100字范文 > 刘霞 Liu Xia英语短句 例句大全

刘霞 Liu Xia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-08 03:29:13


刘霞 Liu Xia英语短句 例句大全

刘霞,Liu Xia

1)Liu Xia刘霞

1.ProfessorLiu Xia s experience on treating nephritic syndrome of children;刘霞教授治疗小儿肾病综合征临证经验

2.The reason whyLiu Xia could get the silver medal in 78 kilo judo competition of the Athens Olympic Game was because of the reasonable and well-considered plan of controlling weight.刘霞能够在雅典奥运会上勇夺-78 kg级的银牌,与赛前科学、系统地控降体重的安排是分不开的。


1.Weight control and reduction of Chinese elite Judo athlete Liuxia in her preparation for 28th Olympic Games;刘霞备战第28届奥运会控降体重的研究

2.The Strategy and Implementation of Race Technology and Tactics of Liu Xia about Beijing Olympic Cycle北京奥运周期刘霞参赛技战术策略与实施

3.The Individual Destiny in the Territories of Power -An Analysis of the Criminal Case of Liu Shuan-xia;权力场域中的个人命运——刘栓霞如何成为犯罪者

4.Half an hour later, Liu Yu-ying found herself embarking on a little adventure in a five-storeyed building in Avenue Joffre.半小时后,刘玉英已经在霞飞路的一所五层“大厦”里进行她的冒险工作。

5.Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy glow of sunset means fine weather,朝霞主雨,晚霞主晴。

6.Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy sunset means fine weather.早霞主雨, 晚霞主晴。

7.Red sky at night, shepherd"s delight; red sky in the morning, shepherd"s warning.早霞牧人喜,晚霞牧人忧(早霞不出门,晚霞行千里)。

8.Wang finished second to teammate Qu Yunxia,王军霞紧随队员曲云霞其后,获得亚军,

9.An igneous rock consisting chiefly of pyroxene and nepheline.霞岩主要由辉石和霞石组成的火成岩

10.a purple flower, dress, sunset紫色的花朵、 连衣裙、 晚霞

11.the glow of the sky at sunset落日时天空中的晚霞

12.The colors of the sunset died away落日的彩霞逐渐消失。

13.Sad as the last which reddens over one凄如最后的红霞燃尽

14.Deluxe Grand Dragon Cabernet-Sauvignon金装威龙赤霞珠干红

15.In the evening the rosy clouds were gorgeous.傍晚的云霞绚丽多彩。

16.The evening sky was suffused with crimson.黄昏时分天空红霞灿灿.

17.At twilight, the sky was suffused with color.黄昏时天空映满彩霞。

18.The sunset reddened the clouds.落日把云霞映得通红。


Liu Shuan-xia case刘栓霞案

3)Liu Cuixiɑ刘翠霞(1910~?)

4)twilight colours霞


1.Determination of K_2O and Na_2O inNepheline by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;火焰原子吸收法测定霞石中的氧化钾和氧化钠

2.The Deepening Processing ofNepheline Powder and its Application in the Filling of Polymeric Materials;霞石微粉深加工及其在高分子材料填充改性中的应用

3.The application of nepheline in alumina industry;霞石矿在氧化铝工业中的应用


1.The Geological Characteristics,Prospecting Criteria and Direction of CityQixia in Shandong;山东栖霞区域地质特征及找矿标志和方向

2.The Investigation of Eco-Fruit Industry Cluster Development Patterns inQixia City of Shandong Province山东省栖霞市生态果业集群发展模式实践考察

3.The northeastQixia area of Shandong peninsula is located in the geodynamical environment where extrusion and extension exist together, and in the belt where upgrown flexible-brittle sheer exists.胶东栖霞东北部地区处于挤压与拉伸并存的地球动力学环境 ,发育韧—脆性剪切带 ,NE-NNE向断裂、层间滑动断层 3种构造类型。


刘翠霞(1910~?)评剧女演员,工旦。河北省武清县人。生于贫苦农家,幼从母至天津谋生。十四、五岁时从赵月楼习旦脚,学得《德孝双全》、《小过年》、《花为媒》、《告金扇》、《王小借粮》、《回杯记》等剧。先后为花莲舫、李金顺配戏。李金顺去东北后,遂顶班主演,长期享誉津门。擅演剧目有《雪玉冰霜》、《打狗劝夫》、《赵五娘》、《空谷兰》等,并曾率先搬演文东山编写的《金鱼仙子》、《三女性》、《姐妹一家》、《庚娘传》等新戏,第一个在评剧演出中使用灯光布景。30年代,与白玉霜、爱莲君、喜彩莲创造了各有特色的演唱艺术,人称评剧"四大名旦"。刘翠霞演唱艺术的特点是嗓音高亢,音域宽,高音区很美。评剧女演员用真嗓演唱,一般曲调范围不超过一个8度(大约是C调的re到妠e),但刘翠霞演唱的曲调范围却经常超过甚至达到 12 度以上(C调的do到sоl或l╡),因而她的演唱如"搭调"曲折盘旋,富有表现力。她的唱功的另一特点是底气足,而且善于用气,快板〔楼上楼〕唱来字字真切,一气呵成。当年,她曾同好友白玉霜、爱莲君相约,要在李金顺和花莲舫的演唱艺术基础上,发挥自己的创造;后来终能以各不相同的演唱风格,丰富和提高了评剧演唱艺术。卒于抗日战争末期。
