100字范文 > 砼板裂缝 crevice in concrete slab英语短句 例句大全

砼板裂缝 crevice in concrete slab英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-27 06:46:22


砼板裂缝 crevice in concrete slab英语短句 例句大全

砼板裂缝,crevice in concrete slab

1)crevice in concrete slab砼板裂缝

2)crack of concrete surface砼面板裂缝

3)the crack of reinforced concrete slab钢筋砼板裂缝

4)the concrete crack砼裂缝

1.This text has analyzedthe concrete crack type and the cause of the crack in brief,and given an experiment on the cement sa.本文简单分析了砼裂缝类型及成因,并通过水泥砂浆抗塑性干缩开裂试验说明聚丙烯纤维在水泥基材料抗塑性干缩开裂能力方面的作用。

5)concrete crack砼裂缝

1.This paper analyzes the kinds and causations ofconcrete crack, puts forward specific methods to avoid cracking.本文全面分析了砼裂缝的种类,产生原因,并对如何避免砼裂缝提出了具体方法。

6)concrete structural cracks砼结构裂缝


1.Analysis and Application of Unbonded Prestress in Cracks Control of Long Concrete Structure无粘结预应力在超长砼结构裂缝控制中的分析应用

2.The Non-structural Crack of Structural Concrete of Bridge Produced the Reason with Preventing from Dealing with桥梁结构砼非结构裂缝产生原因与预防处理

3.Temperture Crack in Architecture Big Volume Structure Research;建筑大体积砼结构温度裂缝控制技术研究

4.Research for Relation between Surface Crack and Reinforcement Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Structure;钢筋砼结构表面裂缝与钢筋锈蚀关系的探讨

5.Causation And Prevention Measure Of Temperature Shrinkage Crack In Longer Concrete Structure超长砼结构温度收缩裂缝的成因及防治措施浅析

6.The Use Pump Over Horizontal Structure Surface Cracking has the Reason and the Prevention Measure使用泵送砼的水平结构表面裂缝产生原因及防治措施

7.An Experimental Study on Short term Cracking Calculation of Lightly Reinforced Ceramsite Concrete Flexural Members陶粒砼低配筋率受弯构件短期裂缝计算试验研究

8.Numerical Prediction of Crack Propagation and Crack Widths in Concrete Structures混凝土结构裂缝扩展和裂缝宽度的数值预测

mon Crevices Analyse and Prevention When We Cast Reinforced Concrete floow;常见钢筋砼现浇楼板裂缝分析与预防

10.Several Causations Of Crack In Cement Concrete Pavement浅谈几种水泥砼路面产生裂缝的原因

11.Control and Prevention of Construction Cracks in Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Plate现浇钢筋砼板施工裂缝的控制及预防

12.Reinforces Structure and Monsary Structure钢砼结构与砌体结构

13.Control of Non-Structural Cracks in Reinforcing Steel Concrete Structure Components;钢筋混凝土结构构件非结构性裂缝的控制

14.The concrete and brick structure often produce crevice because of temperature changing.砖混结构常因温度变化而产生裂缝。

15.Preliminary discussion on causes of split in current pouring concrete anti-seismid wall structure现浇混凝土抗震墙结构裂缝原因初探

16.How to control split on brick structure wall as it is designed如何从设计上控制砌体结构墙体裂缝

17.The Temperate Crack and Control Techniques of Ultra-long Concrete Constructions;超长混凝土结构温度裂缝及控制技术

18.Cracks of Bridge Structures Analysis and Carbonfibre Reinforcement Technics;桥梁结构裂缝分析及碳纤维加固技术


crack of concrete surface砼面板裂缝

3)the crack of reinforced concrete slab钢筋砼板裂缝

4)the concrete crack砼裂缝

1.This text has analyzedthe concrete crack type and the cause of the crack in brief,and given an experiment on the cement sa.本文简单分析了砼裂缝类型及成因,并通过水泥砂浆抗塑性干缩开裂试验说明聚丙烯纤维在水泥基材料抗塑性干缩开裂能力方面的作用。

5)concrete crack砼裂缝

1.This paper analyzes the kinds and causations ofconcrete crack, puts forward specific methods to avoid cracking.本文全面分析了砼裂缝的种类,产生原因,并对如何避免砼裂缝提出了具体方法。

6)concrete structural cracks砼结构裂缝


