100字范文 > 有效汇率 effective exchange rate英语短句 例句大全

有效汇率 effective exchange rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-06 13:54:54


有效汇率 effective exchange rate英语短句 例句大全

有效汇率,effective exchange rate

1)effective exchange rate有效汇率

1.In general, Asian currencies with more flexible exchange rates appear to be trading with aneffective exchange rate orientation while dollars influence decreased as well as Renminbis influence is rising.总体看来,具有更加弹性汇率的亚洲货币将以有效汇率为导向进行交易,美元的影响力逐渐减弱,人民币影响日益增强。

2.This article tries to identify the current exchange rate of the RMB does not be underestimated by estimating the RMBeffective exchange rate and analysing the Chinese trade payment and international reserve.通过对人民币实际有效汇率的估计和对我国贸易收支以及国际储备的考察证明人民币汇率不存在低估。

3.This paper investigates the fluctuation of the RMB s nominaleffective exchange rate (NEER) and the bad impacts on China s economy over the period from 1994 to 1999.在国际金融市场动荡的情况下,旨在稳定汇率的钉住美元的政策使得人民币随美元对其他外币的整体比价大幅波动,人民币名义和实际有效汇率不稳。


1.trade-weighted effective exchange rate index贸易加权有效汇率指数

2.Empirical Study of the Correlation between the Effective Exchange Rate and China s Foreign Trade;中国外贸与有效汇率关系的实证研究

3.A Study on the Relationship between RMB Real Effective Exchange Rate and China s Economic Growth;人民币实际有效汇率与中国经济增长

4.The Research of RMB Real Effective Exchange Rate Misalignment: BEER Model人民币实际有效汇率错位研究:BEER模型

5.Real Effective Exchange Rate and Volatility of RMB and Economic Growth人民币实际有效汇率波动与经济增长

6.Model Research of RMB(renminbi) Real Effective Exchange Rate人民币实际有效汇率的构建方法研究

7.An Analysis on the Interaction Effect between Real Interest Rate and Real Effective Exchange Rate of RMB;人民币实际利率与实际有效汇率互动关系研究

8.Exogeneity Test of Exchange Rate System: Analyse Based on RMB Real Exchange Rate;汇率制度外生性检验——基于人民币实际有效汇率的分析

9.Pass-through Effect of the Change of RMB s Norminal Effective Exchange Rate on Domestic Price;有效汇率波动对国内价格的传递效应研究

10.Measurement of EER of RMB and its Effect on International Trade and Forex;汇率制度改革后人民币有效汇率测算及对国际贸易、外汇储备的影响分析

11.The Research on Foreign Exchange Exposure of Listed Companies Based on Real Effective Exchange Rate of RMB;基于人民币实际有效汇率的上市公司外汇风险暴露研究

12.A Positive Study on the Effect of RMB Real Effective Exchange Rate on the International Reserve:1996~;人民币实际有效汇率波动对外汇储备影响的实证研究:1996~

13.The Empirical Analysis on Real Effective Exchange Rate Determinants;人民币实际有效汇率决定因素的实证分析

14.Research on the Renminbi Real Effective Exchange Rate Volatility s Effect on FDI;人民币实际有效汇率波动对FDI影响的实证研究

15.The Analysis on the Short-term Fluctuation of RMB Real Effective Exchange Rate with STAR Model;人民币实际有效汇率短期波动的STAR模型分析

16.Research of RMB Real Effective Exchange Rate Basing on the International Competitive Power;基于国际竞争力的人民币实际有效汇率研究

17.An Analysis on the Relationship between RMB s Real Effective Exchange Rate and China s Export;人民币实际有效汇率与中国出口贸易关系分析

18.Empirical research on the Relations among Effective Exchange,FDI and the Exports in China;有效汇率、FDI与我国外贸出口关系的实证研究


real effective exchange rate index有效汇率指数

1.This paper employs the conditional variance of thereal effective exchange rate index from generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity(GARCH) models to proxy the exchange rate variability and represents attempt to use changes inreal effective exchange rate index in studying the Impact of RMB exchange rate volatility on trade.以GARCH模型(generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model)导出的实际有效汇率指数的条件方差代表汇率变动,尝试用实际有效汇率指数的变化研究汇率波动对我国贸易流量的动态影响,并应用协整理论和向量误差修正模型(VEC),就汇率波动对进出口贸易流量的影响进行实证分析。

2.This paper employs the conditional variance of thereal effective exchange rate index from gener.关于汇率波动的测试方法已被用于经验研究中,本文用GARCH模型(generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model),即自回归条件异方差模型导出的实际有效汇率指数的条件方差代表汇率变动。

3)effective exchange rate of RMB人民币有效汇率

1.At the same time, the paper surveys theeffective exchange rate of RMB by using models above and empirically analyzes the movements among various series and the connection with macro-economic-variables in order to find a solution to abate the pressure of the appreciation of RMB.本文在用商品贸易权重计算有效汇率的基础上,探讨了用资本移动权重和债务权重计算有效汇率的新模型,并调查和实证分析了由这些模型决定的人民币有效汇率时序列运动以及它们与宏观经济变量之间的长期关系,以解决外汇管理中人民币升值压力上升问题。

4)Real Effective Exchange Rate真实有效汇率

5)Real effective exchange rate实际有效汇率

1.Real Effective Exchange Rate,Fiscal Deficit and the Economic Growth in China;实际有效汇率、财政赤字与中国经济增长

2.The relation between renminbi real effective exchange rate and FDI: a new angle of viewing;人民币实际有效汇率波动对FDI影响的实证分析:一个新视角

3.An Analysis on the Interaction Effect between Real Interest Rate and Real Effective Exchange Rate of RMB;人民币实际利率与实际有效汇率互动关系研究

6)nominal effective exchange rate名义有效汇率

1.Through an examination of the exchange rate movement in recent ten years and a comparison betweennominal effective exchange rate and actual exchange rate, they are shown that the RMB currency is stronger than other major currencies in their trends of exchange rate and its value is not underestimated.考察来的汇率变动,从名义、名义有效汇率、实际汇率动态和静态比较等方面均可以说明,人民币汇率走势强于其他主要货币,其币值并未低估。

2.The change of RMBnominal effective exchange rate will transmit effect to the CPI.人民币名义有效汇率变动对消费者价格指数(CPI)具有传递效应。


有效汇率 有效汇率概述 实际汇率和有效汇率是国际金融研究和决策中的两个重要概念。实际汇率和有效汇率是相对于名义汇率而言的。名义汇率是指公布的汇率。我们知道,各国政府为达到增加出口和限制进口,经常对各类出口商品进行财政补贴或减免税收,对进口则征收各种类型的附加税,有效汇率是指某种加权平均汇率。目前,国际货币基金组织定期公布17个工业发达国家的若干种有效汇率指数,包括劳动力成本、消费物价、批发物价等等为权数的经加权平均得出的不同类型的有效汇率指数。以贸易比重为权数的有效汇率所反映的是一国货币汇率在国际贸易中的总体竞争力和总体波动幅度。我们知道,一国的产品,出品到不同国家可能会使用不同的汇率。另外,一国货币在对某一种货币升值时也可能同时在对另一种货币贬值。即使该种货币同时对所有其它货币贬值(或升值),其程度也不一定完全一致。因此,从70 年代末起,人们开始使用有效汇率来观察某种货币的总体波动幅度及其在国际经贸和金融领域中的总体地位。有效汇率的公式如下:A币的有效汇率=A国货币对i国货币的汇率×(A国同i国的贸易值/A国的全部对外贸易值)
