征及妊高征血流动力学的研究


noninvasive dynamics monitoring无创血流动力学监测

3)bedside hemodynamic monitoring床边血流动力学监测

4)hemodynamic monitoring血流动力学监护

1.Value of non-invasive continuoushemodynamic monitoring system in the differential diagnosis of the patients with dyspnea;连续无创血流动力学监护在呼吸困难鉴别诊断中的作用

5)bedside/central monitoring system床边/中央监护系统床边血流动力学监测


1.Influence of double segment technique of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia on recipients"hemodynamics during kidney transplantation;双穿刺点法联合腰麻-硬膜外麻醉对肾移植受者术中血流动力学影响

2.Effects of Laryngeal Mask Airway on Hemodynamics During Ambulatory Anesthesia;门诊麻醉时喉罩对血流动力学的影响

3.Effects on biomechanics、hemodynamics and plasma levels of brain natriuretic peptide(BNP)when pacing in right ventricular septum;右心室间隔部起搏的生物力学效应及其对血流动力学和血脑肽的影响


