100字范文 > 流浪意识 wandering consciousness英语短句 例句大全

流浪意识 wandering consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-07 13:00:49


流浪意识 wandering consciousness英语短句 例句大全

流浪意识,wandering consciousness

1)wandering consciousness流浪意识

1.This thesis opened outwandering consciousness and depth psychology by way of choosing HongYing s novels primary subject and analyzing her text additionally.本文主要以虹影的长篇小说为研究对象,通过对其小说文本的分析,透视其小说中蕴涵的流浪意识,并做出精神分析,以解读虹影独特的创作素质,做出相关评价。


1.On the Sense of Tramping in Saul Bellow s Novels;论索尔·贝娄长篇小说中的流浪意识

2.The Sense of Tramping and the Spiritual Return--On the Theme of Tramping in Saul Bellow s Novels;流浪意识与精神回归——索尔·贝娄小说的流浪主题探析

3.On Researching the Awareness of Tramping in Chinese Literature Since the "New Age";“新时期”以来汉语文学中的流浪意识的考察

4.Vagrancy Consciousness of Idealism in Modern Literature--Taking the Writer Beidao for Example以北岛为例谈当代文学中理想主义的流浪意识

5.On the Awareness of Tramping Against the Background of Modernity:Chinese Literature Since the "New Age" Being the Centre现代性视野中的流浪意识——以“新时期”以来的汉语文学为中心

6.Resistance and Vagrancy--Analysing women consciousness in Zhang Kangkang s Women on the Edge;抗争与流浪——析张抗抗《作女》之女性意识

7.Vagrancy and Homing Consciousness--Esthetic Orientation in Yu Guang-zhong s Poetry and Prose;流浪精神与回归意识——论余光中诗文的审美取向

8.The Manifestation of the Awareness of Female Consciousness in Lower Class Working Women;论贺晓晴《花瓣糖果流浪年》的当代女性意识

9.A Quest of the Consciousness Progress Forward the Spiritual Realm--Probing into Special Sense of the Female Sex Represented in PETAL·CANDY·ROAMING YEARS;追寻精神家园的心路历程——《花瓣糖果流浪年》的女性意识分析

10.shack fever[美俚](流浪汉的)疲乏, 睡意

11.Romantic Movement and formation of German national identity;德国浪漫派与德意志民族意识的形成

12.A Thesis on Virginia Woolf s Stream of Conscious in Two of Her Novels;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫意识流写作手法在其小说《到灯塔去》和《海浪》中的应用

13.Revelation of Innermost Worries and Publicity of Romantic Ideals;深层次忧患意识的流露与浪漫主义理想的张扬——读刘萧的小说集《忧郁村落》

14.There was no doubt he knew the hobo and knew him well.毫无疑问,它认识这流浪汉,而且很熟悉。

15.HIV/AIDS related knowledge and attitude among street children流浪儿童艾滋病知识水平及态度调查

16.The tramp always keeps his eyes peel for coin lying on the grind.那流浪汉总是注意著寻找地上的硬币。

17.Roams about, the Human Nature, the Life Will, the Initiation Four Heavy Performances;流浪、人性、生命意志、启蒙四重奏

18.It sent waves of separation out into your realities and consciousnesses.它把分离之浪潮送到了你的实相和意识界中。


stream of consciousness意识流

1.On the Style of Stream of Consciousness in Modernist Fiction;论现代主义小说的意识流文体

2.Propagation and Influence of Western Novels of Stream of Consciousness on China;西方意识流小说及其在中国的流传和影响

3.The Artistic Features of Benjy sstream of consciousness in the Sound and Fury;《喧哗与骚动》中班吉意识流的艺术特征

3)the stream of consciousness意识流

1.The arrival ofthe stream of consciousness not only enriched the types of novel writing in the new era,but also changed the aesthetic view of the novels in the new era.意识流是最先来到新时期文坛的西方现代派文学潮流之一。

2.The stream of consciousness is one of the earliest western modern literature trend to come to the contemporary literature world and it has successfully participated in the artistic practice of novels in the New Period.意识流是最先来到当代文坛的西方现代派文学潮流之一,它成功地参与了新时期小说的艺术实践。

3.James Joyce innovatively uses epiphany andthe stream of consciousness in his work A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,a style in which the author directly transcribes the thought and sensations that go through the mind of Stephen Dedalus,its central character,rather than simply describing those sensations from the external point of an observer.乔伊斯在小说《一个青年艺术家的画像》中,创新性地采用了顿悟以及意识流的写作手法。

4)topping consciousness一流意识


1.On Value of Time and Its Expression in the Novel of Stream-of-Consciousness;论时间观念及其在意识流小说中的表现

2.An Excellent Work with Stream-of-Consciousness Technique;一篇运用意识流技巧的佳作——试析《被遗弃的韦泽渥老太太》

3.From the following aspects the thesis mainly analyzes Liu’s most famous novel,The Drunkard,which was considered the firststream-of-consciousness novel in China when it was published in Hong Kong in 1963:First,this novel combines thestream-of-consciousness and the modern poem imagery,and also the symbolic techniques;secondly,it displays .香港作家刘以鬯的长篇小说《酒徒》是"中国第一部意识流小说",作者在借鉴西方意识流小说技巧时,从四个方面即意识流与现代诗意象的结合、情节交待与意识流动的交替展示、社会现实与"内心真实"的交融、意识流与象征手法的结合,说明了作者在对新感觉派、西方意识流及传统文学中的意象、情节及象征手法的整合中,形成了自己的"意识流"小说的特色,但他这种特色不可避免地具有肤浅性和世俗性。

6)consciousness flows意识流动

1.Her masterpiece 《Of 99 Degrees》 is even more with narrative art of section、the montage and personage sconsciousness flows which give out dense modernity.京派著名女作家林徽因多才多艺,她的小说虽然数量不多,但几乎篇篇都是精品,代表作《九十九度中》更是以其"断面"的叙事艺术、蒙太奇手法和人物意识流动的刻画散发出浓厚的现代性,为三、四十年代的中国文坛增添了光彩。


