100字范文 > 分离培养技术 isolation and culture technique英语短句 例句大全

分离培养技术 isolation and culture technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-26 08:53:44


分离培养技术 isolation and culture technique英语短句 例句大全

分离培养技术,isolation and culture technique

1)isolation and culture technique分离培养技术

1.The laboratory diagnostic method for branchiomycosis of fish was developed usingisolation and culture technique of mildew combined with transmission microscope.利用显微镜观察和霉菌分离培养技术建立了鱼鳃霉病的实验室诊断方法,并对31份疑似临床样品进行了检测,共检出鳃霉病14例。


1.Recent advances in techniques for isolation and culture of primary hepatocytes原代肝细胞分离培养技术现状及展望

2.Study on the Optimization of in Vitro Culture System of Embryos and Isolation and Generated Culture Technology of Embryo Stem Cells in Goats山羊胚胎体外培养体系的优化以及胚胎干细胞分离培养技术的研究

3.Assisted Oocyte Activation Technology and Isolation,Culture of Embryonic Stem Cells;卵母细胞激活技术与胚胎干细胞分离、培养

4.Studies on the Technique of the Isolation, Purification and Culture of Protoplast in Apple;苹果原生质体分离、纯化及培养技术研究

5.The Study on Isolation and Cultivation of Magnetotactic Bacteria and Purification of Magnetosomes;趋磁细菌的分离与培养和磁小体纯化技术研究

6.Preliminary Study on the Isolation, Culture and Inoculation Techniques of Ustilaginodea Virens Causing Rice False Smut稻曲病菌分离、培养及接种技术的初步研究

7.Study on the Isolation Technique and Culture Media of Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke)Tak水稻稻曲病菌的分离技术及培养条件研究

8.Study on Embryo Culture and Fertilization in Vitro of Zizyphus Jujuba;枣离体胚培养及离体受精技术的研究

9.The Advances in Researching on Cell Segregation and Culture Technique Suitable for Patch Clamp Technique;适用于膜片钳技术的细胞分离及培养技术的研究进展

10.Neuronal cell culture is the key technique in neuroscience research.神经元的分离培养是神经科学研究的关键性技术。

11.Bacterial cultivation and identification are the essential traditional technique; but the fastest and most potential technique is the developing molecular biology.分离培养和鉴定是基本的必不可少的传统方法 ,鉴定技术发展迅速 ;

12.Studies on Several Important Culturing Factors in the Isolated Microspore Culture Technical System in Brassica Napus L.;甘蓝型油菜游离小孢子培养技术体系中几个重要培养因素的研究

13.Studies on Genetic Diversity by AFLP and Culture Tichniques in Vitro of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Fisch.);乌拉尔甘草AFLP遗传多样性及离体培养技术研究

14.Techniques for Isolated Microspore Culture and Plantlet Regeneration in Hong Cai-tai;红菜薹游离小孢子培养和植株再生技术研究

15.Studies on the Techniques of Isolated Microspore Culture in Chinese Cabbage and Primary Application;大白菜游离小孢子培养技术研究及初步应用

16.Studies on Techniques for Secondary Metabolites Culture in Vitro of Aloe;芦荟次生代谢物质离体培养技术的研究

17.Study on Multiplication and Conservation of Ginger in Vitro;生姜组织培养快繁及离体保存技术研究

18.Improvement on Large-scaled Culture in Vitro of Anthurium Andraeanum;优化安祖花规模化离体培养技术的研究


high-throughput cultivation method高通量分离培养技术

1.For example, (1) adding signal compounds to the culture media; (2) dilution cultivation method; (3) mimic the natural environment of microorganisms; (4)high-throughput cultivation method.近年来,一些新的培养方法不断的被开发出来,主要方法如下:⑴向微生物培养基中添加信号分子;⑵稀释培养法;⑶模拟海洋微生物生长的自然环境;⑷海洋微生物的高通量分离培养技术。

3)culture technology培养技术

1.Biology characteristics of nonascus andculture technology of esterifying enzymes and quality identification;红曲霉的生物学特性、酯酶培养技术及质量鉴定

2.Construction of Database System on Plant Tissue Culture Technology;植物组培苗培养技术数据库查询系统的构建

3.The algae culture establishments、seed holding and enlarging technology、massculture technology、pollution and Preventing methods in industrial mud clam seed production were introduced.介绍了泥蚶工厂化育苗中单胞藻的培养设施、保种与扩种技术、三级生产性培养技术及防污染措施。

4)culture technique培养技术

1.Iminative experiments on industrialized mass culture of Moina mongolica Daday: Ⅱ.culture technique and production index;模拟工厂化培养蒙古裸腹溞的试验研究 Ⅱ .培养技术和产量指标的研究

2.Less than 1% of the microorganisms have be cultured and isolated by traditional pureculture technique, most of them in nature remain uncultured.传统的微生物纯培养技术能够分离得到的微生物仅为自然界中微生物总数的1%左右,绝大多数微生物还处于未培养和未研究状态,针对新型培养技术的探索已经成为了研究热点。

5)culture techniques培养技术

6)cultural technique培养技术

1.The present paper summarizes the research progress of bioactive products from marine microalgae andcultural technique of microalgae.本文简要综述了海洋微藻生物活性物质(高度不饱和脂肪酸、色素、微藻多糖等)和海洋微藻培养技术的研究进展,并对其应用前景进行了展望;现代高新技术为海洋微藻的研究开发利用和产业化提供了更广阔的前景。


