100字范文 > 客户服务中心 customer service center英语短句 例句大全

客户服务中心 customer service center英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-02 23:43:40


客户服务中心 customer service center英语短句 例句大全

客户服务中心,customer service center

1)customer service center客户服务中心

1.Construction of knowledge push system incustomer service center of enterprise;企业客户服务中心知识推送系统构建研究

2.The system of electric power corporation scustomer service center;电力客户服务中心管理系统的总体分析、设计与功能实现

3.Research on application of GIS tocustomer service center and its implementation;GIS在客户服务中心的应用研究和实现


1.Construction of customer service center for power supply company of Customer-Relationship-Management (CRM) type客户关系管理型供电客户服务中心的建设

2.Research on Electric Power Customer s Service Center and Its Technology Supporting System;电力客户服务中心建设与客户服务技术支持系统研究

3.The Electric Power Customer Service Center System Strategy Research of AnShan Area;鞍山电力客户服务中心系统策略研究

4.How to Ensure High Quality Service of Railway Call Center;如何保证铁路客户服务中心的优质服务

5.Railway Passenger Marketing System Based on Call Center;基于客户服务中心的铁路客运营销系统

6.Design and Realization of Insurance Company Call Center System;保险公司客户服务中心业务系统设计与实现

7.A Study on CRM Project of Customer Service Center of China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd.;中国民生银行客户服务中心客户关系管理方案研究

8.The Program Based on Crm to Build Customer Service Center of H Company基于客户关系管理的H公司客户服务中心的构建方案

9.Study on the Construction of the Customer Service Center ofLocal Area Telephone Network for CHINA TELECOM;中国电信本地网客户服务中心建设问题的探讨

10.Impelling the Development of Network Operation with High Level --The Consideration of Call Center Coustructing in China;以优质服务推动网络业务发展——我国电信客户服务中心建设思路

11.Connection timed out. Contact your customer service center for more information.连接超时。有关详细信息,请与客户服务中心联系。

12.Mobile CRM – 10% average reduction in calls to customer service center移动CRM —— 使对客户服务中心的呼叫平均减少10%

13.Research on Energy Competition Strategy for Baoding Electric Power Customer Service Centre保定市电力客户服务中心能源竞争策略研究

14.Research on Scheme of Postal Intelligent Multimedia Customer Care Center邮政智能多媒体客户服务中心方案研究

15.Research on Advanced Management System of Baoding Power Customer Service Center保定市电力客户服务中心高级管理系统研究

16.Study of China Railway Freight Customer Service Center;我国铁路货运客户服务中心相关问题研究

17.Shenyang Post 11185 Customer Service Center System Design and Implementation;沈阳邮政11185客户服务中心系统总体设计和实施

18.Design of SPDB CallCenter System;上海浦发银行客户服务中心系统设计及实施


call center客户服务中心

1.Implement on Power Distribution Management System for Call Center;配电管理系统在客户服务中心的应用

2.On the basis of analyzing the major problems in the existing railwaycall centers, instructed by the theory of the advanced customer relationship management, utilizing the technology of Data Warehouse, Data Mining and WEB-GIS, and referring to the three layers of client/server, the paper puts forward an improved construction program of the railwaycall center.通过分析铁路客户服务中心的现状,结合客户关系管理思想,利用数据仓库、数据挖掘、WEB_GIS技术,引用三层CLIENT/SERVER体系结构,提出基于客户关系管理的铁路客户服务中心建设方案及实施步骤,从理论上论证实现重点客户关系管理、客户满意度分析、客运市场细分等新的功能。

3.At last, the paper puts forward a practical solution scheme of the strategy — the internetcall center of electricity.通过对电力商品的特殊性分析,把电力商品界定为一种“服务",并以此为基础,展开对电力市场服务营销战略的研究,最后提出一种电力企业服务营销战略可行的解决方案——网上电力客户服务中心。

3)client service center客户服务中心

1.Setting upclient service center and building harmonious hospital patient relationship;建立客户服务中心 构建和谐医疗关系

2.This paper presents the new services of IP used in power system,including IP net phone,vedio conference system,IP video monitor andclient service center based on IP.介绍了IP新业务在电力系统中的应用 ,包括IP网络电话、IP视频会议系统、IP图像监控和基于IP的客户服务中心。

3.The key to build client relationship management is to set up aclient service center.建立客户关系管理系统的关键是建立客户服务中心。

4)Call Center呼叫中心,客户服务中心

5)Railway Call Center铁路客户服务中心

1.The architecture and key technology ofRailway Call Center are introduced.对铁路客户服务中心的结构及最新关键技术进行介绍,从技术层面对应用中的客户服务中心的系统设计及功能进行论述,阐述了对客服系统如何进行运营管理,提高服务质量,并对铁路客户服务中心的前景进行了分析及建议。

6)new type of customer service center新型客户服务中心


