100字范文 > 种群死亡 population mortality英语短句 例句大全

种群死亡 population mortality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-03 20:28:59


种群死亡 population mortality英语短句 例句大全

种群死亡,population mortality

1)population mortality种群死亡


1.Estimate on Population Mortality of Coreius guichenoti and its Conservation in the middle and upper Yangtze River长江中上游圆口铜鱼的种群死亡特征及其物种保护

2.A Study on Reasons of Death and Physiological Features for Breeding Forest Musk Deer (Moschus Berezovskii);林麝Moschus berezovskii养殖种群死亡原因及其生命生理特征研究

3.There is a tint of death, a flavour of mortacity in lies.谎言里有一种死亡的意味,死亡的气息。

4.Estimation of Fish Natural Mortality Coefficient Using Virtual Population Analysis;应用实际种群分析(VPA)求解鱼类自然死亡系数的研究

5.Characteristics of suicide mortality in different populations of Shandong province: A comparison of three epidemiologic study methods;山东省不同人群自杀死亡的特征:3种流行病学研究方法比较

6.The film flashed forward to show the deaths of the wolves.电影镜头超前描述了狼群死亡的情况。

7.Death Condition Analysis of Entire Population in Wanzhou District From to -万州区全人群死亡状况分析

8.An Analysis on Death Causes from Digestive System Diseases in Guiyang City,during 2002-2002-贵阳市死亡人群消化系统疾病死因分析

9.It is theoretically incorrect to compare the indirect standardized rates (ISRs) between different comparison groups.从理论上说,间接标准化死亡率只能与标准人群的死亡率进行比较。

10.The results of studying for life table indicated the deaths of eggs and primary hatching larvae and diapause of overwintering larvae are key-factors of population change.通过生命表研究看出:卵、初孵幼虫死亡及越冬后滞育是种群变动的关键因子。

11.If the aneurysm is in the aorta, the main artery that carries blood through the abdomen, the result often can be fatal.通过超声检查这群年龄男性降低这种情况下的死亡具有重要的意义。

12.Apoptosis is a more orderly process of cell death in which there is individual cell necrosis, not necrosis of large numbers of cells.细胞凋亡是一种程序性细胞死亡,属于单个细胞死亡,而不是大量细胞死亡。

13.Apoptosis is a morphological depiction of cell death.细胞凋亡是一种细胞死亡的形态学描述.

14.To die, especially suddenly or violently.死亡死亡,常指突发性地死亡或暴死

15.giving her her choice between the death of her infant and the death of her conscience.要她在她孩子的死亡和她信心的死亡中任择一种。

16.a sense of utter desolation following the death of his parents.父母死亡后某种极度孤独的感觉

17.A sentence of imprisonment lasting till death.终身监禁监禁直到死亡的一种刑罚

18.An attack of fever carried Gary off.加里突然患了一种热病,不幸死亡。



3)population extinction种群灭亡

4)cohort mortality群组死亡率

5)manner of death死亡种类(如溺死、病死等)

6)urban human death城市人群死亡

1.By the use of the death data from the investigation among over 250,000 people with ages from 25 years old to 74 years old in the period of 1994-2000 in Beijing urban and suburb areas provided by Beijing Institute of Cardiopulmonary and Vascular Disease,and the daily and monthly mean climate data in Beijing,the effects of extreme temperature onurban human death are analyzed.利用北京心肺血管疾病研究所提供的1994~2000年北京城近郊区的七个监测点的以25~74岁人群为监测对象的25余万居民中全死因死亡事件监测数据、同期北京观象台的逐日气温观测数据、月平均气候资料,对极端气温对城市人群死亡的影响进行分析,得出对城市人群死亡影响的极端气温阈值及其长序列的时间线形变率。


种群死亡率种群死亡率population mortality的死亡率,它决定于生理上的寿命,即该死亡率对于一个种群来说可以看作是一个常数。由J“种群年龄结构不同,死亡率差异甚大,一般多采用特定年龄死亡率表示。即x年龄在短暂的时间区间内死亡个体数,除以在初始时间内x年龄还活着的个体数之商。即:或其中。一关一、·。一、冬(‘一lx一)亡率 l、二lx一1一dx一1在生态学研究中常用存活率或生存率(s)代替死卜特定年龄x的存活率为:S、一1一qx (丁岩钦)种群死亡率(population mortality)在一定时间内种群的死亡数占初始数量的百分率。死亡率可分为:①实际死亡率(或生态死亡率)是指在一定环境条件下的死亡率,它是随时间、条件而变化的:②最小死亡率、或生理死亡率)是指在最适环境条件下
