100字范文 > 木材显微解剖 Timber anatomical structure英语短句 例句大全

木材显微解剖 Timber anatomical structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-23 02:16:38


木材显微解剖 Timber anatomical structure英语短句 例句大全

木材显微解剖,Timber anatomical structure

1)Timber anatomical structure木材显微解剖

2)wood anatomy木材解剖


1.Studies on wood Anatomy ofRhododendron dauricum;Rhododendron dauricum的木材解剖学研究

2.Wood anatomical properties and their variations of Fraxinus chinensis白蜡条木材解剖性质及其变异的研究

3.Preparation of sections of wood for microscopic study.木材解剖艺用切片机截片以备显微镜观察之用

4.Study on wood anatomical features and their variation of Avicennia marina of mangrove forest红树植物白骨壤木材解剖特性及其变异性研究

parative Study on Wood Anatomical Structure of 14 Species Belonging to 10 Genera of Lauraceae樟科10属14种木材解剖学特征的比较研究

6.The Influence of Microwave Treatment and Drying on Performance and Anatomy of Larch Wood;高强度微波处理与干燥对落叶松木材解剖构造和性能的影响

7.The Wood Anatomical and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Eucalyptus Urophylla×Eucalyptus Grandis;尾巨桉木材解剖特性和物理力学性质及其变异的研究

8.The Study on the Infant Timber Structure of Introduced Populus spp. Clone in Shandong Province;山东引种杨树(Populus spp.)无性系幼龄木材解剖结构的研究

parative analysis on wood anatomical characteristics of Choerospondias axillaris in artificial pure and mixed forests人工纯林和混交林中南酸枣木材解剖特性的比较分析

10.Radical Variation and Prediction Model of Wood Anatomical and Crystallinity of Young Dalbergia sissoo Plantation人工幼龄印度黄檀木材解剖性质和结晶度的径向变异及预测模型

11.The study of the stem"s secondary xylem of Rhus chinensis Mill reveals that perforation plate is simple perforation plate.对盐肤木茎进行木材解剖学研究,发现其导管分子穿孔板为单穿孔板。

12.Wood comparative anatomy of five intraspecies of Hibiscus syriacus木槿5个种下类群木材的比较解剖学

13.Variation Patterns of Tracheid Anatomical Characteristics and Basic Density for Chamaecyparis Pisifera;日本花柏木材管胞解剖特征与基本密度的变异

14.International Association of Wood Anatomists国际木材剖析学家协会

15.The Responses of Physical and Anatomical Characteristics to Climatic Factors Change of Planted Mongolian Scotch Pine人工林樟子松木材物理和解剖特征对气候因子变化响应的研究

16.Studies on Forecast of Radial Anatomy Specific in Chinese Pine Plantation Based on Neural Network;基于神经网络的人工林油松木材径向解剖特性预测研究

17.This illustration shows a section through the timber.本图所示为木材的纵剖面.

18.To sand flat edges or complex profiles, whether solid veneer or substrate material.砂光平面边部或剖面,实木单板或基材。


wood anatomy木材解剖


1.Microanatomy of blood supply of cranial nerves in cavernous sinus region and its clinical application;海绵窦区颅神经血供的显微解剖及临床应用研究

2.Study of AppliedMicroanatomy of Vessels in Sellar Region for Endoscope-assisted Surgery through Pterion Approach;翼点入路神经内镜下鞍区血管显微解剖研究

3.Microanatomy of blood supply of recurrent branch of median nerve and palmar cutaneous branch;正中神经返支和掌皮支血供的显微解剖

4)Microsurgical anatomy显微解剖

1.Clinical microsurgical anatomy study of insula;脑岛的临床显微解剖研究

2.Microsurgical anatomy of variations of posterior portion in arterial circle of Willis;人脑Willis动脉环后循环变异的显微解剖研究

3.Microsurgical anatomy on the design of the far-lateral supracondylar keyhole approach;远外侧枕骨髁上锁孔入路的显微解剖


1.Microdissection of petroclival region in temporal base transpetrosai transtentorial approach;颞底经天幕经岩入路中岩斜区显微解剖的观察及意义

2.Microdissection and Clinical Application of Pterion Approach;翼点入路的显微解剖和临床应用

3.Microdissection study of perineum perforating flap;会阴穿支皮瓣的显微解剖研究初步报告



