100字范文 > 支撑式TBM Gripper TBM英语短句 例句大全

支撑式TBM Gripper TBM英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-16 20:34:14


支撑式TBM Gripper TBM英语短句 例句大全

支撑式TBM,Gripper TBM

1)Gripper TBM支撑式TBM

parison ofGripper TBM and Double Shield TBM for Design and Selection支撑式TBM与双护盾式TBM在设计选型中的比较

2.Replacement and Treatment of the Main Bearing for theGripper TBM during Driving支撑式TBM掘进中途的主轴承更换及处理


parison of Gripper TBM and Double Shield TBM for Design and Selection支撑式TBM与双护盾式TBM在设计选型中的比较

2.Replacement and Treatment of the Main Bearing for the Gripper TBM during Driving支撑式TBM掘进中途的主轴承更换及处理

3.trussed beam plough吊挂式犁 -带有支撑架的

4.bottom-supported fixed platform底部支撑的固定式平台

5.Bents may be braced in a number of ways. The full diagonal bracing is the most economical type of wind bracing.排架的支撑方法有多种。最经济的抗风支撑形式是完全对角支撑。

parison Between Support Technique of Squattingand Support Technique of Splitting in Jerk;挺举上挺中下蹲式支撑与箭步式支撑技术之比较

7.Research of Active Beam Link Length and Brace Types of Ebsf Used in High-Rise Buildings;高层建筑偏心支撑钢框架耗能梁段长度以及支撑形式研究

8.The Influence of Strut Way on the Relation Between Stride Frequency and Length Combination and Stride Speed in the Sight of the Speed Skating Strut Characteristics;从速度滑冰的支撑特点看支撑方式对频幅组合与步速关系的影响

9.Bronze Scraping Knife with holders at front and rear part of the rolls.辊前方及后方带支撑式青铜刮刀。

10.Thing have come to this, that he cannot support his family形式已经发展到他不能支撑起他的家

11.bottom-supported movable platform底部可支撑的可移式平台

12.Design and Manufacture Intra-support Fracture Fixator of Hook Type for the Zygomatic Arch Through Intraoral Incision;抓钩式内支撑颧弓骨折固定器的研制

13.The Lifting Scheme for Compactly Supported Biorthogonal Multiwavelets of Scaling=a;a尺度紧支撑双正交多小波的提升格式

14.Exploration of investment and finance in the middle part of Shaanxi province;陕西关中跨越式发展投融资支撑初探

15.Discussing on the pendulun method while propping the parallel bars to swing;双杠支撑摆动“钟摆式”保护方法探讨

16.The Calculating Formulas on the Number of theSome kind Spanning Trees in Digraph;有向图中几类支撑树数目的计算公式

17.A Support System for BPR Based onDistributed Object Technology;基于分布式对象技术的BPR支撑系统

18.Research and application of the temporary top-supporting device depending on the wall壁支撑式临时护顶装置的研制与应用


rod support杆式支撑

1.Investigation in baffle-rod support on shell-and-tube heat exchanger;管壳式换热器杆式支撑结构的研究与应用

3)supporting way支撑方式

1.Influence ofsupporting way and model scale on dynamic derivatives of axisymmetric body;支撑方式和模型尺度对轴对称体旋转导数的影响

2.The Analysis about the Combination among Pace Length Pace Frequency and Pace Volence in Supporting Way of the Speedskating;速度滑冰支撑方式中步长、步频与步速之间的关系研究

4)Prop patterns支撑模式

5)Brace types支撑形式

6)Trunk expression support干式支撑

1.There are "Radical expression aegis","Trunk expression support" and "Foliage expression reaction".本文试运用新公共管理中的“多中心治理”理论,在研究国际对华反倾销的现状、探讨我国遭遇反倾销的原因、剖析国外对华反倾销案例的基础上,有针对性地提出了我国遭遇反倾销的对策,即构建政府、行业协会和企业“三位一体”的反倾销协同应对体系,并且政府、行业协会和企业应有效发挥各自的根式支持、干式支撑和叶式反应作用,以确保该体系生机勃勃地运行,对我国降低反倾销的风险和损失有所裨益。


