100字范文 > 中西合璧 combination of Chinese and Western culture英语短句 例句大全

中西合璧 combination of Chinese and Western culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-27 00:11:00


中西合璧 combination of Chinese and Western culture英语短句 例句大全

中西合璧,combination of Chinese and Western culture

1)combination of Chinese and Western culture中西合璧

1.The importance ofcombination of Chinese and Western culture for sustainable development was reviewed withal.本文探讨中药、古亭、欧拉,看似毫无联系的三件事(人)中包含的东方"天人合一"思想和西方技术理性方法,论述"中西合璧"对建筑业可持续发展及人类居住环境改善的重要性。


1.Analysis of the Fusion of Chinese and Western Architectures in Traditional Wuxi Blocks;无锡传统街区中西合璧建筑细部分析

2.A Beautiful Daughter of Chinese and Western Art--On the Color in Wen Yiduo s Poems;中西合璧的宁馨儿——闻一多诗歌色彩论

3.This kind of furniture is made of imported materials with comBination of Chinese and Western styles, high in quality and low in price.这种家具用进口原料制成,中西合璧,价廉物美。

4.Our office furniture, made By drawing on the merits of Both Chinese and Western styles and By Bold innovation, leads the new trend.本店办公家具,中西合璧,大胆创新,领导新潮流。

5.A Combination of Chinese and Western Arts--On "Line Drawing Modeling" Course Content Establishment;中西合璧——关于《线描造型》课程内容设置的思考

6.The Characteristic of The Sixth Symphony Composed by Zhu Jian’er;多元交融中西合璧——朱践耳《第六交响曲》艺术特色

bination of Sci-tech Novelty Retrieval and Subject Librarian中西合璧——论科技查新与学科馆员工作的有机结合

8.An Interpretation of Translator s Subjectivity in the Six Chapters of a Floating Life Translated by Lin Yu-tang;中西合璧 殊途同归——试析林语堂英译《浮生六记》中的译者主体性

9.The Beauty of Combining Chinese and Western Features--Comparing the Chinese Costume of Ming Dynasty and European Costume of Renaissance;中西合璧之美——中国明代与欧洲文艺复兴时期服饰比较

10.A Holy Woman,the combination of Chinese and Western cultures--Character analysis of Terrisa in Typical American;中西合璧的“圣女”——《典型的美国佬》中特蕾萨的性格分析

11.A Master of Chinese, English and Translation Studies--On Professor Pan Wenguo s Translation Theory and Practice;中西合璧 后来居上——潘文国教授翻译理论与实践研究

12.The Resolution of "The East and West Combined Style" of the Buildings in Wuxi in 1920s-1930s;无锡地区20世纪二三十年代“中西合璧”建筑特征的解析

13.“Good Child”with a Good Combination of Chinese and Western Elements--Starting with the follow-up Influence of Wen Yiduo’s Metrical Poems;中西合璧的“宁馨儿”——从闻一多格律诗的后续影响谈起

14.Intepreting a Modern Architecture Mingling East-West Style--Tianchang Library解读近代中西合璧式建筑——以天长市图书馆楼为例

15.Constructed in 1934, the Beis" Residence reflects the trends of that time in China: an unhesitating mixture of western modernity and Chinese tradition.贝宅建于1934年,它的设计风格很能体现当时国内的建筑设计流行理念:中西合璧。

16.Many of the European-style buildings used to be home to many famous figures.浓缩近代历史文化的名人故居;具有典型欧式风格的各国建筑,形成了在中西合璧的特色。

17.This sort of sympathy was harder to take than reproach or ridicule.As soon as the guest was out of earshot, Hung-chien ground his teeth and let out a bilingual curse: "Go to hell, your mother"s eggs"这种同情比笑骂还难受,客人一转背,鸿渐咬牙来个中西合璧的咒骂:“To Hell滚你妈的蛋

18.Echos from the Three Gorges Revirberating Forever──The Geographic Characteristics of the Traditional Inhabit Region and Dwellings in San-xia Inundated Area中西合璧峡谷回音生生不息──论三峡工程淹没区传统聚落与民居的地域性特征


Western and Chinese Integrated西中合璧

3)the combination of Chinese and Western forms中西合璧式

4)combining style between Chinese and western architecture中西合璧风格

5)the Chinese and Western-style residence中西合璧式民居

6)architectural pattern of blended Sino-Western cultures中西合璧建筑式样


