100字范文 > 国家审计职能定位 functional position of state auditing英语短句 例句大全

国家审计职能定位 functional position of state auditing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-08 18:21:44


国家审计职能定位 functional position of state auditing英语短句 例句大全

国家审计职能定位,functional position of state auditing

1)functional position of state auditing国家审计职能定位

2)Audit function审计职能

1.So it is necessary to adopt a reform of further bringing audit functions into full play and promoting cadre control system.由计划经济向市场经济过渡 ,原有干部管理方式和方法其弊端日益突出 ,领导干部的经济责任内容已成为干部管理监督不可或缺的重要事项 ,为此有必要通过进一步发挥审计职能作用 ,推进干部管理制度的改革。


1.On Classification of the Auditing Functions--Evaluating the Mainstream of the Auditing Functions;审计职能的分层论——兼评审计职能主流说

2.Strenthen the Internal Management Audit Promote the Function of Internal Audit;加强内部管理审计 提升内部审计职能

3.The Study of Non-audit Services Based on the Expedition of Audit Function基于审计职能拓展的非审计服务研究

4.Looks the internal audit function development from the internal audit definition evolution;从内部审计定义的演变看内部审计职能的发展

5.Play an Immune System Role, Promote the Audit Function in Army发挥免疫系统功能 拓展军队审计职能

6.Construction of a Harmonious Finance and Functional Innovation of Financial Auditing;论和谐金融构建与金融审计职能创新

7.Approach on Internal Audit Function under the System of Modern Enterprise;现代企业制度下的内部审计职能探讨

8.Fulfilling function of auditing and promoting the development of school reform;发挥审计职能作用,促进学校改革发展

9.On the Governmental Auditing Supervision of Administrative Authorities and the Function of Governmental Auditing;试论政府审计对行政权力的监督和制约——兼论政府审计职能定位

10.The New Orientation of the Internal Audit in Higher Education Institutes from the Shift of the Internal Audit Functions;从内部审计职能转变看高校内审工作发展的新方向

11.Study on the Functions of the Chinese Public University Internal Audit in the Transitional Period;转型时期中国公立大学内部审计职能研究

12.Study on the Function and Role of the State Audit in Regional Economy;区域经济视角下的国家审计职能和作用研究

13.Discussion on the Function of Internal Audit in Modern Enterprise s System in China;关于现代企业制度下内部审计职能的探讨

14.Improving Internal Audit and Promoting the Development of Geological and Exploration Economy;履行内部审计职能为地勘经济发展服务

15.Accountability System and Performance Evaluation: An Analysis on the Innovation of the Audit Function of the Government;问责与绩效评价:政府审计职能创新解读

16.Auditor Independence,Ability of Protessional Competence and Development of Auditor profession;审计独立性、专业胜任能力与审计职业的发展

17.Develop the Function of Audit Supervision and Contain the Fraud Committed by Business Accountants;发挥审计监督职能 遏制企业会计舞弊

18.Function and Role of Internal Auditing at Universities;新形势下高校内部审计的职能及作用


Audit function审计职能

1.So it is necessary to adopt a reform of further bringing audit functions into full play and promoting cadre control system.由计划经济向市场经济过渡 ,原有干部管理方式和方法其弊端日益突出 ,领导干部的经济责任内容已成为干部管理监督不可或缺的重要事项 ,为此有必要通过进一步发挥审计职能作用 ,推进干部管理制度的改革。

3)auditing function审计职能

4)national audit国家审计

1.The Restriction and Governing of National Audit to Power;国家审计对权力的制约与监督探讨

2.On the Current Situation and the Innovation of the National Audit Organization System in China;论我国国家审计组织体制现状及创新

5)state audit国家审计

1.Discussion on thestate audit of building project in present;谈当前建设项目国家审计的特点

2.The Research on Direction & Reformation of Chinese State Audit;我国国家审计定位与改革研究

3.According to the research of constitutional theory on politics,the original analysis focuses on the principles of constitution and the intrinsic mechanism ofstate audit.我国宪政环境的变化需要强大的国家审计良治作为支撑。

6)state auditing国家审计

1.At present,thestate auditing organs is learning and implementing the spirit of the seventeenth Party Congress,in order to center on closely to the spirit of the seventeenth Party Congress and torelate to auditing practice,to make great efforts to promote the scientific development of socialism auditing with Chinese characteristics.当前,国家审计机关学习贯彻落实党的十七大精神,就是要紧密围绕十七大精神,紧密联系审计实际,大力推进中国特色社会主义审计科学发展。

2.It is argued that this model will increase the overall independence ofstate auditing and will be viable in China s social and politic.综合考虑现行审计体制的优劣以及政府经济监管和人大预算监督对审计监督的双重需要,中国国家审计应实行"双轨制"改革,即在人大和政府分别建立履行不同审计职责的审计组织;人大所属的审计组织主要从事预算审计工作,政府所属的"审计署"主要进行政府经济监管所需要的各项审计监督工作。

3.Thestate auditing risks can be scientifically classified according to their causes, the timing of occurrence, and controllability.国家审计风险可以按形成原因不同、形成时间不同以及能否控制进行科学的分类。


