100字范文 > 数学课程标准 mathematics curriculum standards英语短句 例句大全

数学课程标准 mathematics curriculum standards英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-10 12:53:00


数学课程标准 mathematics curriculum standards英语短句 例句大全

数学课程标准,mathematics curriculum standards

1)mathematics curriculum standards数学课程标准

1.Solving problem" for nationalmathematics curriculum standards;国家数学课程标准中的“解决问题”

2.A Comparison Research of the Geometry Content Offered in Senior Middle School Mathematics Curriculum Standards and Mathematics Teaching Syllabus;《高中数学课程标准》与《高中数学教学大纲》中几何部分内容设置的比较研究

3.On the Changes of the Mathematics Curriculum Standards Compared with the Mathematics Teaching Syllabus for Full-time Senior Middle School;论《高中数学课程标准》对《高中数学教学大纲》的发展


1.Mathematical History and Culture in Mathematics Curriculum Standards《数学课程标准》中的数学史及数学文化

2.The understanding of "Life-related Mathematics" under the standard of mathematics curriculum数学课程标准下对“数学生活化”的理解


4.To comprehend the new mathematics course standard,and set up new educational ideas;领会数学课程标准 确立新的教育观念

5.Advice On Revising Mathematics Curriculum Standards in the Phase of Full-time Compulsory Education (Pilot Manuscript);《数学课程标准(实验稿)》修订建议

6.Several Points of Thoughts and Knowledge on The Standard of Mathematical Curriculum;对《数学课程标准》的几点认识与思考

7.Solving problem" for national mathematics curriculum standards;国家数学课程标准中的“解决问题”

8.Research on Mathematics Curriculum Standards of Senior High School对《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》的研究

paring on Function of Moral Education in Mathematics Teaching Outline and Mathematics Curriculum Standard;“数学课程标准”与“数学教学大纲”德育功能之比较

10.On Training Core Teachers of Maths and Practice of New Maths Course Standard in Middle School;论数学骨干教师培训与数学课程标准实施

11.The understanding about “relations & synthesis”in the national mathematics curriculum;对国家数学课程标准中“联系与综合”目标的认识

12.Designs of Mathematics Classroom Teaching Objective on New High School Curriculum Standards;新高中课程标准下数学课堂教学目标的设计

13.Reform of Middle School Mathematics Pedagogy Under the New Curriculum Standards;从新课程标准看高师数学教材教法课程的改革

14.Integration of Information Technology and MathematicsCourse under the New Curricular Standard;新课程标准下信息技术与数学课程的整合

15.The Studing of Questions to Trying a Database for Senior High School under the New Curriculum Standards;课程标准下高中数学入库试题的研究

16.Care for Affects in Mathematics Education of New Curriculum Standards;新课程标准下数学教育中的情感关注

17.Interpretation on "Ordinary High School Mathematics Curriculum Standards(Experimental)"《普通高中数学新课程标准(实验)》解读

18.Maditate the Class Teaching of Mathematics in the New Course Criterion;新课程标准下对高中数学课堂教学的一些思考


mathematics curriculum standard数学课程标准

1.At the beginning of the new century,the promulgation of themathematics curriculum standards in the phase of full-time compulsory education (experimental manuscript) has brought new strength for mathematics teaching principle research.我国数学教学原则研究大体经历了移植引进、审视反思、体系开发与研究的多样化 3个阶段 ,进入新世纪 ,义务教育阶段国家数学课程标准的颁发 ,为数学教学原则的研究注入了新的动

2.In order to face the challenge of information-based society,China and America point out the newmathematics curriculum standard in senior high schools.为迎接信息化社会的挑战,中美两国都先后出台了新的高中数学课程标准,其中对比两国统计和概率内容的标准可见,两国各有侧重。

3.This article introduces the contents of Victoriamathematics curriculum standard in Australia and analyses its characteristics such as facing to all students, paying more attention to real situation, diversity in calcu-lation and using information technology.本文介绍了澳大利亚维多利亚州数学课程标准的具体内容;分析了标准中面向学生全体,关注现实情境、注意算法多样化和估算,用多种方式处理几何,提倡信息技术的应用等特点;阐述了对中国数学课程改革的启示。

3)mathematics course standard数学课程标准

1.Especially inmathematics course standard, it even more concerns such as human development, mathematical valve, new study thought, societal development changes, life requirement of common citizen, educational evaluation, way of stu.尤其在《数学课程标准》中,更加关注人的发展;关注数学的价值;关注新的学习理论;关注社会的发展变化;关注普通公民的生活需求;关注教育的评价;关注学习者的学习方式、情感态度价值观等等。

2.The promulgation of newmathematics course standard brought the new course principle.新数学课程标准的颁布,带来了新的课程理念。

4)mathematical curriculum standard数学课程标准

1.The principle of differential teaching goes into classes of primary schools and secondary schools and is in harmony with mathematical teaching,then becomes an effective policy under newmathematical curriculum standard.差异教学从理念走进中小学数学课堂,并融入到数学学习之中,成为新数学课程标准观照下的有效教学策略。

2.Inquiring is an important learning style ,which has been greatly promoted bymathematical curriculum standard.探究学习是重要的学习方式,是数学课程标准大力倡导的。

5)standards of mathematics curriculum数学课程标准

6)new curriculum standard of mathematics数学新课程标准

1.The paper presents the importance and necessity of carrying outnew curriculum standard of mathematics on the basis of basic mathematics reform and the cultivation of new style of qualified personnel.从基础数学教育改革以及培养创新型人才的角度阐述了实施数学新课程标准的重要性和必要性;从适应数学新课程标准的角度,分析了高师数学教师面临的压力和挑战;提出了高师数学教师面对挑战应具备的素质以及完善自身素质的途径。


课程标准规定中小学的培养目标和教学内容的文件。中国清朝末年兴办近代教育之初,在各级学堂章程中有《功课教法》章,列有课程门目表和课程分年表。这是课程标准的雏型。19 1月,中华民国教育部公布了《普通教育暂行课程标准》。此后,课程标准一词沿用了约40年。课程标准的结构,一般包括总纲和分科课程标准两部分。总纲规定学校教育的总目标、学科的设置、各年级各学科每周教学时数表和教学通则等。分科课程标准规定各科教学目标和教材纲要、教学要点和教学时间的分配、应有最低限度的教学设备以及教学方法和其他应注意的事项。课程标准的总纲部分,相当于中国现行的学校教学计划;它的分科课程标准,相当于中国现行的分科教学大纲(见教学计划、教学大纲)。
