100字范文 > 课件资源建设 courseware resources building英语短句 例句大全

课件资源建设 courseware resources building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-13 20:47:43


课件资源建设 courseware resources building英语短句 例句大全

课件资源建设,courseware resources building

1)courseware resources building课件资源建设


1.Nonlinear edit system design of audio-visual teaching resource construction for digital rural distance education数字化农村远程教育声像教学课件资源建设非线性编辑系统设计

2.Courseware for distance education resources in rural areas the overall requirements and standards research农村远程教育课件资源建设总体要求及标准规范研究

3.The Construction of Courseware Material Resources Storehouse of Campus Network of Primary Middle Schools;中小学校园网课件素材资源库的建设

4.Construction and Practice of Multi-medium Teaching Resources in the Modern Distance Education--the Development and Application of《Higher Mathematics(1)》 Multi-medium Courseware;多媒体教学资源建设实践——《高等数学(上册)》多媒体课件的开发与应用

5.Research and Application of a SCORM Based Multimedia Courseware Resources Libraries Management System for High Vocational EducationSCORM标准在高职高专多媒体课件资源库建设中的应用研究

6.Develope Teaching Resources for the Microcomputer Interface Technology微机接口技术课程教学资源建设尝试

7.Evaluation and Construction of Internet Teaching Resources of Exquisite Course;精品课程网络教学资源的建设与评价

8.On the Development and Share of Course Teaching Information Resources in Colleges and Universities;论高校课程教学信息资源建设与共享

9.The problems and strategies on the construction of curriculum resources of teacher education;教师教育课程资源建设的问题与策略

10.Developing Online Teaching Resources for the UNIX Operating System Course;UNIX操作系统课程网络教学资源库建设

11.On the Construction of Discipline Teaching Resources by Means of "Creative Teaching";“创新教学”课程教学资源建设之我见

12.Study of Middle School Library in Participation of New Course Construction;中学图书馆参与新课程资源建设探究

13.The Construction and Exploration of Java Course Network ResourceJava课程网络资源的建设与探索

14.The Construction and Application of Network Curriculum Resources on the Moodle基于Moodle的网络课程资源建设与应用

15.Study on Digitalized Teaching Resource Construction of Excellent Course精品课程数字化教学资源建设的思考

16.Some Thoughts about the Construction of Distance Education Course Resources in China-Inspiration from MIT OCW;对我国远程教育课程资源建设的若干思考——来自麻省理工学院开放课件项目的启示

17.Construction and results of teaching resource in the development of botany exquisite courses;植物学精品课程建设中的教学资源建设与成效

18.Information resource theory and informationresource construction on the condition of network;网络条件下的信息资源观与信息资源组织建设


curriculum resources construction课程资源建设

1.This article holds that the current distance educationcurriculum resources construction that exist four aspect questions: 1) The aspect of consciousness: attention to the hardware and neglect of software,attention to the production and neglect of quality,attention to the possession and neglect of application.目前远程教育课程资源建设中存在四个方面的问题:一是观念意识方面存在着重硬件轻软件、重制作轻质量和重拥有轻应用的问题;二是体制方面存在着质量评价与审核体制不完善和自成系统、条块分割的问题;三是建设结构方面存在着资源异构,与实践脱节的问题;四是课程设置和制作方面缺乏开放性、适应性、广泛性和创新意识,等等。

3)Courseware resources课件资源

1.This article discusses the ways and methods of getting theCourseware resources from Internet, and expounds its principles and techniques.探讨了因特网上课件资源获取的方法和途径 ,并着重讨论了因特网上课件资源的获取原则和检索技巧。

4)the development of courseware课件建设

5)quality curriculum resource construction优质课程资源建设

6)the Construction of School-based Curriculum resources校本课程资源建设


