100字范文 > 琉璃瓦 glazed tile英语短句 例句大全

琉璃瓦 glazed tile英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-07 21:14:42


琉璃瓦 glazed tile英语短句 例句大全

琉璃瓦,glazed tile

1)glazed tile琉璃瓦

1.The optimization formula of green body of building materialglazed tile has been developed using gangue as main raw materials and talcum as main flux.以煤矸石为主要原料和滑石尾矿为主要熔剂,设计和优化了生产绿色环保建筑琉璃瓦坯体配方。

2.They are fine materials for firing theglazed tiles at high speed.张家界地区含伊利石类矿物的白干泥等粘土 ,具有工艺性能特别、来源广泛的特点 ,是快速烧制琉璃瓦的优良材料。

3.In this paper, the mechanism ofglazed tile changing colour was studied.对绿色琉璃瓦在室外环境使用过程中的变色机理进行了探讨,发现变色的主要原因是釉面被雨水和空气中的水分侵蚀后表面变得粗糙从而吸附大气中的有色灰尘所致;并研究了釉料组成及工艺参数对釉面耐侵蚀性能的影响,提出了克服绿色琉璃瓦使用期间釉面变色问题在其制造过程中应采取的措施。


1.Research on the Elements in the Vitreous Glazed Components Used in Ancient Chinese Buildings;清代剥釉琉璃瓦件施釉重烧的再研究

2.Design of Cold Roll Forming Production and Controling仿古琉璃瓦冷弯成型控制系统的设计

3.Research on the Kiln Location of Wudang Mountains Ancient Buildings Glazed Tiles of the Ming Dynasty明代武当山古建筑琉璃瓦件窑址初探

4.Research on low temperature fast single-firing body for glazed tile using coal gangue煤矸石为主一次低温快烧琉璃瓦坯体的研究

5.He led the girl into Gaomiaozi town, heading straight towards the temple with the yellow glazed roof tiles.他领着姑娘走进了高庙子小镇,径直朝那座黄琉璃瓦顶的庙宇走去。

6.Analysis and testing of the organic-coatings for the conservation of architectural glazed tiles用于古建筑琉璃瓦保护的高分子聚合物材料的分析研究

7.The teahouse, opened in 1988 is located on the third floor of the Dawancha (Big Bowl Tea) Commercial and Trading Group Co. Business Building.坐落在前门西侧蓝琉璃瓦飞檐的“大碗茶”商业大楼的三楼,始建于一九八八年。

8.The following year the roofs of major buildings were replaced with blue glazed tiles to match the color of the sky.次年三层重檐及皇乾殿、年门、穹宇等建筑的屋顶均改为蓝色琉璃瓦,以象天色。

9.The hill was now directly in front of us, and on top of it, glazed tiles sparkling in the sun, was the old temple.那座山就在我们前面,而山顶那片在阳光下发光的琉璃瓦就是古庙的所在。

10.Liulichang is under restoration.琉璃厂正在修复中。

11.Inlaid Lacquer of the Western Zhou Dynasty from Liulihe琉璃河西周填嵌漆器

12.It was made of colored glass.它是用琉璃建成的,

13.Bronzes of the Yan State under the Western Zhou Dynasty from Liulihe琉璃河西周燕国青铜器

14.Let me see... yes, I suggest that you go to Liulichang Cultural Street.让我想一想,我建议你去琉璃厂文化街。

15.I think the best place to go is Liulichang antique shops.我认为最好的去处是琉璃厂古玩店。

16.at the Lantern Festival, there are lantern markets at Qianmen and Liulichang.元宵节前门灯市,琉璃厂灯市,

17."The river extends as far as your eye can see. Hundreds of dragon boats compete in a race for the winner."“千倾水面琉璃滑,百艘龙舟竞争先。”

18.And the towers had windows with red and blue glass in them.尖塔上的窗户镶着红蓝琉璃。


glazed roof tile琉璃瓦

1.Study onglazed roof tile made from red mud;利用赤泥制备琉璃瓦的研究

2.In this study,biscuit forglazed roof tile was prepared using red mud and other raw materials,the bending strength of which was 29.3MPa琉璃瓦素坯,开发出与该坯体烧结温度一致的无铅琉璃瓦用釉,并采用一次烧成工艺制备出了达到国家建筑琉璃制品标准GB9197-88要求,及国家建材行业建筑琉璃制品标准JC/T765-要求的无铅琉璃瓦。

3)fancy glazed tile花琉璃瓦

4)glazed tile roof琉璃瓦屋面

1.Construction measures of preventing and curing the leakage ofglazed tile roof;防治琉璃瓦屋面渗漏的施工措施

5)glazed roof琉璃瓦屋顶

6)glazed tile jiont琉璃瓦灰缝


