100字范文 > 内皮前体细胞 Endothelial progenitor Cells英语短句 例句大全

内皮前体细胞 Endothelial progenitor Cells英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-08 08:09:31


内皮前体细胞 Endothelial progenitor Cells英语短句 例句大全

内皮前体细胞,Endothelial progenitor Cells

1)Endothelial progenitor Cells内皮前体细胞

1.Relationship between GFP-gene-transfected endothelial progenitor cells and tumor angiogenesis;绿色荧光蛋白基因转染内皮前体细胞与肿瘤新生血管的关系

2.Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) exist in bone marrow, umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood of adult mammals, including humans.胚胎期的血管系统发育称为血管发生,在过去5年多时间中,随着成人体内血管内皮前体细胞(endothelialprogenitorcells,EPCs)的发现和分离,表明个体发育成熟后机体内也可以存在血管发生的过程,并且发现EPCs参与了生理和病理状态(包括肿瘤血管形成)下新血管的形成[2-6]。

3.BackgroundBone marrow of adults contains a subtype of progenitor cells that have the capacity to differentiate into mature endothelial cells and have therefore been termed endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs).实验背景 成体骨髓中有一种前体细胞亚群,具有分化为成熟内皮细胞的能力,这种细胞亚群被称为血管内皮前体细胞(EPCs)。


1.Inducement in Vitro and Culture of Endothelial Progenitor Cells from Human Peripheral Blood;人外周血内皮前体细胞的体外诱导与培养

2.Design and in Vitro Study of an Endothelial Progenitor Release System内皮前体细胞释放系统的设计及体外研究

3.In vitro culture of late-outgrowth endothelial progenitor cells from rat peripheral blood大鼠外周血晚期内皮前体细胞体外培养研究

4.The Correlation of Bone Marrow-Derived Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Angiogenesis of Tumor;骨髓来源内皮前体细胞与肿瘤新生血管的关系

5.Effect of Endothelin-1 on Proliferation, Cell Cycle, NO Secreting Function, and Apoptosis of Endothelial Progenitor Cells Derived from Rat Bone Marrow;内皮素-1对大鼠骨髓内皮前体细胞增殖、细胞周期、NO分泌及凋亡的影响

6.Research on a Novel Stent Coated with Antibody Against CD34 Capturing Endothelial Progenitor Cell Carried by the Degradable Polymer;生物可降解高分子载内皮前体细胞CD34抗体支架的研究

7.Oxidative Stress Injury Caused by Hydrogen Peroxide on Cultured Endothelial Progenitor Cells Derived from Pig Bone Marrow;过氧化氢对猪骨髓源内皮前体细胞氧化应激损伤的初步研究

8.The Comparison of the Effects of Different Medicines on the Mobilization of EPCs and the Observation of the Therapeutic Effects of Curing Acute Myocardial Infarction;内皮前体细胞动员的药物干预效果比较及对心肌梗死的疗效观察

9.Study on endothelial progenitor cells in focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion model in rats大鼠局灶脑缺血后内皮前体细胞的相关实验研究

10.Immunotype Analysis of Endothelial Progenitor Cells Derived from Mobilized Peripheral Adult Stem/Progenitor Cells人动员外周血成体干/祖细胞定向诱导分化为血管内皮前体细胞的免疫表型分析

11.The Study of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Mobilized Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells to Be Cultured for Endothelial Progenitor Cell and to Therapy Diabetic Foot Disorders;G-CSF动员后外周血干细胞培养内皮前体细胞以及治疗糖尿病足的研究

12.Effects of pravastatin and granulocyto-colony stimulating factor in mobilizing endothelial progenitor cells in mice with myocardial ischemia普伐他汀和粒细胞集落刺激因子对心肌缺血小鼠内皮前体细胞动员效果的比较

13.Effect of NK Cells on Vascular Endothelial Cell Dysfunction in Preeclampsia;NK细胞在子痫前期血管内皮细胞损伤中作用

14.The Study of Knocking MHC-1 out of Vascular Endothelial Cell by Intracellular Antibody细胞内抗体敲除血管内皮细胞MHC-1的作用研究

15.The Correlation Study of In-vivo Human Senescent Prostatic Epithelial Cells and Insulin-like Growth Factor-Ⅱ Expression;人体内前列腺老化上皮细胞与胰岛素样生长因子Ⅱ的关系研究

16.Isolation and Identification of Pronuciferine Monomer and Its Effects on Functions of Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelium Cells;前荷叶碱单体的分离鉴定及其对人脐静脉内皮细胞功能的影响

17.The Expression of Nuclear Factor-kappa B in Human Anterior Capsular Lens Epithelium with Cataract;核因子Kappa-B在人白内障晶状体前囊膜上皮细胞的表达

18.Effects of Endothelin A Receptor Antagonist BQ123 on the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer Cell Line PC-3M内皮素A受体拮抗剂BQ123对前列腺癌PC-3M细胞增殖与凋亡的影响


endothelial progenitor cell内皮前体细胞

1.Effect of endothelin-1 on apoptosis and cell cycle ofendothelial progenitor cells from rat bone marrow;内皮素-1对大鼠骨髓内皮前体细胞凋亡和细胞周期的影响

3)endothelium progenitor cells内皮前体细胞

1.Injury caused by low concentration hydrogen peroxide in culturedendothelium progenitor cells and protective effect of injectio salviae miltiorrhizae;低浓度过氧化氢对内皮前体细胞的损伤效应及复方丹参注射液的保护作用


1.The Comparison of the Effects of Different Medicines on the Mobilization ofEPCs and the Observation of the Therapeutic Effects of Curing Acute Myocardial Infarction;内皮前体细胞动员的药物干预效果比较及对心肌梗死的疗效观察

2.Objective:1 The aim of this study is to establish the method for in vitro culture of adult human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs)-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and to investigate their biological characteristics.研究目的: 1 建立成人外周血来源的单个核细胞体外培养、鉴定内皮前体细胞(EPCs)的方法,以及其在抗原表达方面的生物学特性。

5)Circulating endothelial precursors (CEPs)循环血管内皮前体细胞

6)Late-outgrowth endothelial progenitor cells晚期内皮前体细胞

1.ConclusionLate-outgrowth endothelial progenitor cells could be obtained from rat peripheral blood through long-term in vitro culture.结论通过体外分离长时培养可从大鼠外周血获得晚期内皮前体细胞,具有内皮细胞的特征。


