100字范文 > 质量监督水平 quality supervise level英语短句 例句大全

质量监督水平 quality supervise level英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-26 03:37:41


质量监督水平 quality supervise level英语短句 例句大全

质量监督水平,quality supervise level

1)quality supervise level质量监督水平


1.Increase Produce Quality Supervise Level By Science Technology Means;依靠科技手段提高产品质量监督水平

2.Improving the Material Management in Oil Factories by Perfecting the Quality Supervision System完善质量监督体系 提高采油厂物资管理水平

3.Innovating Supervision Mechanism of Law Enforcement Quality and Scientifically Evaluating Level of Administration by Law创新执法质量监督机制科学评估依法行政水平

4.Increasing the Level of Coal Quality by Enhancing the Quality Management and Quality Supervision;加强质量管理与质量监督提高煤矿企业煤质水平

5.Strengthening Quality Supervision and Management of On-Site Data of Oil-Water Wells to Improve Oilfield Developmet;加强油水井现场资料质量监督与管理提高油田开发水平

6.Research on Xinjiang Hydropower Engineering Quality Supervision work新疆水利水电工程质量监督工作探讨

7.National Center for Quality Supervision and Test of Aquatic Products (NCQSTAP)国家水产品质量监督检验中心

8.Researching of Quality Control and Management of Water Conservancy Construction Project;水利工程建设项目质量监督管理研究

9.The Design and Implementation of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Management Information System for Quality Supervision Center of Shandong Province山东省质监院质量监督检验管理信息平台的设计与实现

10.Project Quality Supervision Research for Baoquan Pumped Storage Power Station;宝泉抽水蓄能电站工程质量监督工作探索

11.Considerations on quality supervision of water product;水利产品质量监督管理工作的探索与思考

12.Construction quality supervision for Liding Hydropower Plant洛清江里定水电站工程质量监督实践与体会

13.Strengthening quality supervision of port & waterway engineering关于加强水运工程质量监督工作的探讨

14.Problem and Countermeasure of Quality Supervision in Rural Hydraulic Engineering in China我国农村水利工程质量监督存在的问题及对策

15.Article44 Levels of running a school and educational quality of institutions of higher learning shall be subject to the supervision of departments of education administration and the evaluation organized by them.第四十四条高等学校的办学水平、育质量,接受教育行政部门的监督和由其组织的评估。

16.the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision国家质量技术监督局

17.Beijing Municipal Administration of Quality and Technology Supervisio北京市质量技术监督局

18.Exercise effective supervision over quality进行有效的质量监督


water and steam quality control水汽质量监督

1.Based on the fundamentals of safety requirement for large engines, long term environment protection planning, and current chemical water processing methods, the chemical water processing techniques in large engine power plants in the 21st century focusing on new water processing and automaticwater and steam quality control technologies have been discussed.综合考虑大机组安全运行要求、环境保护可持续发展规划和目前电厂化学水处理技术的基础 ,从水处理技术的突破和水汽质量监督自动化程度的提高方面探讨了大机组电厂化学水处理技术适应 2 1世纪发展的趋势 ,并强调了水处理管理工作的重要性。

3)supervising level监督水平

1.This article has mainly studied the relationship between the moral hazard and thesupervising level of insurer and the weath level of injurer in insurance.本文主要研究了保险中的道德风险与保险人的监督水平以及致害人的财富水平之间的关系。

4)quality supervision质量监督

1.Improvement ofquality supervision on chemical industry and chemical fiber process pipeline;化工化纤工艺管道质量监督的改进

2.Control system ofquality supervision and operating guidance in sintering production based on expert system;基于专家系统的烧结生产质量监督和操作指导控制系统

3.Thoughts on building engineeringquality supervision;关于建筑工程质量监督的几点思考

5)Quality control质量监督

1.After issuing<Construction Engineering Quality Control Regulations>,Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection drew up a plan about deepening the reform of engineering quality control of building industry.《建设工程质量管理条例》颁布后 ,建设部就建筑业工程质量监督深化改革工作做了部署。

2.Some expenience resulted from the practical jobs for quality control of the saving building material,This article discussed the control of constructioner,materials and the production quality.依据工作实际,总结了在节能工程质量监督中积累的几点经验,阐述了重点对建设单位质量行为、建筑节能材料和节能实体质量的监督,提出了加强节能监督的预控能力,指出了《建筑节能工程施工质量验收规范》实施后与《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》的衔接问题,对于广大从事一线质量监督人员具有一定的借鉴意义。

6)Quality surveillance质量监督

1.Quality surveillance of particleboard production──data collection and processing;刨花板生产质量监督──数据收集和计算

2.Study of enhancing the quality surveillance and insuring medical treatment safety;强化质量监督和确保医疗安全的探讨

3.Matter element theory is adopted for equipment quality surveillance performance evaluation,based on the indexes system and indexes weights conforming.在构建出评价指标体系和确定指标权重的基础上,将物元理论引入到装备质量监督业绩评价中来。


监督质量水平监督质量水平audit quality leveliiandu zhiliang shuiPing监督质t水平(即dit甲Ialitylevel)监督总体中允许质量(如不合格品数,不合格品率,每百单位产品不合格数等)的界限值。具体地,在计数监份抽样检脸情形,监督质量水平可以是监督总体中允许存在的不合格品数的上限值,或者监督总体中允许的不合格品率的上限值(GBIT 14437一1卯7),或者监督总体中允许的每百单位产品不合格数的上限值;在计量监督抽样检验情形,监督质量水平则指规定合格质量的界限值,而合格质量的定义也因规格限类型不同(如上规格限、下规格限和双侧规格限等)而不同。监督质量水平是从监督抽样标准中检索监督抽样方案的一个重要参数。监督质量水平一般不应小于验收检验时的产品质量水平。比如,当以不合格品率表示监督质量水平时,它不应小于验收检验时规定的不合格品率。为确定监督质量水平,可采用如下方法:①反推法,即利用以往行之有效的监督抽样方案反推出所需的监仔质盆水平;②试调法,即根据同类产品的情况,先确定一个监督质量水平,经使用后再调整等。(马毅林)
