100字范文 > 三维轮廓测量 three-dimensional profile measurement英语短句 例句大全

三维轮廓测量 three-dimensional profile measurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-23 06:43:27


三维轮廓测量 three-dimensional profile measurement英语短句 例句大全

三维轮廓测量,three-dimensional profile measurement

1)three-dimensional profile measurement三维轮廓测量

1.The analysis confirms that its feasibility and this technique can meet the current demand of high resolution and fastthree-dimensional profile measurement.基于光学共聚焦技术,提出了一个新颖的三维轮廓测量技术,分析其性能,并描述系统配置。


1.The Application of the Laser Triangulation on Measurement of Objects" Three-dimension Figure;激光三角法在物体三维轮廓测量中的应用

2.Study on Measurement of 3D Photography in Aero Engine Vane;航空发动机叶片三维轮廓测量方法研究

3.Research on Three-dimensional Profilometry Based on Temporal Phase Unwrapping;基于时间相位展开的三维轮廓测量研究

4.Fast 3-D Measurement Profilometry Based on Modulation Ratio;基于调制度比值的快速三维轮廓测量方法

5.The Research of the 3-D Profile Measurement s Calibration Method Based on Grating Projection;光栅投影三维轮廓测量技术标定方法的研究

6.Approach of Measuring 3-D Profile with Binary Optical Element;采用二元光学元件的三维轮廓测量方法

7.Three-Dimensional Shape Measurement Based on Color-Coded;基于彩色编码方法实现物体的三维轮廓测量

8.Study on 3-D Profile Measurement Methods Based on RGB Color Model基于RGB彩色模型的三维轮廓测量方法研究

9.Calibration Method for Three-Dimensional Measurement System Based on Linear-Structure Light线结构光三维轮廓测量系统的标定方法

10.FTP Based Experiment on Measuring the Object’s 3D Profile InformationFTP测量物体的三维轮廓信息实验

11.Optical Three-dimensional Profilometry Based on Modulation Ratio基于调制度比的光学三维测量轮廓术

12.Research on the Measurement of 3-Dimensional Object Surface Profile Based on FTP Method in Large-Scale;大视场下FTP三维物体表面轮廓测量方法的研究

13.An Engineering Measurement Method for the 3-Dimensional Object Surface with FTP;FTP三维物体表面轮廓工程测量方法的研究

14.Study of 3D Human Body Contour Digitization and Dimension Measurement Technique;三维人体轮廓数字化及尺寸测量技术研究

15.Research on the Surface Profile Measurement of 3D Object Based on Hand-held Structured Light手持式结构光三维物体表面轮廓测量方法研究

16.Research on Grating Projection Measuring Technology for Vehicle 3D Profile车辆三维轮廓的光栅投影测量技术研究

17.Technology of Double CCD 3D Profile Measurement Using Grating Project双CCD光栅投影法测量物体三维轮廓技术

18.Development of Measurement and Test System for Two-dimension Profilograph二维表面轮廓测量仪测试系统的开发


3-D profile measurement三维轮廓测量

1.3-D profile measurement technique has been widely applied to many areas such as product quality control, industrial online testing, robot vision, object profile modeling, medical diagnosis, geological prospecting, computer aided design and machining.三维轮廓测量技术广泛应用于产品质量控制、工业在线检测、机器视觉、实物仿形、医学诊断、地质勘探、计算机辅助设计与加工等许多方面。

2.In recent years, optical3-D profile measurement techniques have become the research focus due to their non-contact, high resolution, non-destructive nature and fast data acquisition.三维轮廓测量技术广泛应用于自动化制造、在线检测、反求工程、医学诊断、机器视觉等领域。

3)3D profile measurement三维轮廓测量

4)3D profilometry measurement三维轮廓测量

1.A method of3D profilometry measurement based on phase shifting technique;提出了一种将莫尔投影法与单片机控制的相移技术相结合的物体表面三维轮廓测量方法,有效地实现了物体表面三维轮廓的高速、自动高精度测量。

5)optical 3D shape measurement光学三维轮廓测量

6)super precision three-dementional contour measurement超精密三维轮廓测量


