100字范文 > 胆固醇酯类 Cholesterol esters英语短句 例句大全

胆固醇酯类 Cholesterol esters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-20 07:38:39


胆固醇酯类 Cholesterol esters英语短句 例句大全

胆固醇酯类,Cholesterol esters

1)Cholesterol esters胆固醇酯类

2)Cholesterol ester胆固醇酯


1.Effect of Zhixinkang Capsule on Cholesterol and Cholesteryl Ester in Foam Cells脂欣康干预泡沫细胞内胆固醇及胆固醇酯分析

2.Progress in the study of the inhibitors of cholesteryl ester transfer protein胆固醇酯转移蛋白抑制剂的研究进展

3.Table 2. Effect of phospholipids on the balance between free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester (±s,n=6).表2.磷脂对细胞内游离胆固醇/胆固醇酯平衡的影响.

4.Purification and Characterization of Cholesterol Esterase from Rhodococcus sp.;Rhodococcus sp.胆固醇酯酶分离纯化与基本性质研究

5.Design and Synthesis of Small-Molecule CETP Inhibitors;胆固醇酯转移蛋白小分子抑制剂的设计与合成

6.Studies on Purification and Characteri Zation of Cholesterol Esterase from Acinetobacter Sp.Acinetobacter sp.胆固醇酯酶的分离纯化与酶学特性的研究

7.Effect of Water Extract Propolis on Cholesteryl Ester Accumulation in Human Umbilical Artery Smooth Muscle Cell蜂胶水提物对平滑肌细胞胆固醇酯聚集的影响

8.Objective To evalute reaction selectivity to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) of modified cholesterd esterase.目的:对胆固醇酯酶进行修饰,评价修饰酶的反应选择性。

9.Study on the Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of the Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Gene with Coronary Heart Disease;胆固醇酯转运蛋白基因单核苷酸多态性与冠心病的相关研究

10.Effect of FufangJiangZhiGranule on Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein in Patients with Hyperlipemia;复方降脂颗粒对老年高脂血症患者胆固醇酯转运蛋白的影响

11.On the Mecharism and Function of CETP against AS;谈胆固醇酯转运蛋白对抗动脉粥样硬化的机理与作用

12.Pharmacophore Model Generation and Docking Studies of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) Inhibitors胆固醇酯转运蛋白抑制剂的药效团模型构建和分子对接研究

13.Table1. Plasma TC and TG contents of rabbits in control and high cholesterol groups( mmol/ L).表1.对照组及高胆固醇组家兔血浆甘油三酯和总胆固醇水平.

14.Table2. Liver lipids contents of rabbits in control and high cholesterol groups( mg/ g of dried liver).表2.对照组及高胆固醇组家兔肝脏总胆固醇、油三酯及磷脂含量.

15.Table 1. Serum lipids in rabbits at before treatment,4th and 8th week (±s, n=8, mmol/L).表1.兔血清总胆固醇、甘油三酯和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平.

16.Table2. Effect of phospholipids on the balance between free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester(± s, n=6).表2.磷脂对细胞内游离胆固醇/固醇酯平衡的影响.

17.Studies on Biodegradable Polycarbonates Containing Cholesteryl Moiety or Cholic Acid Moiety;含胆固醇、胆酸结构的生物可降解聚碳酸酯的研究

18.Effect of Cholesterol on Accumulation of TG, TC and Expression of Correlative Genes in Goose Primary Hepatocytes;外源性胆固醇对鹅肝细胞中甘油三酯、总胆固醇含量及相关基因的表达调控研究


Cholesterol ester胆固醇酯

3)cholesteryl ester胆固醇酯

1.Serum Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Levels in Healthy Chinese Subjects;中国健康人血清胆固醇酯转运蛋白水平

2.Effect of Water Extract Propolis on Cholesteryl Ester Accumulation in Human Umbilical Artery Smooth Muscle Cell蜂胶水提物对平滑肌细胞胆固醇酯聚集的影响

3.Objective To investigate the changes in fatty acid composition of serumcholesteryl esters in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).目的 :探讨慢性心力衰竭 (CHF)患者血清胆固醇酯脂肪酸组成的变化。

4)Cholesterol ester compound胆固醇酯类化合物

5)cholesterol ester transfer proteins胆固醇酯转移蛋白质类

6)cholesterol esterase胆固醇酯酶

1.Screening ofcholesterol esterase-producing strain and study on enzyme kinetics;胆固醇酯酶高产菌株的筛选及动力学性质研究

2.Function of PEGylatedcholesterol esterase in the homogeneous assay of high density lipoprotein cholesterol;聚乙二醇修饰的胆固醇酯酶在高密度脂蛋白胆固醇均相测定中的作用

3.Several PEG derivatives (modifier) with different molecular weight and structure were synthesized in this dissertation, by which Trypsin and Cholesterol Esterase were modified, and relative characteristics of the two enzymes modified were determined.本文通过不同的合成方法制备8种不同分子量、不同结构的PEG及MPEG(分子量分别为2000,4000,5000,6000,7000,10000,20000),分别对胰蛋白酶和胆固醇酯酶进行化学修饰研究,对修饰酶的酶活、热稳定性、Km值等相关参数进行了测定。


