100字范文 > 联合加强支护 strengthening combined supports英语短句 例句大全

联合加强支护 strengthening combined supports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-12 05:01:31


联合加强支护 strengthening combined supports英语短句 例句大全

联合加强支护,strengthening combined supports

1)strengthening combined supports联合加强支护

2)Strengthening support加强支护

1.When the fully mechanized face passed through the middle lane,in order to prevent roof caving and the phenomenon of moving caused by the death supports,the strengthening support with single hydraulic props was applied in the middle lane.综采工作面过中间巷时,为防止出现冒顶,支架被压死而造成采面不得不搬家的现象,在中间巷采用单体液压支柱进行加强支护,避开综采面过中间巷时出现来压,并采取调采的方式,使得综采工作面安全地通过中间巷。


1.Experimental Study on the Support of Retained Roadway along NextGoaf Reinforced by Cable Anchor in Fully Mechanized Mining综采沿空留巷锚索加强支护试验研究

2.Application and Key Technology of Intensive Support with Cable and Joist锚索托梁加强支护的应用及技术关键

3.On supporting and reinforcing of strengthen anchor arm and bolting sustaining in soft rock lanway软岩巷道高强锚杆和锚注支护加固机理分析

4.Application and Study of Cut-off and Reinforcing Soil Nail Wall in Deep Foundation Pit of Soft Area;软土地区截水—加强型土钉墙在深基坑支护中的研究与应用

5.Application of Reinforced Impervious Soil-nailing Wall in Soft-soil Foundation Pit Support止水-加强型土钉墙在软弱土层基坑支护中的应用研究

6.strengthen(support)a belief加强(支持)某个信念

7.To support, strengthen, or retain in place by means of a block.支撑,加强,保持用木料和石料等支撑、加强或保持

8.Greater efforts should be made to strengthen the status of agriculture as the foundation of the national economy, support and protect agriculture, and increase the income of farmers.强化农业的基础地位,加大对农业的支持和保护力度,努力增加农民收入。

9.-- Marine environmental protection has been strengthened.——海洋环境保护得到加强。

10.loBBying for stronger environmental safeguards为加强环境保护而游说

11.Construction of nature reserves will be intensified.要加强自然保护区建设。

12.Strengthening the Supervision and Improving the Effect of Expenditure Used to Support Agriculture;加强财政支农支出监管 提高财政支农支出效益

13.In this paper, FEM and BEM coupling algorithm was applied in Mu Cheng Jian Coal Mine, under two conditions, namely the work face gateway, open-off cut of540203 and+570 No2.锚杆支护的作用在于加大巷道围岩的围压,从而提高围岩的强度而保持其稳定性。

14.It suggested that nurses should enhance their self-quality to provide effective social support for leukemia patients.提出护士应加强自身素质的提高,为白血病病人提供有效的社会支持。

15.281. The representative of China stated that China was strengthening the protection of the layout designs to support the rapid development of the integrated circuit industry.281.中国代表表示,中国正在加强对布图设计的保护,以支持集成电路产业的快速发展。

16.We will continue to consolidate and strengthen our solidarity and cooperation with the other developing countries and support them in their efforts to defend their legitimate rights and interests.继续巩固和加强与发展中国家的团结和合作,支持发展中国家维护自身的正当权益。

17."In addition, Singaporeans expect them to assume a host of responsibilities, including maintaining racial harmony, Boosting a sense of national identity, protecting our core values and supporting the arts etc."另外也肩负了其他许许多多的责任:维持种族和谐,加强认同感,维护价值观,支持文化艺术等等。

18.intensive care unit(abbr.ICU)重点监护系统,加强护理病房


Strengthening support加强支护

1.When the fully mechanized face passed through the middle lane,in order to prevent roof caving and the phenomenon of moving caused by the death supports,the strengthening support with single hydraulic props was applied in the middle lane.综采工作面过中间巷时,为防止出现冒顶,支架被压死而造成采面不得不搬家的现象,在中间巷采用单体液压支柱进行加强支护,避开综采面过中间巷时出现来压,并采取调采的方式,使得综采工作面安全地通过中间巷。

3)combined supporting联合支护

1.Application ofcombined supporting technique for composite roof;锚栓、金属网、锚索联合支护技术在复合顶板管理中的应用

2.Aiming at instability of coal seam and surrounding rock of gob-side entry driving with small pillar,combined supporting with bolt-mesh-cable is applied.针对窄煤柱沿空送巷煤层及围岩的不稳定情况,通过采用锚网梁索联合支护的实践,验证了其可行性,为类似条件下的巷道掘进提供了宝贵的实践经验。

3.In fouth cola mine of Hebi coal power stock company,roadway of neighbouring goaf bear a large pressure,maintenance is very difficult ,it affects safety production,in order to solve this problem,this coal mine co-operates with jiaozuo university of engiveering,combined supporting technology of gob-side entry driving have been studied through test in 2118 2614 workface tood results are gained.鹤壁煤电股份公司四矿综放工作面相邻采空区的巷道所受压力大,维护困难,严重影响安全生产,为解决这一问题,该矿与焦作工学院合作,进行了沿空掘巷联合支护技术研究,经2118、2614综放面试验,效果良好。

4)combined support联合支护

1.Analysis on results ofcombined support system with bolt,beam,steel mesh and anchor applied to large cross section mining gateway;大断面回采巷道锚梁网索联合支护效果分析

2.Instability analysis and the treatment of thecombined support of the soil nail with the anchor;土钉加锚杆联合支护基坑的失稳分析及处理

3.Experience incombined supporting for use in large-span underground chamber under soft roof strata软岩顶板下大断面硐室联合支护经验

5)united supporting联合支护

1.The mechanical working mechanism research on theunited supporting of prestressed soil anchor and soil nailing;预应力土层锚杆与土钉墙联合支护的力学工作机理研究

2.Application of the technology of the prestressed anchor and soil nailingunited supporting in deep foundation pit;预应力锚杆与土钉墙联合支护技术在某深基坑支护中的应用

3.After a simplified mechanics model for the internal force and deformation of theunited supporting of bolt-shotcrete and steel arch has been put forward with the aid of the shell theory, the differential equations of theunited supporting structure are derived, and the calculation formulas of its internal force and deformation are proposed.对锚喷与金属支架联合支护结构的内力和变形 ,本文根据壳体理论提出了一种简化力学模型 ,建立起它的微分方程并推导出简化计算公式。

6)joint support联合支护

1.The application ofjoint support technology of high strength anchor arm and anchor cable;高强度锚杆和锚索联合支护技术的应用

2.Principle and application of anchor-cablejoint support锚杆锚索联合支护原理及应用

3.In Guan Yin Shan tunnel construction of Dongjiang Shenzhen water supply modification works, based on the theory of NATM, by employing the techniques such asjoint supports and wall rock measurement, the bad geologic sections within the tunnel portals have been successfully cut through.在东江—深圳供水改造工程观音山隧洞施工中 ,以“新奥法”理论为指导 ,运用联合支护和围岩量测等技术 ,成功地穿越了洞口不良地质段 。


胃加强-G ,胃加强药物名称:惠加强-G英文名:Gefarnate别名: 合欢香叶酯,五烯酯;吉法酯;胃加强-G ,胃加强外文名:Gefarnate , Wycakon适应症: 用于治疗胃、十二指肠溃疡,有明显的疗效。 用量用法: 口服:每次50~100mg,每日3~4次,饭后服。深部肌注:每次50mg,每日2次。 注意事项: 可有口干、口渴等,急性中毒时可出现运动失调、四肢无力及呼吸困难等。 规格: 片剂:50mg。 类别:抗酸及抗溃疡药
