100字范文 > 寓言体 fable style英语短句 例句大全

寓言体 fable style英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-03 02:08:01


寓言体 fable style英语短句 例句大全

寓言体,fable style

1)fable style寓言体


1.Lord of the Flies is rich in symbols.象征是寓言体小说《蝇王》的主要写作手法。

2.Decoding the Fable "A Little Bird and a Big Bear" from the Perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics从功能语言学角度看寓言体儿童故事《小鸟与大熊》

3.A moral fable, especially one having animals or inanimate objects as characters.寓言道德寓言,尤指以动物或无生命物体作为角色的寓言

4.A composer of fables.寓言家寓言的创作者

5.Pan-fable Theory of Zhuang-zi and Its Profound Influence;中国古代的“寓言”理论及文体形态

6.An Analysis of Liu Zongyuan s Fable;破体为文,独立成篇——柳宗元寓言文试析

7.Sarcasm and humor Bitter irony --Felling artistic language of caricature;寓庄于谐 一针见血——体会漫画艺术语言

8.used in or characteristic of or containing allegory.用在寓言中或具有寓言的特征或包含寓言的。

9.The Combination of the Writing Style of Historical Biographies and Fables--An Analysis on the Narrative Mode of Lie Xian Zhuan and Shen Xian Zhuan史传体例 寓言笔法——《列仙传》《神仙传》叙事模式探析

10.interpret as an allegory.使……寓言化或以寓言的形式表述。

11.This fable was written after the manner of Aesop.这部寓言是仿照《伊索寓言》写成的。

12.The Fable of September:"Afterword-like Writing"andMythology in the Form of Fable《九月寓言》:“代后记”与神话的寓言化

13.On the History of the Development of Chinese Fables--Preface to the "New Interpretation of Selective Fables in all Dynasties"中国寓言发展史述略——《新译历代寓言选》前言

14.Relating to or characteristic of the animal fables of Aesop.伊索寓言式的有关伊索的动物寓言的,以伊索的动物寓言为特征的

15.The Difference in Implied Meaning of Pre-Qin Fables and Aesop s Fables and Their Language Function;先秦寓言与伊索寓言的寓意构筑差异及言语功用

16.A Banner of Early Qin Fables;先秦诸子寓言的一面旗帜——庄子寓言与其他诸子寓言的异同

17.An Allegory Lost in Its Own Allegorical Possibilities;失去寓意的寓言——卡夫卡《一道圣旨》解读

18.On the Relation between the Noumenon and the Symbol in New Parabolic Novels--An analysis for 《Wanford s Escaping Story》;论新寓言小说中本体与符号的关系——析尤瑟纳尔的《王佛脱险记》


poetic parables诗体寓言

3)fable System寓言体系

1.This paper analyses actuality and problem offable System of Chinese material, and selects fable as Chinese mate.本文通过对语文教材选用寓言的必要性、可行性进行分析,认识寓言对教材建设、教师教学、学生学习的重要意义,并综合考虑时代的特点、知识逻辑序列、语文学科的特性、学生身心发展规律等诸多因素,尝试对现行语文教材中寓言体系所存问题进行调适研究。

4)allegorical novels寓言体小说

1.This paper first orientates Chinese modernallegorical novels.本论文从现实与幻想的关系谈起,引出中国现代寓言体小说。

5)allegorical children story寓言体儿童故事

1.This paper analyzed theallegorical children story,a Little Bird and a Big Bear,drawing on the systemic functional linguistic approach.文章运用系统功能语言学的语篇分析方法,以一篇寓言体儿童故事为例,着重从语境、语篇结构和语篇衔接三个方面分析它的语言特征。


1.The Fable Features of Calvino s Short Fiction Black Sheep;卡尔维诺小说《黑羊》的寓言特点

2.A Banner of Early Qin Fables;先秦诸子寓言的一面旗帜——庄子寓言与其他诸子寓言的异同

3.Heavenly Inspiration and Grace ——on thefables in Zhuangzi;神来灵气 文彩天成——简论《庄子》寓言


