100字范文 > 养分运移 nutrient transfer英语短句 例句大全

养分运移 nutrient transfer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-01 10:41:57


养分运移 nutrient transfer英语短句 例句大全

养分运移,nutrient transfer

1)nutrient transfer养分运移

1.Numerical simulation of convective-dispersive equation for soil-rootnutrient transfer using MATLAB土-根系统养分运移对流-弥散方程数值解的MATLAB实现


1.Study on the Reasonable Fertilization of Wheat and Maize and Disciplinarian of Nutrient Movement in the Soil;小麦—玉米合理施肥及土壤养分运移规律研究

2.Study on the Key Technologies for Fertilization and the Disciplinarian of Nutrient Movement of High Yield Wheat;小麦高产施肥关键技术及养分运移规律研究

3.Effects of Water Stress on Growth and Development, Physiological Characteristics and Nutrient Distribution of Soybean;水分胁迫对大豆生长发育、生理生态特征及养分运移的影响

4.Effect of irrigating water quota with micro-irrigation on soil physical properties and nutrient transport in different layers of tobacco soil微喷灌水定额对烟田土壤物理性状和养分运移的影响

5.Numerical simulation of convective-dispersive equation for soil-root nutrient transfer using MATLAB土-根系统养分运移对流-弥散方程数值解的MATLAB实现

6.The Use Efficiency of Water and Nitrogen and Their Movement in the Soil Profiles under Alternate Irrigation and Fertilization and Mulching;水肥异区交替灌水施肥和地面覆盖条件下土壤水分养分运移及其利用效率研究

7.Soil solute transport as affected by irrigation is, at present, an important research area in soil physics, environmental sciences, and geohydrology.灌溉对土壤养分运移理论的研究是目前土壤物理学、境科学和农田灌溉学研究的一个重要方面。

8.The Mass Transfer Analysis of Capsule-type Controlled Release Fertilizer Nutrient Release and Migration包膜型控释肥料养分释放、运移的传质分析

9.Transport Rules of Soluble Plant-nutrition Elements During Freezing and Thawing Period冻融期可溶性植物养分的运移规律研究

10.To Apply Transfer Theory on Resolving Capacity in Physics Teaching;迁移理论在培养物理解题能力方面的运用

11.Study on Soil Salt Movement in Drip Irrigation of Cotton Under the Plastic Mulch棉花膜下滴灌土壤盐分运移规律分析

12.Analysis on the Regularity of Soil Salt Transport in Luanjing Irrigation Area,Inner Mongolia内蒙孪井灌区土壤盐分运移规律分析

13.Nutrient State and Characteristics of Accumulation and Translocation of Salt in Greenhouse Soil Profiles;设施土壤养分状况及盐分的累积、迁移特征

14.Isolation, Culture and Transplantation of Goat Spermatogonium;山羊精原细胞体外分离及培养分化与移植

15.Isolation,Selection,Transplantation and Culture of Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells;小鼠精原干细胞的分离、分选、移植和培养

16.Numerical Simulation for 2-D Water Flow and Solute Transport by Using the Finite Element Method;二维水分运动及溶质运移的有限元数值模拟

17.Sometimes the redemption prepaid a portion of the costs of passage.有时这些仆役移民会预付一部分运费。

18.Numerical Simulation of Solute Transport in Discrecte Fracture Rock Mass;岩体离散裂隙网络溶质运移数值分析


dynamics of water and nutrient水分养分运移

3)Disciplinarian of nutrient movement养分运移规律

4)nutrient transfer养分迁移

1.Research on the effective factors ofnutrient transfer and loss in the slope land;坡地土壤养分迁移与流失影响因素研究进展

2.Numerical simulation ofnutrient transfer and absorption in soil-root systemⅠ.A steady-state model of nutrient uptake by plant roots;土壤-根系统养分迁移和吸收的数值模拟 Ⅰ.植物根系吸收养分的稳态模型

5)Nutrient translocation养分转移

6)nutrients transformation养分转运


