100字范文 > 会聚波 convergent shock wave英语短句 例句大全

会聚波 convergent shock wave英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-11 21:24:29


会聚波 convergent shock wave英语短句 例句大全

会聚波,convergent shock wave

1)convergent shock wave会聚波

1.Numerical simulation of instability of two-dimensionalconvergent shock wave propagating in gas二维会聚波在气体内传播不稳定性的数值模拟


1.Numerical simulation of instability of two-dimensional convergent shock wave propagating in gas二维会聚波在气体内传播不稳定性的数值模拟

2.The Study of In-line Digital Holography by Convergent Spherical Wave;会聚球面波照明下的同轴数字全息研究

3.Rearch on Nanjing City Social EconomicAggregation and Industrial Wave;南京城市社会经济聚集与产业波的研究

4.West Wind tore into the waves and its paddles strained as darkness fell over the impartial sea.“西风”冲进波涛,划手们聚精会神,无情的大海上夜幕已经垂下。

5.As the wave falls, the arc creates an impromptu seating area for the interior Event Space.拱门波浪板放下后,形成临时座位区,可当室内聚会场所。

6.a reunion dinner, celebration重聚宴会、 庆祝会.

7.Study on Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Polymer from Rosin and Chitosan;松香—壳聚糖基聚合物的微波合成研究

8.Handoff Procedure Analysis of LTE-A System with Multi-carriers AggregationLTE-A载波聚合下的载波切换分析

9.Research on near field focus beam-forming and beam null-forming近场声聚焦波束形成与波束零陷研究

10.Stock price forecasting model based on wave principle and clustering energy values of wavelet pocket;基于波浪理论和聚类小波包的股价波动预测

11.A raucous party or gathering.欢会喧闹的晚会或聚会

12.All shapes, breed and sizes of dogs converged on Bogota, Colombia Sunday for a special fundraising marathon.周日,各种外形,种类和大小的狗会聚在哥伦比亚的波哥大来参加一场别开生面的马拉松比赛.。

13.Fighting gravitational clumping would take a wavelength of a few dozen light-years.为了对抗重力造成的聚集,这些粒子的波长可能会长达好几十光年的距离。

14.Don"t deny there"s nothing between you;I saw you making eyes at my husband at the party last night!别否认你们之间不是毫无瓜葛,在昨晚的聚会上我看到你向我丈夫暗送秋波!

15.Practical reasons for wanting focus a diverging wave to a point will become evident as we proceed.至于想抱一个发散波聚焦到一个点的实际原因,我们讨论下去就会很明白。

16.Maybe Lillian will be at the reunion.或许Lillian也会参加聚会。

17.Will Tony go to the party on time?托尼会准时参加聚会吗?

18.Will Tony come to the birthday party?托尼会来生日聚会吗?


converging spherical wave会聚球面波

1.Intensity distribution ofconverging spherical waves passing through an annular aperture;会聚球面波通过环形光阑的光强分布

3)dynamic convergence waveform动态会聚波形

4)semiangle of beam convergence波束半会聚角

5)Twin grating focus beam splitterP双光栅会聚光波导透镜


1.Optical Spot and Convergence Measurements: Instrumentation and Technical Requirement;光点与会聚测试系统的设备需求与配置

2.How to write software for adjustingconvergence of projection television automaticly;如何设计背投电视自动会聚调整的软件

3.Objective To determine whether theconvergences of tactile information also occur at thalamic ventroposterolateral nucleus in rats,we investigated the properties of tactile responses of the thalamic ventroposterolateral nucleus in rats.目的为确定大鼠丘脑腹后外侧核是否也发生触觉信息的会聚,本文研究了大鼠丘脑腹后外侧核神经元触觉反应的特性。


