100字范文 > 审计质量需求 Demand of Audit Quality英语短句 例句大全

审计质量需求 Demand of Audit Quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-25 03:47:32


审计质量需求 Demand of Audit Quality英语短句 例句大全

审计质量需求,Demand of Audit Quality

1)Demand of Audit Quality审计质量需求


1.Auditing Market in China and Auditor s Selection: A case analysis;我国审计市场制度安排与审计质量需求——中天勤客户流向的案例分析

2.Institutional Environment, Government Control and Demand of Audit Quality治理环境、政府控制和高质量审计需求

3.Study on Foreign Research about Auditor Quality:The Impact of Demand and Supply;国外审计质量研究思考:需求方和供给方影响

4.Summary Research on Stock Rights Agency and Audit Demand of High Quality;股权代理问题与高质量审计需求研究综述

5.A Study on the CPA Practice Environment and Audit Quality--From a Supply-and-Demand Perspective;注册会计师执业环境与审计质量问题研究——供给与需求的视角

6.The Analysis about Request for International and Quality Charancteristic of Enviromental Accounting;环境会计信息需求及其质量特征分析

7.Auditing risks and auditing quality confroted by auditing organizations;社会审计组织的审计风险与审计质量

8.Quality Improvement Design under Fuzzy User Needs for Reusable Products模糊用户需求约束下再使用产品质量改进设计

9.Interest Conflict,Demand for Auditing and Auditors Status Thoughts on the Supervisory System and Recuriting System of CPA;利益冲突、审计需求与审计师力量——对CPA行业监管制度与聘用机制的思考

10.Requirements of China s Auditing Talents and Its Modes of Cultivation in Colleges and Universities;论我国审计人才需求和高校审计人才培养模式

11.An Analysis to the Relationship Between Insufficient Effective Demand of Audit in Aecurities Market And Audit Failure;证券市场审计有效需求不足与审计失败的分析

ply SAS70 Auditing Requirements with ISO 27001 Framework;以ISO27001为基础整合实现SAS70审计需求

13.To Analyse on Demand of Fair Value Auditing for Internal Control;公允价值审计对内部控制的需求分析

14.Ownership Structure,Agency Cost and External Auditing Demand;股权结构 代理成本与外部审计需求

15.Develop internal quality audit procedures制定内部质量审计程序

16.post-audit quality review审计工作质量事后检验

17.quality of audit work and report审计工作与审计报告质量

18.An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Audit Tenure and Audit Quality;审计任期与审计质量关系的实证研究


the need for high-quality auditing高质量审计需求

3)local supplies of auditing services本地审计需求量

4)Audit Demand审计需求

1.Characteristics of Board of Directors,Audit Demand and Expense——Based on Research for China’ s A Stock Listed Company from 2001 to ;董事会特征、审计需求与审计费用——基于我国A股上市公司2001年至的研究

2.We use ownership structure as a proxy for company s agency cost to do an empirical analysis on the relationship between ownership structure and external auditors from audit demand and supply perspectives on the base of A-Share listed companies’ data from 2002 to .本文选取所有权结构作为公司代理成本的衡量指标,以我国A股上市公司2002-的相关数据为基础,从审计需求和审计供给两个方面对所有权结构与外部审计之间的关系进行了实证分析。

3.The literature research method is mainly adopted in this paper, first, main study with foreign researchers about CSRA was summarized from the aspects of corporate social responsibility audit demand, audit subject, audit content, audit standard and the relationship between CSRA and financial performance, positively evaluate the intrinsic value of CSRA.本文采用文献研究法从企业社会责任审计需求、审计主体、审计内容、审计标准、与财务绩效的相关性等方面对国外学者的主要研究进行了综述和评价,积极肯定了企业社会责任审计活动的内在价值,并提出了在我国需科学确定企业社会责任审计理论的研究框架,逐步确立推行企业社会责任审计实务的方法和策略,增强企业公共政策的制定意识,强化对企业社会责任审计的内在需求等启示和建议。

5)Quality Program Requirement质量计划需求

6)quality demand质量需求

1.This article discusses thequality demand and technical requirement to be noticed during residential development and construction through introducing the practical application of QFD in residential product.文章通过介绍质量机能展开(QFD)在住宅产品中的实例应用,探讨了住宅开发建设中需要关注的质量需求和技术需求。

2.Meanwhile,as the higher education has begun to transfer from "opportunity demand" to "quality demand",the students job-hunting pressures and the development of independent colleges are impacting the development space of private universities.同时,高等教育需求由“机会需求”向“质量需求”的转变、民办院校毕业生面临的就业压力,以及独立学院的发展,正在压缩民办高校的发展空间。

3.This article main introduce function demand andquality demand of Universal Full-text Searching System, and then Pointing out the meaning of developing a Universal Full-text Searching System.该文主要介绍了全文检索系统的功能需求和质量需求,然后指出了通用全文检索系统开发的现实意义。


