100字范文 > 植被恢复技术 vegetation restoration technology英语短句 例句大全

植被恢复技术 vegetation restoration technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-30 18:39:53


植被恢复技术 vegetation restoration technology英语短句 例句大全

植被恢复技术,vegetation restoration technology

1)vegetation restoration technology植被恢复技术

1.Study onvegetation restoration technology of subgrade slope of hydropower station in the dry-hot valley areas干热河谷水电站路基边坡植被恢复技术研究


1.Technology in Two Wings of Roads Vegetation Restoration in Hilly of Dalian大连丘陵地区道路两翼植被恢复技术

2.The technical principle and application of vegetation restoration for CSR rock and soil residue fieldCSR岩土渣场植被恢复技术原理及应用

3.Preliminary Study on the Vegetation Resumes Technology of Discard Mines in Beijing;北京矿山废弃地植被恢复技术定额初步研究

4.The Restoration Methods and Techniques of Degenerate Grassland in Hulunbeier;呼伦贝尔风蚀沙化草场植被恢复技术途径研究

5.Research on Technology of Eco-highway Slope Vegetation Restoration in SiChuan四川生态型公路边坡植被恢复技术应用研究

6.Vegetation restoration technique of mining wasteland in Gejiu Stannary of Yunnan Province云南省个旧锡矿山废弃地植被恢复技术

7.Discussion on the Present Situation of Rocky Desertification and the Technology forVegetation Restoration in Shuicheng County水城县石漠化现状与植被恢复技术初探

8.Study on vegetation restoration technology of subgrade slope of hydropower station in the dry-hot valley areas干热河谷水电站路基边坡植被恢复技术研究

9.The Application of CS Quick Plant Restoration Technology at the Rock Slope of Changji Highway in Mountainous AreaCS快速植被恢复技术在山区常吉高速公路岩石边坡植被恢复的应用研究

10.A Study on Broussonetia Papyrifera Population Ecology and Revegetable Technology in Mine Spoils in Mufu Mountain in Nanjing;南京幕府山构树种群生态学及矿区废弃地植被恢复技术研究

11.Soil Properties and Vegetative Rehabilitation Techniques in a Typical Dry-hot Valley of the Jinsha River Basin;金沙江干热河谷典型区土壤特性与植被恢复技术

12.Discussion of the Technical Approach of Soil and Water Conservation Vegetation Restoration in Hehuang Area of Qinghai Province;青海省河湟地区水土保持植被恢复技术途径探讨

13.The Discussion of the Post-earthquake Vegetation Restoration Technology in the Visible Zone of Yingxiu Town映秀镇视野区地震灾后生态植被恢复技术措施探讨

14.Study on Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Reconstruction Technique in Yalong River Basin雅砻江流域植被恢复与重建技术研究

15.Study on Theories of Forest Vegetation Recovery and Construction in Yanshan Mountain Area;燕山山地森林植被恢复与重建理论和技术研究

16.The Technology Study of Vegetation Recovery in the Limestone Region in Taihang Mountain in Hebei;河北省太行山石灰岩区植被恢复关键技术研究

17.Study on Techniques of Vegetation Restoration on Degraded Warm Temperate Tussock in the Southeast of Yunnan Province;滇东南退化暖性草丛草地植被恢复的技术研究

18.Study on the Restoration and Reconstruction Technology Systems for the Desert Grassland Vegetation of the Inner Mongolia;内蒙古荒漠草原植被恢复与重建技术体系研究


CS plant restoration technologyCS植被恢复技术

3)technology of slope vegetation restoration边坡植被恢复技术

4)CS Plant Quick Restoration TechnologyCS快速植被恢复技术

5)vegetation restoration植被恢复

1.Classification of typical degraded ecosystems at different stages ofvegetation restoration:A case study in Xiaolangdi hilly areas,Henan Province,China;典型退化山地生态系统植被恢复阶段分类——以小浪底库区山地为例

2.Review of researches invegetation restoration of freeway slopes;高速公路边坡植被恢复研究进展

3.Basic characters of soil seed bank and measures ofvegetation restoration in rock desertification area in southwest of Guangxi;桂西南石漠化山地土壤种子库的基本特征及植被恢复对策


1.Evaluation model forrevegetation potentiality of sand dust sources in farming-pastoral ecotone in Northern China;北方农牧交错带沙尘源植被恢复潜力评价模型研究

2.Application of soil seed bank in wastelandrevegetation project;土壤种子库在荒废地植被恢复工程中的应用

3.Web-GIS and RS based spatial decision support system forrevegetation in coal mine waste area;基于Web-GIS和RS的煤矿废弃地植被恢复空间决策支持系统


