100字范文 > 汉语诗歌 Chinese Poetry英语短句 例句大全

汉语诗歌 Chinese Poetry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-23 02:15:20


汉语诗歌 Chinese Poetry英语短句 例句大全

汉语诗歌,Chinese Poetry

1)Chinese Poetry汉语诗歌

1.Proceeding from cultural tradition,stylistic characteristics and poetic principles,the author points out that rhyme comes from Chinese phonetics,and it is an essential element and assumes an ontological position in Chinese poetry.文本依据对汉语诗歌作品的分析、概括,集中阐述韵在诗歌中的多种功能。

2.The occurrence of Chinese poetry can be rooted to Song of Waiting and Swallow Song recorded in Lushi Chunqeu,which are regarded respectively as the genesis of the northern poetry and the genesis of the southern poetry of ancient China.汉语诗歌的发生可以追溯到《吕氏春秋》记载的《燕燕歌》和《候人歌》,它们分别作为“北音之始”和“南音之始”,不但从神话学角度记载了诗歌发生的不同地理位置,同时也在寥寥数字中留下汉语诗歌不同发生状态的若干信息。

3.Poetry articulates what is on the mind intently ”is the most fundamental prescription and description of Chinese poetry.“诗言志”是对汉语诗歌最基本的规定和描述,其中,“志”可同时训为“记忆”、“止于心上”、“心之所至”。


1.Swallow Song and Song of Waiting--The Musical Massages Contained in Generative Fables of Chinese Poetry;《燕燕歌》和《候人歌》——汉语诗歌发生神话的音乐信息

2.1896-1923: A Theoretical Study on the Musicality of Modern Chinese Poems;1896-1923:现代汉语诗歌音乐性理论研究

3.A Comparative Study of Metaphors of Love in English and Chinese Poems;英汉语诗歌中“爱情”隐喻的对比研究

4.Features of Rhythm of Chinese Poetry--Also Comparing with Features of Rhythm of English Poetry;汉语诗歌节奏的特点——兼与英语诗歌节奏的特点比较

5.The "Cell" of Metrical Forms in Chinese Poetry--Also on the Origin of Four-character Sentence Pattern in Book of Song;汉语诗歌形式的“细胞”——兼谈《诗经》四言句式的起源

6.On the Stylistic Characteristics and Values of Chinese Ironic Poetry of the 20th Century;20世纪汉语诗歌中的讽刺诗及其文体特征

7.Illustrating the Primary Imagining of “Narrative Poetry School” on the Link betweenNarration and Hardness of Modern Chinese Poetry;叙事与现代汉语诗歌的硬度——举例以说,兼及“诗歌叙事学”的初步设想

8.Responsibility for Truth and Reconstruction of the Spirit of Chinese Poetry:Two Focuses of Yu Jian s Poetics;对真实的担当与重建汉语诗歌精神——于坚诗歌理论两题

9.Decategorization and Noun Phrase Juxtaposition in Chinese Poetry;非范畴化与汉语诗歌中的名词短语并置

10.The Diffculty Position of Morden Chinese Poem;绝对的自由——现代汉语诗歌在语言上的困境

11.On the Extraordinary Match of Quantifiers in Chinese Poetic Language and the Aesthetic Appreciation论汉语诗歌语言中量词的超常搭配与审美

12.“Poetry Articulates what is on the mind intently”Is a Prescription on the Musical Essence of Chinese Poetry: a Phenomenonological Interpretation of This Assertion on Poetry;“诗言志”对汉语诗歌音乐本质的规定——借助现象学方法再论“诗言志”

13.A Study of Metaphor and Its Translating Methods in Ancient Chinese Poetry;古汉语诗歌中的隐喻及其翻译方法研究

14.On English Mistranslations of Cultural Images in Chinese Poems from the Perspective of Schema Theory;图式理论观照下的汉语诗歌文化意象误译现象

15.Function of Rhyme and Its Ontological Position in Chinese Poetry;韵的功能及韵在汉语诗歌中的本体地位

16.The Characteristics of Chinese Speech And the Musical Beauty of Ancient Chinese Poetry;汉语语音特点与中国古代诗歌音乐美

17.Offering Doubts about the Poetry in the Middle Ancient Times while Reading Wang Li s "Archaic and Ancient Chinese";王力《古代汉语》诗歌部分注释献疑

18.The Aesthetic Function of Language in Poem Translation;英汉诗歌翻译中语言美学功能的运用


ancient Chinese poetry古汉语诗歌

1.Inancient Chinese poetry which boasts the construction of a profound meaning with very succinct language, image is especially central to its artistic value among the various composing elements.中国古汉语诗歌言简意赅,在诗歌体裁的各种构造元素中,意象更是处于灵魂性的地位。

3)modern Chinese poetry现代汉语诗歌

1.Since its birth,modern Chinese poetry has been discussed twice in terms of language and form,but in vain.现代汉语诗歌自诞生以来,其本体建设在语言与形式方面展开过两次重要的讨论与建构工作,都未竟其功。

2.The freedom ofmodern Chinese poetry endows thenarratives great conveniencewhile the narration plays the symbol of the hardness ofmodern Chinese poetry.现代汉语诗歌的自由赋予了叙事以方便,而叙事在现代汉语诗歌中则作为钙质甚至骨架而成了硬度的象征。

3.At the deeper level, it is the modernity experience of the poet that interweaves Modern Chinese with Modern Chinese Poetry completely and indivisibly.而从更深的层次上来看,把现代汉语和现代汉语诗歌二者须臾不可分割地纠合在一起的,是作为诗歌表达主体的诗人在20世纪的那种不同于以往任何时代的现代性体验。

4)spirit of Chinese poetry汉语诗歌精神

1.In his collection of essays Palm-bark Notes,he regards this responsibility as the pursuit of the reconstruction of thespirit of Chinese poetry.在随笔集《棕皮手记》涉及诗学的篇章中,于坚把这种担当具体为重建汉语诗歌精神的追求。

5)rhythm of Chinese poetry汉语诗歌节奏

1.Therhythm of Chinese poetry has been formed by descomposing the unit of the rhythm in Chinese rhythmical - groups, which is marked by syllable - pause.汉语诗歌节奏是对汉语自然节奏单位节拍群的分解,而节拍群主要是由音顿划分出来的。

2.Thus, therhythm of Chinese poetry has been formed by decomposing and combining the rhythmical groups in a regularly way.从汉语诗歌节奏的形成可以看出汉语诗歌节奏究竟是什么节奏。

6)metrical patterns of the Chinese poetry汉语诗歌格律


