100字范文 > REA会计模式 REA accounting model英语短句 例句大全

REA会计模式 REA accounting model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-10 10:50:36


REA会计模式 REA accounting model英语短句 例句大全

REA会计模式,REA accounting model

1)REA accounting modelREA会计模式

2)REA(Resource-Event-Agent) ModelREA(Resource-Event-Agent)会计模型

3)REA modelREA模型

1.TheREA model is a new data one,when developing accounting information system,which is generally regarded as a milestone.REA模型是会计信息系统开发时的一种新数据模型,理论界普遍认为它是“新旧”会计信息系统的分水岭。

2.Finally based on the analysis of the framework and merits of theREA model,the author concludes that theREA model will be more suitable for the future business development,and should be the fundamental mode of the accounting information system.在此基础之上对BEA模型的基本框架、优点进行了研究,结果表明:REA模型适应未来经济发展的需要,是会计信息系统的发展地基本模式。

3.The accounting information system of GRP is based on events approach accounting theory andREA model.本文所研究的GRP中的会计信息系统,是建立在事项会计理论和REA模型基础上的,面向业务过程的现代会计信息系统。


1.The Construction for Accounting Information System of the GRP Based on REA;应用REA模型构建GRP中的会计信息系统

2.The Design for Alignment of Accounting Information System Planning and Business Planning Based on REA;基于REA的会计信息系统规划与公司规划匹配设计

3.Being, serving as, or used as a model.模型的模型的,作为模型的,用作模型的

4.Implementation Model versus Mental Model实现模型与心理模型

5.Implementation Models and Mental Models实现模型和心理模型

6.To make or construct a model of.做模型做或建造…的模型

7.To make a model.做模型制做一个模型

8.cartographic mode地图模型,制图模型

9.This model may be classified as either an optimizing model or simulation model.这个模型可分为最佳化模型或模拟模型。

10.Two Algorithms That Simulate RMESH by PRAMPRAM模型模拟RMESH模型的2种方案

11.The act or profession of being a model.模型作模型或模特的行为或过程

12.Theory Model and Numerical Simulation of the Filling of Micro Injection Molding;微注塑成型充模理论模型与数值模拟

13.Modeling Method for Abstract Organizational Model from AGR Meta-modelAGR元模型到组织抽象模型的建模方法

parison between Ramsauer Model and Global Opotic Model;Ramsauer模型与球型光学模型的比较

15.The valuationmodels concludesingle factor evaluation models and general evaluation model.评估模型包括单因素评估模型和综合评估模型。

16.An apparatus or a model representing the solar system.太阳系模型,天象模型代表太阳系的装置或模型

17.The models include grouping-and-grading model and weight optimization model.数学模型包括分组分级模型和权重优化模型。

18.MDE-Based Mode Transformation:From MARTE Model to FIACRE Model基于MDE的异构模型转换:从MARTE模型到FIACRE模型


REA(Resource-Event-Agent) ModelREA(Resource-Event-Agent)会计模型

3)REA modelREA模型

1.TheREA model is a new data one,when developing accounting information system,which is generally regarded as a milestone.REA模型是会计信息系统开发时的一种新数据模型,理论界普遍认为它是“新旧”会计信息系统的分水岭。

2.Finally based on the analysis of the framework and merits of theREA model,the author concludes that theREA model will be more suitable for the future business development,and should be the fundamental mode of the accounting information system.在此基础之上对BEA模型的基本框架、优点进行了研究,结果表明:REA模型适应未来经济发展的需要,是会计信息系统的发展地基本模式。

3.The accounting information system of GRP is based on events approach accounting theory andREA model.本文所研究的GRP中的会计信息系统,是建立在事项会计理论和REA模型基础上的,面向业务过程的现代会计信息系统。

4)accounting model会计模式

parison of Accounting Model of Large-scale Enterprises and MSEs In China;大型企业与中小企业会计模式的比较研究

2.On the research and use for reference of theaccounting model of France;法国会计模式研究及借鉴

5)accounting pattern会计模式

1.This article formulates several basic problems in the orientation of concept framework, the correlation of concept framework andaccounting pattern, the legal status of financial accounting concept framework and whether basic accounting standards of China can take on the concept framework s responsibility, and discusses the forms of the concept framework for financial accounting of China.阐述了概念框架的定位、概念框架与会计模式的相关性、财务会计概念框架的法律地位以及我国的会计基本准则能否担当起概念框架的责任等几个基本问题,并在此基础上探讨我国财务会计概念框架的形式问题。

6)accounting mode会计模式

1.This article analyses theaccounting mode from three aspects: the participants of accounting work,the procedure of accounting management activity and the matter of accounting rule.会计模式是一个有着复杂内部结构的系统,为了全面认识会计模式,有必要从多个角度来分析会计模式。

2.In the present-day world,there exist fundamentally twoaccounting modes:the American and British mode and the European mode.当今世界,存在两种主要会计模式:美英会计模式和欧洲大陆会计模式。


third order rea ction分子式:分子量:CAS号:性质:反应速率与反应物浓度的三次方成正比(即级数n=3)的反应。若a、b、c为三种反应物的初始浓度,x为反应t时间后各反应浓度的减少量,则速率方程可写作:r = dx/dt=(a-x)(b-x)(c-x),若a = b = c,则1/(a-x )2-t图为一直线;半寿期t1/2 = 3/2ka2,即半寿期与反应物初始浓度的平方成反比。若a≠b≠c,无统一的半寿期。如一氧化氮与卤素的反应(2NO+Cl2→2NOCl)即为三级反应。
