100字范文 > 电锅炉节能 energy-saving for electric boiler英语短句 例句大全

电锅炉节能 energy-saving for electric boiler英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-13 21:24:56


电锅炉节能 energy-saving for electric boiler英语短句 例句大全

电锅炉节能,energy-saving for electric boiler

1)energy-saving for electric boiler电锅炉节能


1.Electric boilers energy saving retrofit cases of Beijing Institute of Technology北京理工大学电锅炉节能改造实例分析

2.Application of changing steam boiler into water boiler蒸汽发电用锅炉改为热水锅炉的节能分析

3.electric boiler feed regulator电热锅炉给水调节器

prehensive energy-saving and consumption-reducing management for 1160 t/h boiler of Huaneng Yueyang Power Plant华能岳阳电厂1160t/h锅炉节能降耗综合治理

5.ResearcResearch on Energy-Saving of Fans and Nitrogen Oxides Emission Reduction in Thermal Power Boiler火电锅炉风机节能及氮氧化物减排研究

6.Advanced Application and Progress on Power Station Boiler Ignition Technology in China中国电站锅炉节能点火技术的应用与发展

7.The Application of Frequency Conversion Technology into Electromechanical Integration and Energy-saving System of the Boiler变频技术在锅炉机电一体化节能系统中的应用

8.Application of Direct Evaporative Cooling Technology in Energy-saving of Boiler System of Thermal Power Plant;直接蒸发冷却技术在燃煤电厂锅炉系统节能中的应用

9.The Research and Practice of Energy-saving Modification on Primary Fan of Zhang Jiakou Power Plant 300MW Unit Boiler;张家口发电厂300MW锅炉一次风机节能改造研究与实践

10.The Study of Performance Management about the Boiler Department of Guodian Liaoning Energy Conservation & Environmental Protection Development Co.,LTD.;国电辽宁节能环保开发有限公司锅炉分场绩效管理研究

11.The Case Study on the Application of Heat-storage Electri Boiler System in Engineering of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction蓄热式电热锅炉系统在节能减排工程中的应用案例分析

12.Design of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers of Waste Incineration浅谈节能型循环流化床垃圾焚烧发电锅炉的设计

13.Optimization of Primary Air System of Boiler to Reduce Power Consumption降低锅炉一次风系统电耗的优化调节

14.Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of industrial boilersGB/T15317-1994工业锅炉节能监测方法

15.BD-type boilers, smoke candles- agent, a catalyst, additive manufacturing.BD型锅炉除烟垢节能剂、化剂、加剂制造。

16.Intelligent Regulating Research of Water Lever System in the Industry Boiler;工业锅炉汽包水位系统智能调节研究

17.Research on Energy Saving of Fan and Pump at 420t/h Boiler;420t/h锅炉风机、水泵节能研究

18.Energy-conserving Technology and Application of Gas Boiler Room;燃气供热锅炉房节能系统技术及应用


Energy-conservation of boilers锅炉节能

3)power economized boiler节能锅炉

4)the boiler of energy-saving节能型锅炉

5)Energy saving in e1ectric furnacd电炉节能

6)radiant energy of power plant boiler电站锅炉辐射能


