100字范文 > 黄岗侗族 the Dong Ethnic Minority in Huanggang英语短句 例句大全

黄岗侗族 the Dong Ethnic Minority in Huanggang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-02 22:34:07


黄岗侗族 the Dong Ethnic Minority in Huanggang英语短句 例句大全

黄岗侗族,the Dong Ethnic Minority in Huanggang

1)the Dong Ethnic Minority in Huanggang黄岗侗族


1.On How the Systems and Cultures of the Dong Ethnic Minority Preserve Their Traditional Subsistence--Taking the case of the Storage,Breeding and Propagation Mechanism of Glutinous Rice by the Dong People in Huanggang论侗族制度文化对传统生计的维护——以黄岗侗族的糯稻保种、育种、传种机制为例

2.Dong People s Use of Water Resources and its Ecological Value:A Case Study of Huangguang Village,Liping County,Guizhou;论侗族对水资源的利用及其生态价值——以贵州黎平黄岗村为例

3.Investigation of the Dong"s Natural Environment and Traditional Geographical Life in Liping:A Case Study of Huanggang Dong Village in Liping County of Guizhou中国黎平侗族自然环境与民俗地理生存方式考察——贵州黎平县黄岗侗寨个案分析

4.Dong People"s Rice and Fish Co-existing Livelihood and Heritage and Development of Non-material Cultural--Case Study in Huanggang Village of Liping County of Guizhou Province侗族稻鱼共生生计方式与非物质文化传承与发展——以贵州省黎平县黄岗村为例

5.The Acceptance and Innovation of Traditional Way of Living to Exotic Technology--A Case Study in a Dong Village in Guizhou Province论传统生计对外来技术的接纳与创新——以贵州省黎平县黄岗村侗族传统生计为例

6.Developing Tourist Golden Route in the Centre of “Dong’s Cultural Circle”;“侗族文化圈”中心区旅游黄金线开发

7.Anthropological Research of Dong Nationality"s Chorus and it"s Social Function--By the Case of Xiaohuang Village of Congjiang County侗族歌班及其社会功能的人类学研究——以从江县小黄侗寨为个案

8.Dongzu Nationality s Music within the Traditional Wedding Custom at Xiao Huang Zhai Village;传统婚俗中的小黄寨侗族音乐——对小黄寨侗族音乐的文化生态考察之一

9.Remain, Inheritation and the Periodical Development of DongKuan;侗族侗款的遗存、传承与时代性发展

10.Value Analysison Two Dong-Nationality Song Teaching in Dong-Nationality Community侗族社区内两种侗歌教学的价值分析

11.On Ancestor Worship in Dong Nationality--Based on Investigation in Local Community of Dong in Hunan Province论侗族祖先崇拜——以湖南侗族田野调查为例

12.The Imagination and Narration of Ethnicity of "National Writer" of Dong;侗族“民族作家”的族群想象及其叙事

13.Research on the Southern Dong Nationality s Traditional Settlements in Southeast of the Guizhou Province;黔东南南侗地区侗族村寨聚落形态研究

14.Definition of Galao in Dong Minority:Research of Multiple Concept of Big Song;南侗“嘎老”名实考——兼论侗族大歌一词的多重内涵

15.A Look at the Inheritance and Protection of the Dong Chorus from the Fact That the Dong Songs Are Introduced to Classroom;从把侗歌引入课堂看侗族大歌的传承与保护

16.Examples are the Ka"e and Lalela of the Zhuang and the Whistling of the Dong.如壮族的"呵呃"、"啦了啦",侗族的"嘎哨"、"喉路"。

parison between Rescuing the Moon of the Dong s Myth and Myths about the Sun and the Moon of the Han Nationality;侗族《救月亮》与汉族日月神话比较

18.A Study on Gene Frequencies of Tongue Movement in Dong and Miao Nationalities;侗族、苗族舌运动类型基因频率的分析


Dong minority侗族

1.This paper, takingDong minority s traditional farming mode.本文以侗族“稻田养鱼”的传统经营范式为对象,去论证其生态价值和资源高效利用,希望能为传统农业的发掘和利用提供一些有益的借鉴。

2.Through using the method of questionnaire,this paper conducted an investigation on the present situation of physical education in elementary and middle schools ofDong minority areas in Hunan province.通过问卷对湖南省侗族地区中、小学校的体育师资队伍现状进行了调查。

3.The marriage custom of LiangsanDong minority is divided into several parts: the first meeting at a fair, then the amorism while enjoy the landscape, and accompany marriage, wedding feast.凉伞侗族婚俗 ,分为赶坳的初相会、玩山的谈情、出嫁前的伴嫁、婚事时的喜酒。

3)Dong nationality侗族

1.Study on 6 population genetic traits of theDong nationality of Jinping in Guizhou;贵州锦屏侗族6项群体遗传学特征研究

2.Analysis of indices on their age related change of physiognomic characteristics ofDong nationality in Hunan;湖南侗族容貌特征增龄变化的指数分析

3.Analysis of Dactylogram in Left-arm Folding People of Dong Nationality in Hunan;侗族左交臂人群的掌纹分析

4)The Dong nationality侗族

1.On the Autocracy of Policy of the Qing Dynasty over the Dong Nationality;试论清朝经营侗族政策的专制性

2.The Research of the Traditional Architecture and Its Culture Implication of the Dong Nationality;侗族传统建筑及其文化内涵解析

3.Objective To research for the relation between the TongShenCun length and the body height in adults of the Dong nationality, Sanjiang county, Guangxi, so as to provide scientific evidences for the study of anthropology, age-related anatomy, forensic medicine and the acupuncture points confirnmation.目的研究广西三江县侗族成人同身寸长度与身高的关系 ,为人类学、年龄 (生长 )解剖学、法医学研究及针灸取穴提供科学依据。

5)Dong people侗族

1.Cultural Reflections on Modern Agricultural Technology and Its Extension——Based on case study of the traditional rice-fish farming(RFF) ofDong people in Guizhou Province;现代农业技术及其推广的文化反思——基于对贵州侗族传统稻田养鱼影响的实证分析

2.Restriction of Dong People s Traditional Agricultural Ethic to Stockbreeding;侗族传统农业伦理对发展畜牧业经济的制约

3.The Protection and Inheriting of Dong People Proto-zoologic Folk Songs——Take "Liu-yue-liu Song Gatherings of San Xing Po" as Example侗族原生态民歌的保护与传承——以“三省坡六月六歌会”为例

6)The Dong people侗族

1.On the Dong People s Traditional Culture from the Custom of Helong Dinner;从“合拢饭”习俗考察侗族文化特质

2.The traditional forestry running way of the Dong people in the Qingshui River Valley has a long history.清水江流域侗族的传统林业经营方式历史悠久,其操作手段与现代的林业经营方式有着很大的区别。

3.It is an all-round article to discuss the Dong people s population.文章以新中国成立以来五次全国人口普查数据为基础,对侗族人口的分布、数量发展、结构变动进行了分析,并结合实际提出了自己对侗族人口发展的看法,这是一篇对侗族人口进行较为全面论述的文章。


