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加载试验台 loading test bench英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-03 16:32:28


加载试验台 loading test bench英语短句 例句大全

加载试验台,loading test bench

1)loading test bench加载试验台

1.With the rapid development of science and technology, different new materials and motive power elements are developed, experiment studies must be done under the condition of approaching real operating circumstances before they become mature products and are put into markets, all of those should be completed onloading test bench with high quality.随着科学技术的发展,各种新材料和新型动力元件不断被研制出来,它们在成为成熟的产品投放市场之前,都需要在接近实际运行的条件下进行大量的试验研究,因而研制相应的加载试验台非常必要。


1.Research on the Key Technology for Transmission Loading Test Bed of Vehicles;汽车变速器加载试验台关键技术研究

2.The Research on the Control System of Electro-hydraulic Servo Fatigue Loading Machine电液伺服疲劳加载试验台控制系统研究

3.Sine Wave Replication Control Method on Hydro-pneumatic Suspension Force Loading System油气悬架加载试验台正弦波复现控制方法

4.Robustness Compensation Control on Servo Loading System Based on Secondary Regulation基于二次调节伺服加载试验台的鲁棒补偿控制

5.Application of ACS800 Frequency Converter in the Control System of Drive Load Test BenchACS800变频器在加载试验台控制系统中的应用

6.Transmission Loading Test Bench Based on AC Speed Regulation基于交流调速技术的变速器加载试验台

7.The Optimal Design of the Hydraulics Loader of Ship Gearbox Test-bed;船用齿轮箱测试试验台加载器优化设计

8.The different loading sete for four-square power cycling gear-box test stand are described in this paper.介绍了功率封闭齿轮箱试验台的各种加载机构。

9.Select ion of Different Loading Mechanisms for Four-Square Power Cycling Gear-Box Test Stand功率封闭齿轮箱试验台加载机构的选择

10.Design and Research on Simulation Loading System for the Rig of CVT;无级变速器试验台模拟加载系统的设计与研究

11.Analog Loading Technology of the Electrical Power Closed Tester of Mechanical Drive;电封闭机械传动试验台模拟加载技术的研究

12.The Design of the load Cylinder Testing rig for Large Rolling Mill Hydraulic AGC Servo Cylinder;大型轧机液压AGC伺服油缸试验台加载缸设计

13.Reliability Analysis of Loading Fly Wheel on Inertia Test Bed for Brake制动器惯性试验台加载飞轮的可靠性分析

14.Design of Hydraulic Loading System for a Composite Test Stand of Full Face TBM全断面掘进机综合试验台加载液压系统设计

15.The Modal Analysis of Hydraulic Loader of Speed Reducer Gear Clsoed-end Platform齿轮减速器封闭式试验台液压加载器模态分析

16.Study on the Hydraulic Servo Loading System of the Bogie Stiffness Test-bed of Railway Vehicle;轨道车辆转向架刚度试验台液压伺服加载系统研究

17.Development of Combined Hydraulic Loading System and Monitoring System of Shield Tunneling Experimental Platform盾构掘进试验平台组合式液压加载系统及监控系统研制

18.Research on Hydraulic Loading System of Simulator Test Rig for Large Subsided Shield Tunneling Machine大型下沉式盾构模拟试验平台液压加载系统的研制


hydraulic pressure control test-bed液压加载控制试验台

1.The system includes box-type rack installation,load-change plate with flat jacks,andhydraulic pressure control test-bed.根据地质力学模型试验的特点,研制出一种新型岩土地质力学模型试验系统,该系统主要由盒式台架装置、带扁千斤顶的变荷加载板、液压加载控制试验台组成。

3)dynamic electronic-load test bench动态电加载试验台

4)loading test加载试验

1.For optimize maintenance quality and test method,coal mine motor CATloading test apparatus is designed by hydraulic viscous driving technique and computer data acquiring-processing system.随着煤矿生产规模的迅速发展,采煤机与掘进机的功率不断增大,为完善维修质量和检验手段,应用液体粘性传动技术和计算机数据自动采集与处理系统研制了煤矿电机CAT加载试验台,并介绍了该试验台设计的结构和性能特点。

2.Introduced a new implementing method for Loading cutting part with high power of shearer,and expound working theory ofloading test,main components and main technical feature.介绍了采煤机大功率截割部加载试验的一种新的实现方法,同时阐述了加载试验的工作原理、主要组成部分和主要技术特点。

3.Through theloading test to the model,the stressing characteristics,failure process,feature,and the limit load of the bearing platform are analyzed to check the reasonable,safe and economic characteristics of using the space truss theory to design the underpinned structure.通过对模型的加载试验,分析承台的受力特征、破坏过程、形态及其极限荷载,来验证用空间桁架理论设计托换结构的合理、安全和经济的特性。

5)load test加载试验

1.The application of cast-in-site continuous box beam bracket in soft soil foundation reinforcement andload test;连续箱梁现浇支架软土地基加固及加载试验

2.Introduces the basic structure,working principle,trait,load method and control,testing data gathering,export and display of shearer draw part direct current power return toload test bed.介绍采煤机牵引部直流电力回馈加载试验台的组成、工作原理及特点,加载方法和控制,测试数据的采集、输出及显示。

3.In order to increase the rigidity of GRP,this paper proposes the method of adding strengthened reinforcing steel bar,carries outload test on GRP I-beam added with strengthened reinforcing steel bar,and shows by the test that its elastic modulus has been improved.为提高玻璃钢的刚度,提出了采用添加增强钢筋的方法,并对添加了增强钢筋的玻璃钢工字梁进行了加载试验,试验表明,有增强钢筋的玻璃钢工字梁其弹性模量得到了提高。

6)loading experiment加载试验

1.Theloading experiment system to moving machine with high velocity is described in this article.本文描述了针对高速运动机构的加载试验系统,介绍了不同的加载方式的特点,描述了采用气动加载的原理,误差分析以及最终实现的系统。


