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马曜 Ma Yao英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-23 05:34:26


马曜 Ma Yao英语短句 例句大全

马曜,Ma Yao

1)Ma Yao马曜

1.Ma Yao"s Ethnic Studies:An Analysis from the Perspective of "Direct Transition"马曜先生的民族研究:以“直接过渡”理论为中心的分析


1.Ma Yao"s Ethnic Studies:An Analysis from the Perspective of "Direct Transition"马曜先生的民族研究:以“直接过渡”理论为中心的分析

2.In1870 Rockefeller"s company was incorporated into the Standard Oil Company. In1882 the Standard Oil Trust established from which Rockefeller controlled almost the whole American oil field and accumulated large wealth.瓿闪⒈曜际?凸?荆

3.expanded or exfoliated obsidian黑曜岩,膨胀或层状的

4.How could the efforts to develop and diffuse interoperability standards and policy relate to existing Standards Development Organizations( SDOs) to ensure maximum coordination and participation?⒖?⒑痛?セゲ僮餍缘谋曜加胝?叩呐?Γ?θ绾斡胂钟斜曜伎?⒆橹

5.volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian.火山岩包括黑曜岩火山玻璃。

6.We have a standard charge of 25 for a thirty - minute session.种拥目问蔽颐鞘杖〉谋曜挤咽

7.On the Sino-characteristics of the Chinese Translated Version of Sutra on Taking Auspices by Celestial Constellations and Bodies;《宿曜经》汉译版本之汉化痕迹考证

8.Explanation of Abstruse Phrases in Sir Zhen Yao’s Epitaph by Han Yu;韩愈《贞曜先生墓志铭》语词训释解难

9.A Study on Obsidian Lithic Use-wear in the East of Jilin Province吉林省东部地区黑曜岩石器微痕研究

10.Macrofungi Resource in the Qiyaoshan Region of the Wuling Mountains武陵山脉七曜山区大型真菌资源调查

11.Bell"s laboratory is a well equipped telecom research center.贝尔实验室是个设备齐全 的曜研究中心.

12.PS3.2 does not specify a testing/ validation procedure to assess an implementation"s conformance to the Standard.唇?拦朗欠裼敫帽曜家恢碌墓δ苣W榈牟庋

13.The physical mechanical performance under the aging condition of 250℃ was superior to the normal formula of fluorubber carbon black.胬匣?跫?挛锢砘?敌阅苡庞诒曜挤?鸾禾亢谂浞健

14.The monk, Yu Yao, was ordered by the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) to supervise the historic project.这个和尚就是北魏文成帝任命的和尚统领昱曜。

15.Upgrade Aura of Blight- Increases the regenerative effect of the Obsidian Statue"s hit point regeneration.升级枯萎光环-增加黑曜石雕像的生命恢复的效果.

16.To break or chip(stone)with sharp blows, as in shaping flint or obsidian into tools.敲碎用重击来撞碎或凿碎(石头),如把燧石或黑曜岩石制成工具

17.These things pay off-good taste, a high standard of ethics, an attitude of public responsibility and low pressure.⒏哐诺钠肺叮?绺叩牡赖卤曜迹?蛏缁岽笾诟涸鸺安皇┭沽ν?驳奶?

18.We participated in constituting the national standard of check and accept for food packaging machine in.瓴渭庸?壹际跫喽骄忠禾迨称钒?吧璞秆槭展娣豆?冶曜贾贫ā


Liu Yao刘曜

1.In fact,Liu Yao,the Hun monarch of Former Zhao in the Sixteen Kingdoms Period,whom Cui Yue protected in Western Jin,conferred posthumously the title.实际情况是:西晋时崔岳为朝鲜令,庇护匈奴刘曜而被追赠为前赵“大司徒”,由于十六国北朝时期匈奴与汉民族矛盾尖锐,在当时正统观念支配下,崔氏墓志及《十六国春秋》无不避讳此事。

3)"altered glaze"曜变

4)Wei Yao韦曜

5)Zhuang Yao庄曜

1.Zhuang Yao in the years of 1993 and 1997 separately, as its main topic.本文选择庄曜先生在20世纪90年代所作的两首古筝曲——《山的遐想》和《箜篌引》,对其创作背景、创作意图、创作手法和创作特色做分析和解读,并总结演奏经验,以指导实践中,在尊重作品的基础上,充分挖掘演奏者的二度创造能力,更好地演绎这两首乐曲。

6)YUAN Qian-yao源乾曜


