100字范文 > 氮含量的影响 effect of N content英语短句 例句大全

氮含量的影响 effect of N content英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-25 19:02:56


氮含量的影响 effect of N content英语短句 例句大全

氮含量的影响,effect of N content

1)effect of N content氮含量的影响


1.Influence of nitriding modes and ammonia on nitrogen content of oriented silicon steel渗氮方式及氨气对取向硅钢氮含量的影响

2.Effect of Different Nitrogen Fertilization Rate and Irrigation Rate on Nitrate Nitrogen Concentration in Wheat-Maize Interplanting System施氮量和灌溉量对小麦/玉米间作土壤硝态氮含量的影响

3.Influence of Glutin on the Number of Microbial Population and Mineral Nitrogen Content in Soil明胶对土壤微生物数量及矿质氮含量的影响

4.Effect of Different Levels N Application on the Nitrate Accumulation in Cucumber and Soil in Sunlight Greenhouse氮肥用量对日光温室黄瓜和土壤硝态氮含量的影响

5.Effect of Nitrogen Application Amount on Nitrogen Content in Stem and Leaf of Two Maize Varieties with Different Yield Levels氮肥对不同产量水平的玉米茎叶含氮量的影响

6.The Effect of Nitrogen and Potash Fertilizer on Nitrate and VC Content of Leafy Vegetables氮钾肥对叶菜硝酸盐含量和VC含量的影响

7.Influences of Additional Nitragon Manuring in the Middle and Late Period of Wheat Growth on Leaf Nitrogen Content, Grain Yield and Grain Protein Content中后期追氮对小麦叶片氮含量及籽粒产量、蛋白质含量的影响

8.Effect of nitrogen application on nitrogen content and protein content in soybean plant施氮对大豆植株氮素和蛋白质含量的影响

9.Effect of Rare Earths Content on Nitriding Performance of 38CrMoAl Steel稀土含量对38CrMoAl钢渗氮层性能的影响

10.Effects of Curing Condition on Contents of Three Nitrogen Compounds of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves烘烤对烟叶3种含氮化合物含量的影响

11.EFFECT OF NITROGEN ON GROWGH,YIELD AND CONTENTS OF ESSENTIAL OIL OF Dracocephalum moldavica L.施氮量对香青兰生长、产量及挥发油含量的影响

12.Sources of Nicotine-N and Effects of Nitrogen Supply on Growth, Nitrogen Uptake, Nicotine Contents in Nicotiana Tabacum Plants;烟碱氮素来源和供氮对烤烟生长、氮素吸收、烟碱含量的影响

13.Effects of Nitrogen on Micronutrient Concentration and Accumulation in Grains of Wheat氮肥对小麦不同品种籽粒微量元素含量的影响

14.Effects of N,P and K on Yield and Quercetin Content of Penthorum chinense Pursh施氮磷钾对赶黄草产量和槲皮素含量的影响

15.Effect of Nitrogen Application on Yield and Nitrate of Tumorous Stem Mustard施氮对茎瘤芥产量和硝酸盐含量的影响

16.Effects of P and Zn Combination on the Growth,Yield and Kernel Nitrogen Content of WheatP·Zn组合对小麦生长·产量和籽粒含氮量的影响

17.Effects of Phosphate-solubilizing Bacteria on the Vegetation Biomass,Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentration of Avena sativa溶磷菌对燕麦生物量及植株氮、磷含量的影响

18.Effect of Water-saving Irrigation on Dry Matter and Nitrogen Content of Rice Root节水灌溉对水稻根系干物质量和含氮量的影响


Content influence含量影响

3)effect of N2 content氮的影响

4)influence of oxygen content氧含量影响

5)effect of content of alloying element合金元素含量的影响

6)electrolyte content effect电解液含量影响


《纺织品纤维含量的标识》(FZ/T01053—1998)《纺织品纤维含量的标识》(FZ/T01053—1998)Textiles-Designation of Fibre ContentFangZhiPin Xian明1 Honliong de BiaOZhi《纺织品纤维含t的标识》(万刀T 01053一1998)(爪荡£幼郎.加匆刁以勿nof踢。。几饱瓜)纤维种类及其含量是纺织品品质标志的重要内容之一。根据纺织制品形式和结构,提出了标注纤维含t的具体要求,解决了不同产品标识的统一问题,如带里料的产品应对里和面分别标注;带填充物的产品应把填充物和套分别标注;二种以上的不同织物拼接或镶嵌的产品应分别标注不同织物;只起装饰作用而不作为产品主体的可以不标。规定统一采用国家标准规定的纤维名称,避免了任意标注商品名称、外来语名称等造成的纤维名称混乱问题;规定了以成品中某种纤维的量占纤维总量的百分数表示,而不以生产实际的投料比例标注,解决了纤维含t概念(即基数不清)的问题。明确规定了各种纺织品的纤维含量允差,既与原有的纺织品标准衔接,又明确了各种单一纤维纯纺、二组分或多组分纤维混纺或交织产品的明示含t值与实际值可允许的差值,使标准具有可操作性,解决了含t偏差判定的根本问题,使市场抽查有据可依。对统一纤维成分及其含量的标识起到了积极的指导作用,对保护消费者的利益,维护生产者的合法权益有着重要意义。(郑宇英)
