100字范文 > 钢琴演奏技能 Piano Recital skills英语短句 例句大全

钢琴演奏技能 Piano Recital skills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-12 09:26:44


钢琴演奏技能 Piano Recital skills英语短句 例句大全

钢琴演奏技能,Piano Recital skills

1)Piano Recital skills钢琴演奏技能

2)piano performance skills钢琴演奏技巧

1.Coupled with music principl, Using many-facet teaching means to cultivate music-expressing ability andpiano performance skills, The students will be largel enriched and increased in music quality and professional level.应采用多元化的教学手段,将音乐基本理论、音乐表现力培养以及钢琴演奏技巧等多方面结合起来,从而使学生在音乐素质专业方面得到充实全面的提高。


1.Years later, he recorded a song that showed how well he could play the piano.多年后,他录制了一首歌,表现出他精湛的钢琴演奏技巧,

2.On the Humanistic Quality, Music Feeling and Playing Skills in Piano Playing;论钢琴演奏中的人文素养、乐感与演奏技巧

3.The pianist has excellent execution.钢琴家有高超的演奏技巧。

4.Plays the piano with exquisite technique.用完美无缺的技巧演奏钢琴

5.The Important Function in Musical Performance of Left Hand Technique;谈左手技巧在钢琴演奏中的重要作用

6.an artful performance on the violin技巧娴熟的小提琴演奏

7.An Analysis of the Double Orientation Change Relationship between Piano Materials and Its Performance Skill;钢琴材料与其演奏技巧双向变化的关系分析

8.A View on the Development of the Piano Manufacturing Technology Effect on the Piano Creation and Its Performing Skill论钢琴制造工艺的发展对钢琴音乐创作及演奏技巧的影响

9.performance by or technique of a pianist.钢琴家的演出或技巧。

10.On Elastic Below Staccato and Bounced Staccato Skill of Piano Performance钢琴断奏技巧中的反弹力断奏和下弹力断奏

11.On the Dialectical Relationship Between Skill and Art, and Its Application in Piano Teaching;论技巧与艺术的辨证关系及在钢琴演奏教学中的运用

12.On The Style Characters of J. S. Bach s Three Piano Suites As Well As Their Technique of Performance;论巴赫三套世俗性钢琴组曲的风格特征及演奏技巧

13.The Ability Training of the Students’ Heavily Playing Viola in High Vocational Teaching;如何培养学生中提琴在重奏中的演奏能力——兼谈中提琴演奏技巧

14.One who plays the piano.钢琴家,钢琴演奏者

15.His cello technique is unique.他的大提琴 (演奏) 技巧是独一无二的。

16.On the Basic Skills of Using Bow by Right Hand in Violin Performance谈小提琴演奏中右手运弓的基本技巧

17.player piano自动(演奏的)钢琴

18.Performing Skills of Accordion Solo Playing My Treasured Local Pipa;手风琴独奏曲《弹起我心爱的土琵琶》演奏技巧


piano performance skills钢琴演奏技巧

1.Coupled with music principl, Using many-facet teaching means to cultivate music-expressing ability andpiano performance skills, The students will be largel enriched and increased in music quality and professional level.应采用多元化的教学手段,将音乐基本理论、音乐表现力培养以及钢琴演奏技巧等多方面结合起来,从而使学生在音乐素质专业方面得到充实全面的提高。

3)piano-playing technique钢琴演奏技术

1.The correct and scientificpiano-playing technique is very important to the enormous piano educational system in our country.钢琴演奏技术的正确性与科学性对我国庞大的钢琴教育体系非常重要,现存的多种钢琴演奏技术理论使钢琴教育形式纷繁而无所适从,各个理论体系之间的争执也未停止过,其原因之一就是这些理论缺乏从人体生理角度考虑的科学依据。

4)piano playing钢琴演奏

1.On the unity of feeling and reason inpiano playing;论钢琴演奏情和理的统一

2.Concentration comes from Consciousness——on mental adjustment inpiano playing;用志不分 乃凝于神——谈学生在钢琴演奏中的心理调节

3.The strength,flexibility,vilocity of the fingers and the protean piano fingering are the base ofpiano playing,hence,fingering training is extremely emphasized in piano teaching.十个手指的力度、灵敏度、速度及千变万化的触健方式,是钢琴演奏之基础。

5)piano performance钢琴演奏

1.This time the silent victory has the sound——Discusses the silent practice ofpiano performance;此时无声胜有声——刍议钢琴演奏的无声练习

2.Relationship between music and skill inpiano performance;钢琴演奏中音乐和技术的关系

3.The Combination of a Genius and a “Devil”, the Consolidation of Techniques and Arts——Liszt’spiano performance and artistic characteristics;天才同“魔鬼”的结合 技巧与艺术的统一——李斯特的钢琴演奏与艺术特色





