100字范文 > 双对数模型 double logarithmic model英语短句 例句大全

双对数模型 double logarithmic model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-26 04:22:19


双对数模型 double logarithmic model英语短句 例句大全

双对数模型,double logarithmic model

1)double logarithmic model双对数模型

1.Based on the analysis of the adjustment on domestic water price and the growth on income of residents in Harbin,the quantitative analysis of the elasticity of domestic water price and income in Harbin was made withdouble logarithmic model.通过对哈尔滨市居民生活水价调整和收入增长情况的分析,利用双对数模型,对哈尔滨市居民生活用水需求的价格弹性和收入弹性进行定量分析,得出了生活用水的价格弹性为-0。

2.The relation between the simulation error ofdouble logarithmic model and that of the corresponding exponent model is discussed here.对双对数模型lg Y=a0+a1lg X1+a2lg X2+…+anlg Xn与其对应的指数模型y=c0xa11xa22…xann的模拟相对误差的关系进行了探讨,指出双对数模型具有放大和缩小指数模型相对误差的特性。

3.Taking the case of Xianyang city,double logarithmic model for industrial water is established to quantitatively analyze the price elasticity of industrial water.以咸阳市为例,建立了工业用水双对数模型,对工业用水的价格弹性进行定量分析,得出咸阳工业用水的价格弹性为-0。


1.Study on Employment Elasticity Based on Double Logarithmic Model基于双对数模型的就业弹性问题研究

2.The Relation of Foreign Exchange Reserve and Currency Supplies;中国外汇储备与货币供给量的关系——基于双对数模型

3.Research into the Leverage Effect of Chinese Option Markets:A Double Logarithmic Model Empitical Analysis;权证的杠杆效应研究——基于双对数模型的实证检验分析

4.Estimation of Asymmetric Double Exponential Jump-diffusion Model Using MCMC Method非对称双指数跳跃扩散模型的MCMC估计

5.Bayesian Analysis of Asymmetric Double Exponential Jump-Diffusion Model;非对称双指数跳跃扩散模型的贝叶斯分析

6.Analyses of Communications Marketing Competition Mathematical Model for Asymmetrical Duopoly in Uncertainty;双寡头非对称通信市场营销竞争数学模型分析

7.Influence of paraments of Duncan-Chang model on sand different size砂土不同粒径对邓肯—张双曲线模型参数的影响

8.Applicability of modified double hardening model to structured soil修正双硬化参数模型对结构性土的适用性

9.The Mathematical Model of Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine and the Parameter-Transformation between the Models无刷双馈电机数学模型及模型之间参数转换

10.Dual exponential map parameterization of maintenance Agent model维修Agent模型的双指数映射参数化方法

11.Exp: The SOM object model also relies on this two table model.SOM对象模型也依靠这种双表格模型。

12.Describing the problem of two-way access; seting up and analysing a mathematical model in view of two-way access fixed pricing problems.对双向接入问题进行了描述,针对双向接入定价问题建立了数学模型并进行了分析。

13.Simulation of drag and lift coefficients on two cylinders in flow field with turbulence model湍流模型下双柱绕流升阻力系数数值模拟

14.The Parameter-estimation of Two Elastic Chambers Model of Human Cardiovascular System心血管系统双弹性腔模型的参数估计

15.Research and Application of the Multi-Granularities Bi-Temporal Data Model;多粒度双时态数据模型的研究与应用

16.Double exponential jump diffusion model for catastrophe bonds pricing;巨灾债券定价的双指数跳跃扩散模型

17.Gerber-Shiu Discounted Penalty Function of a double-claim risk model;双理赔风险模型的Gerber-Shiu罚金函数

18.Bankruptcy Problems in the Double Binomial Risk Model with Constant Interest Force;常数利率双二项风险模型的破产问题


double logarithm model双对数模型

1.Thedouble logarithm model was applied in this paper to analyze the influence factors on Chinese soybean import,including domestic soybean yield, the demand for oil and food, and the production cost and so on.应用双对数模型分析了我国大豆进口的影响因素,包括国内大豆产量、压榨需求、食用需求、生产成本等,并根据每个影响因素的弹性系数来分析其对进口量具体的影响程度。

2.Through the Double Logarithm Model of foreign exchange reserve and M1,M2,we drew the conclusions: The increase of foreign exchange reserve truly impelled the increased supply of China currency;the change of foreign exchange re.通过建立外汇储备和货币供给量(M1、M2)之间的双对数模型,进行实证分析得出结论:外汇储备的增加确实推动了中国货币供应量的增加,并且外汇储备变动给M1带来的影响大于M2。

3.According to time series data of GDP and output of the three sectors of Dongguan from 1996 to ,adouble logarithm model was established for calculating the contribution of industrial structure to the economic growth in Dongguan.利用东莞市1996年~东莞市国内生产总值以及三次产业产出的时间序列数据,建立双对数模型,测算了东莞市不同产业对经济增长的贡献。

3)double-logarithmic model双对数线性模型

4)double-log model双对数计量模型

5)logarithm model对数模型

1.Onlogarithm model for operational effectiveness evaluation of aircrafts considering the weather;考虑天气因素的飞机作战效能对数模型

2.Based on the long-term monitoring data of post-construction settlement of the loess subgrade of the Lanzhou-Wuwei Line Ⅱ,the quasi consolidation model was set up and contrasted with other models such as the Poisson model,index model,logarithm model and hyperbolic model.利用兰武二线黄土路基工后沉降的长期观测数据,提出一种新的分析预测模型——似固结模型,并与泊松模型、指数模型、对数模型、双曲线模型的预测结果进行对比分析。

3.All exponential models, power function models, root-squaring models, hyperbolic models, butlogarithm models can’t disclose the laws of the post- construction settlement of the high embankment.在指数模型、幂函数模型、平方根模型、双曲线模型和对数模型等回归参数模型中,只有对数模型能较真实反映高填方地基工后沉降规律。

6)logarithmic model对数模型

1.To study the soil and water conservation, we usually use thelogarithmic model to describe the relations between factors.在水土保持研究中 ,常采用对数模型来描述各因素间的关系 ,这种模型往往具有较好的统计特性。


双对数坐标Image:11802758277455114.jpg 双对数坐标

