100字范文 > 研发思路 Research & development thinking英语短句 例句大全

研发思路 Research & development thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-05 02:05:17


研发思路 Research & development thinking英语短句 例句大全

研发思路,Research & development thinking

1)Research & development thinking研发思路


1.R & D Ideas of ±1000kV UHVDC Transmission Technology±1000kV特高压直流输电技术研发思路(英文)

2.Development Strategy and Research & Development Thinking on Current Hospital Pharmaceutical Preparation当前医院制剂发展策略与研发思路探讨

3.On the Necessity for Developing Nuclear Power in Guangdong along with the Associated Strategic Thinking;广东核电发展必要性及总体思路研究

4.The Research on Development and Countermeasures of Wushu Culture in Heze;菏泽武术文化的发展思路与对策研究

5.Research on Strategies for Organic Agricultural Development of Leye County;乐业县有机农业发展思路与对策研究

6.The Research of MaoZedong s Thoughts in Agricultural Development of New China Laundry;毛泽东新中国农业发展道路思想研究

7.Research on Developing Thought of Innovating Suzhou Export-oriented Economy;创新苏州外向型经济的发展思路研究

8.Research on Developing Model of Chinese Media Group;中国传媒业集团化发展思路的再研究

9.Study on the Development Strategy and Overall Design of Modern Service Business;现代服务业发展战略和总体思路研究

10.On Economies of Scale;规模经济——中国农业发展思路研究

11.A Research on Xuzhou Economic Development in the Tenth Five-year-planning Term;徐州市“十五”时期经济发展思路研究

12.Study in Geographic Information System Specialty Constructing--the study of Sun Yat-Sen University as a CaseGIS学科与专业建设的发展思路研究

13.The status quo of China"s agricultural products logistics research and development ideas我国农产品物流现状与发展思路研究

14.Current Situation of Liaoning Rice Breeding Research and Development Approach辽宁省水稻育种研究现状及发展思路

15.Discussion of creative research on 1000 MW hydro-generating unit1000MW水轮发电机组创新研究思路探讨

16.Study on the Automobile Industry Cluster of JNDZ;江宁开发区汽车产业集群发展思路研究

17.A Study of Developing State, Problems, and Trains of Thought of 3-capital Industry in Hubei Province;湖北三资工业发展状况、问题及发展思路研究

18.A Research on the Background of Developing Experience Economy and Measures of Exploiting Experience Tourism in China;我国发展体验旅游的背景、开发思路及对策研究


research in developing ideas开发思路研究

3)development train of thoughts研制思路

1.Aimed at existing theoretical and practical problems in the country"s CBM evaluation,exploration and exploitation,discussed important parameters of pressure,density,temperature and mixed water-methane solution flow rate in drainage and mining wells and due curve configurations of each parameter to obtain each parameter CBM underground diagnostic instrumentdevelopment train of thoughts.针对我国目前煤层气评价、勘探、开发中尚存在的理论和实践问题,探讨了影响煤层气评价的排采井内压力、密度、温度、水气混合液流量等重要参数和各参数在井筒中的曲线应有形态,以及获得各参数的煤层气井下诊断仪的研制思路,达到了解煤层气储层各部分的实际工作状态的目的,为煤层气排采井的产水和产气层位以及气、水单独流量和相应的压力的定性分析提供依据。

4)research thinking研究思路

1.Research Thinking of Acupuncuture & Moxibustion in the Treatment of Vascular Dementia (VD);针灸治疗血管性痴呆研究思路

2.Based on dialectical relationship between active and toxic ingredient to discuss newresearch thinking;基于药、毒效成分辨证关系探讨有毒中药研究思路

3.By studying the nature of syndrome in recent years,especially statistically analyzing the nature research materials of syndromes of asthenia spleen qi,asthenia lung qi and asthenia heart qi,we have found that at present,there are main problems as non-specification of index,limitations of animal models and one-sidedness ofresearch thinking.通过对近年来证本质研究,尤其是脾气虚证、肺气虚证、心气虚证本质研究资料的统计分析,我们发现目前证本质研究中,主要存在指标的非特异性,动物模型的局限性,研究思路的片面性等问题。

5)research thought研究思路

1.Methodological principles of complexity science andresearch thoughts of pulse examination;复杂性科学方法论原则与脉诊研究思路

2.Hanging from "management to philosophy," "philosophy to management," and "interpenctration of management and philosophy," their explorations clucidated their own understandings ofresearch thoughts and research objects.他们见仁见智,分别沿着"管理→哲学"、"哲学→管理"、"管理与哲学交叉"的研究思路,对管理哲学的研究对象进行了各自的理解和阐述。

6)research method研究思路

1.In this way,we can transfer the oldresearch method to a new one:to suspend history,break the time line,question the past and attempt to reconstruct our narration of China\"s communication research through multi-angles and multi-methodologies,in order to achieve its historical values.据此史学思维,可以转换研究思路:暂时悬置历史,打破简单的时间界线,向过去提出问题,尝试从多个角度、运用多元方法来重建对中国传播学研究的叙述,并期待这样的叙述最终会获得历史的价值。


