100字范文 > 温升特性 temperature rise characteristic英语短句 例句大全

温升特性 temperature rise characteristic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-14 07:29:21


温升特性 temperature rise characteristic英语短句 例句大全

温升特性,temperature rise characteristic

1)temperature rise characteristic温升特性

1.The classification of transformer insulating system, the technical performance of high temperature solid insulating material and high temperature liquid insulating material, thetemperature rise characteristic of this kind of transformer, and the key problems in design, production and operation combined with the IEC standard are also intr.文中结合IEC标准介绍了这类变压器绝缘系统的分类、高温固体绝缘材料与高温液体绝缘材料的技术性能、温升特性及其在设计制造和运行中关键的问题,并对其在我国的应用前景进行了展望。


1.Studies on the characteristics of fire plume temperature in Tibet西藏高原地区浮力羽流温升特性研究

2.Analysis of temperature rise of beam estimation system in HT-7 diagnostic neutral beamHT-7诊断中性束评价系统温升特性分析

3.Research on temperature rise characteristics of hydrogen peroxide in the process of self decomposition过氧化氢水溶液在自分解过程中的温升特性

4.Special device to ensure material low tempeture, the low temperature can guarantee the material and manufacturing process stable.特点:1.独特控温机构,生产过程物料不升温、变性,确保工艺稳定。

5.Lubrication Oil s Specific Viscosity and Temperature Property of Reduction Device of Main Well Hoist in Xinghua Mine;浅析杏花矿主井提升机减速机润滑油粘—温特性

6.Kinetic analysis and pyrolysis characteristics of coconut shells at different heating rates升温速率对椰壳热解特性的影响及动力学分析

7.Microwave-absorbing characteristics and temperature rising behavior of fused zirconia in microwave field电熔氧化锆在微波场中的吸波特性和升温行为

8.Numerical Simulation of Temperature Rising Characteristic during Coal-containing Chromite Fines Volume Reduction by Microwave Heating;含碳铬铁矿粉微波加热体还原升温特性数值模拟

9.Photosynthetic Characteristic of the Dominant Plants in Subalpine Treeline Compound Community and the Response to Simulated Temperature;亚高山林线复合群落优势植物的光合特性以及对模拟升温的响应

10.Temperature Rise and Moisture in Traction Transformer and Insulation Condition Prediction;牵引变压器温升与微水扩散特性的研究及其状态预测

11.Effects of simulated soil warming on the growth and physiological characters of Deyeuxia angustifolia模拟土壤温度升高对湿草甸小叶章生长及生理特性的影响

12.Influence of heating rate and water contents on sawdust pyrolysis process and characteristic升温速率和水分含量对木屑热解过程和特性的影响

13.Study of rising liquid film on surface of horizontal metallic mesh tube--characteristics effected by temperature field水平管外套丝网壁面液体升膜的研究——温度场对其流动特性的影响

14.Thermostability and Temperature Rise Limit of UHV Dry-Type Smoothing Reactor with Air-Core特高压干式空心平波电抗器的耐热性能与温升限值

15.Fever (or pyrexia): Abnormally high body temperature or a disease characterized by it.发热:异常升高的体温,或以异常升高的体温为特征的疾病。

16.Distribution characteristic of remaining coal oxygen consumption and spontaneous combustion heating-up in goaf自燃采空区耗氧-升温的区域分布特征

17.rising volt-ampere characteristic(电源的) 上升伏安特性

18.Research on Operation Heat Accumulation and Spray Cooling Feasibility in Chongming Tunnel;崇明隧道运营累积温升及喷雾降温可行性研究


characteristics of temperature rising升温特性

3)dynamic temperature rise动态温升特性

1.Finite element analysis and experimental research fordynamic temperature rises of solid tire materials;实心轮胎材料动态温升特性有限元分析与试验

4)characteristic of temperature"s variety升温和降温变化特性

5)temperature rising capability升温性能

6)linear change of system temperature线性升温

1.The key of the experiment is to control thelinear change of system temperatures at a certain pace and to get the accurate difference of temperatures.介绍了一种用于差热分析实验的温度及温差自动监控系统的组成、功能及其软硬件实现;该实验方法的关键就是选择一个适宜的速度保证线性升温或降温,以准确检测温度差,精度要求高;该系统采用集散控制结构,一台微机连接8台智能温控仪,分别控制一套差热分析仪;用微机完成给定曲线、模糊PID参数自整定,温控仪自带的PID控制器实现控制;配套开发了一套功能强大、操作简便、可视化很强的监控软件;实验系统的投入使用结果说明了本系统具有优异的性能,达到了设计标准。


正温度系数热敏陶瓷阻-温特性曲线分子式:CAS号:性质:描述正温度系数热敏陶瓷电阻率与温度关系的曲线。钛酸钡基PTC热敏陶瓷阻-温特性曲线。电阻率随着温度的升高,先是降低,当达到某一值Tmin时,曲线出现极值,经过极值后电阻率随温度升高而急剧上升,此时对应的温度Tb称为开关温度。电阻率随温度上升达到最大值时所对应的温度为Tm。经过Tm后,阻温特性曲线发生弯曲,电阻率开始逐步降低,此时对应的温度为Tp。温度处于Tb至Tm之间时,热敏陶瓷呈现正温度系数(PTC)特性。其电阻温度系数αT= ,式中Rb,Rp为Tb,Tp温度下的相应零功率电阻值。αT大于10%/℃,为开关型热敏陶瓷电阻器。αT小于10%/℃,为缓变型热敏陶瓷电阻器。
