100字范文 > 技术创新扩散 technological innovation diffusion英语短句 例句大全

技术创新扩散 technological innovation diffusion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-09 04:10:04


技术创新扩散 technological innovation diffusion英语短句 例句大全

技术创新扩散,technological innovation diffusion

1)technological innovation diffusion技术创新扩散

1.Interdependency between Technological Innovation Diffusion and Environment: Mechanism and Model;技术创新扩散与环境的互动机制及模型研究

2.An Explanation to Adoption Behavior of Enterprises in Technological Innovation Diffusion;技术创新扩散中企业采用行为的一种解说

3.Analysis ontechnological innovation diffusion of industrial cluster based on the life cycle of cluster;基于集群生命周期的产业集群技术创新扩散探析


1.Industrial Cluster,Technological Innovation and Its Diffusion;产业集群、技术创新和技术创新扩散

2.Industrial cluster,technological innovation,and diffusion of innovative technology;产业集群、技术创新与技术创新扩散

3.Analysis on New Model of Events Diffusion in the Process of Technical Innovation Diffusion;分析技术创新扩散过程的事件扩散新模型

4.Diffusion Field of Technological innovation a New Method of Research on Spatial Diffusion of Technological Innovation;技术创新扩散场──技术创新空间扩散研究的一种新方法

5.Interaction Between Industrial Clusters,Technological Innovation and Its Diffusion;论产业集群、技术创新和技术创新扩散的互动

6.The Research about Diffusing Effect of Technology Innovation in Industry Gather;产业集聚中的技术创新扩散效果研究

7.Social Capital Facilitating Technology Innovation Diffusion;发掘社会资本 促进技术创新扩散

8.Evolution of the Innovation Diffusion System of the Chinese Manufacturing Industry我国制造业技术创新扩散模式的演化

9.The Influence Analysis of Technology Innovation Spreading Towards Enterprise Cluster Innovation Capacities;技术创新扩散对企业集群创新能力影响分析

10.Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Technology Innovation Diffusion of Agricultural Science and Technology Park;农业科技园技术创新扩散理论与实证研究

11.Based on Technology Innovation Diffuses System Model Improving the Independent Innovation Technology the Ability Studies;基于技术创新扩散系统模型提高自主创新技术能力研究

12.Analysis of Technology Innovation Diffusion and Absorption Model Bases on Technology Innovation Networks基于技术创新网络的技术创新扩散吸收模型研究

13.A Study on Micro-Mechanism for Technology Innovation Diffusion with Social Capital;基于社会资本的技术创新扩散微观机制研究

14.The Network Externality and Technological Innovation Diffusion in Banking;基于网络外部性的银行业技术创新扩散研究

15.The Analysis of Corporation Adoption with Game Theory in Technological Innovation Diffusion;技术创新扩散中企业采用行为的博弈分析

16.A Systemic Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Enterprise Technology Diffusion;企业技术创新扩散影响因素的系统分析

17.Research on Production s Characters and Market s Characters for Technological Innovation Diffusion;产品特征和市场特征对技术创新扩散的影响

18.The Mechanism Model of Diffusion of Technology Innovation and Empirical Analysis;技术创新扩散的机理模型分析和实证分析


technology innovation diffusion技术创新扩散

1.Intechnology innovation diffusion,few innovations can be adopted at the beginning of entering the market.在技术创新扩散过程中很少创新是一进入市场就被立刻采用的。

2.Introduces the meaning,the mechanism and the condition oftechnology innovation diffusion.技术创新扩散是指技术创新通过一定的渠道在潜在使用者之间传播、采用的过程。

3.This paper especially researched the theory oftechnology innovation diffusion and model, technology innovation and organization innovation, and considered that technology innovation model can be classified to three basic kinds such as self-reliant innovation .重点探讨了技术创新扩散和模式理论以及技术创新与组织创新,认为根据技术创新的方法,可以把技术创新分为三种基本模式:自主创新模式、模仿创新模式和合作创新模式。

3)Innovation Diffusion技术创新扩散

1.The research of innovation diffusion incentive mechanism based on government management;基于政府管理的技术创新扩散激励机制研究

2.The paper introduces tentatively the forewarning management to the innovation diffusion and sets up a forewarning management index system of the innovation diffusion.本文讨论了技术创新扩散风险决策的特点,探讨性的将预警管理理论引入到技术创新扩散管理中,并尝试建立了技术创新扩散的预警管理指标体系。

3.In view of this, this thesis defined the concept of industrial clusters from the two views with the innovation diffusion and the knowledge flow.从整体来看,我国的产业集群发展并不平衡,较为发达的是一些技术水平低、产品档次不高的中小企业集群,集群内的技术创新扩散活动相对滞后,知识流动缓慢,集群网络发育不成熟、集群创新动力不足等问题。

4)Technical innovation diffusion技术创新扩散

1.The change rule of the technical innovation diffusion process has been approached by means of calculus method, revealed the dynamic characteristics of the change rule of the diffusion and introduced a method for the estimation of the model parameters using differential approximation formula.利用微积分方法定量地对技术创新扩散的模式与发展规律进行了探讨 ,揭示了技术创新扩散发展变化的动力学特征 ,并提出了一种估计模型参数的非线性近似估计

5)diffusion field of technological innovation技术创新扩散场

6)Innovation technology diffusion创新技术扩散


创新扩散对应的英文为the diffusion of innovation,是指一种新的观点、思想、技术一旦被引入到一个社会系统,就会在这个社会系统中从一个决策单位(个人、家庭、集体),随着时间的推移不断的传到下一个单位。这里至少涉及这样几个要素:创新物,时间,社会系统等。创新扩散研究的集大成者是美国著名传播学者e. rogers教授。
