100字范文 > 张洎 Zhang Ji英语短句 例句大全

张洎 Zhang Ji英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-23 17:28:31


张洎 Zhang Ji英语短句 例句大全

张洎,Zhang Ji

1)Zhang Ji张洎

1.Looking at the incunabular employment strategy from the Fact thatZhang Ji serves Song Dynasty;由张洎入宋看宋初的用人方略

2)Zhang Ji"s Foreign Ideas论张洎的外交思想

3)Liu Ji刘洎

4)Shuangji River双洎河

1.In this paper, the necessity and possibility of treatingShuangji River with ecological technology are discussed, and a sort of ecological water treatment project which is suitable for poor economic area is designed.研究了采用生态技术治理双洎河污染的必要性与可行性 ,设计出一种适合在我国经济欠发达地区使用的生态处理工程 。


1.Investigation of the Pre-history Agriculture and the Structure of Man s Food in the Shuangji River Basin;双洎河流域史前农业及人类膳食结构之探索

2.The Study on Compatibility of Propofol and Remifentanil for Anesthesia of Induced Abortion;人流麻醉中丙洎酚、瑞芬太尼的配伍研究

3.extragalactic double radio sources and multiple radio sources河外射电双源和多重源

4.An Analysis of Hemingway s Views of Nature in Big Two-Hearted River--On the Narrative Perspective in Big Two-Hearted River;解读《大双心河》中海明威的自然观——兼论《大双心河》中的叙事视角

5.A bright star in the constellation Gemini.双子座β星,北河三在双子星座里的一颗亮星

6.Luohe Shuanghui Bioengineering Technologies Co., Ltd.漯河双汇生物工程技术有限公司

7.A binary star in the constellation Canis Minor.南河三小犬座的一颗双星

8.In a tug-of-war,the competitors pull as hard as they can.在拔河比赛中, 双方队员都拼命地拉.

9.Construction Technology for Large Double Wall Steel Cofferdam in Strong Bore Section强涌潮河段大型双壁钢围堰施工技术

10.Observation and Study on over Contact Binaries in the Galactic Clusters;银河星团中过相接双星的观测与研究

11.A Study on Bilingual Teaching in Nationality School of Shihezi City in Xinjiang;新疆石河子市民族中学双语教学研究

12.Research on the Sedimentary Microfacies of First Oil Group Third Member of Hetaoyuan Formation in Shuanghe Oilfield双河油田核三段Ⅰ油组沉积微相研究

13.Optimization of appropriate well spacing density in Ⅶ-Ⅸ reservoirs of Shuanghe oilfield双河油田Ⅷ-Ⅸ油组合理井网密度优选

14.Application of "1+1" model in Shuanghe Coal Preparation Plant双河煤矿选煤厂“1+1”模式的实践应用

15.Surveillance on TB/HIV Co-infection in Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Cases河北省TB/HIV双重感染监测结果分析

16.Study of Sedimentary Microfacies in Ⅶ Oil-bearing Layer of the Third Member of Shuanghe Oilfield双河油田核三段Ⅶ油组沉积微相研究

17.Study on reservoir features on Eh3 Ⅶ oil group in Shuanghe oilfield双河油田核三段Ⅶ油组储层特征研究

18.Construction survey Control and analysis of the shuanghekou big bridge leading pier双河口特大桥主墩的施工监测与分析


Zhang Ji"s Foreign Ideas论张洎的外交思想

3)Liu Ji刘洎

4)Shuangji River双洎河

1.In this paper, the necessity and possibility of treatingShuangji River with ecological technology are discussed, and a sort of ecological water treatment project which is suitable for poor economic area is designed.研究了采用生态技术治理双洎河污染的必要性与可行性 ,设计出一种适合在我国经济欠发达地区使用的生态处理工程 。

5)The Shuangji River Basin双洎河流域

1.The Shuangji River Basin borders on the Huanghe River and the Huai River Regions.双洎河流域是黄淮接壤地区,史前农业最早可追溯至裴李岗文化时期,经仰韶文化到龙山文化时代,气候的转变给农业生产的发展带来良好契机,使这一带成为我国粟作农业的发源地之一。

6)Wu Zetian and the Death of Liu Ji武则天与刘洎之死


