100字范文 > 高压异常 high pressure英语短句 例句大全

高压异常 high pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-13 13:23:36


高压异常 high pressure英语短句 例句大全

高压异常,high pressure

1)high pressure高压异常

1.Forming condition ofhigh pressure and salt oil reservoir;高压异常高含盐油藏形成条件研究

2)abnormally high pressure异常高压

1.Application of seismic while drilling technique in prediction ofabnormally high pressure formation;随钻地震技术在异常高压地层预测中的应用

2.Controlling effect of gypsum and salt rocks onabnormally high pressure in Kuche Depression;库车坳陷膏盐岩对异常高压保存的控制作用

3.Discussion on distribution and origin ofabnormally high pressure in Shahejie Formation, Zhanhua sag.;沾化凹陷沙河街组异常高压分布及形成机制探讨


1.Development Technologies of the Abnormal High Pressure Ultra-low Permeability Reservoirs异常高压特低渗透油藏开发技术研究

2.Evaluation of energy of restricted and closed aquifer in over-pressured gas reservoirs异常高压气藏有限封闭水体能量评价

3.It was primarily formed by undercompaction, hydrocarbon generation and tectonic compression.柴北缘异常高压主要由欠压实作用、生烃作用及构造挤压作用形成。

4.Effect of Deep Abnormal Pressure on Reservoir Evolution in Dongpu Sag东濮凹陷深层异常高压对储集层演化的影响

5.Forecasting method of production decline law of the ultra-low permeability oil reservoirs with abnormal pressure异常高压特低渗透油藏产量递减规律预测方法

6.Analysis Method of Steady Well Test in Abnormal High Pressure and Low Permeability Reservoirs异常高压低渗复杂油藏稳定测试资料分析方法

7.Abnormally high pressure and hydrocarbon accumulation in the lower Kura Sag,South Caspian Basin南里海盆地下库拉凹陷异常高压与油气成藏

8.Building up and calculation of a deliverability equation for Heba gas reservoir with abnormal high pressure in Sichuan basin四川河坝异常高压气藏的产能方程及其计算

9.Application of fracturing technology in the abnormal high temperature reservoir of the well FS-3FS-3井异常高温储层压裂改造技术

pression Technique for Hyperspectral Imagery Oriented Anomaly Detection面向异常检测的高光谱图像压缩技术


12.Analysis on Abnormality Temperature of the Up Seat in Low-voltage Side of Transformer电力变压器低压侧升高座温度异常的分析

13.Analysis on the correlation between high-normal blood pressure and abnormal metabolism代谢异常指标对血压正常高值人群的影响

14.an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and edema and protein in the urine.孕期的一种异常状态特征是高血压和水浮肿。

15.Alcohol drinking is closely related to hypertension and abnormal blood lipid level.饮酒与高血压和血脂异常的患病危险密切相关。

16.Hypertrophy also allows the abnormally high pressure to be developed by a greater number of myofibrils.肥厚也可使大量肌纤维产生异常高的压力。

17.Research on abnormity of plasma lipid in the senior hypertension complicated with type 2 diabetes mellitus老年高血压合并2型糖尿病的血脂异常研究

18.Study of Influence of Collagen Network Remodeling on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Diastolic Function in the Patients with Essential Hypertension;高血压左室重构和舒张功能异常的临床研究


abnormally high pressure异常高压

1.Application of seismic while drilling technique in prediction ofabnormally high pressure formation;随钻地震技术在异常高压地层预测中的应用

2.Controlling effect of gypsum and salt rocks onabnormally high pressure in Kuche Depression;库车坳陷膏盐岩对异常高压保存的控制作用

3.Discussion on distribution and origin ofabnormally high pressure in Shahejie Formation, Zhanhua sag.;沾化凹陷沙河街组异常高压分布及形成机制探讨


1.Gas single-phase percolation characteristics ofoverpressured gas reservoir in Penglaizhen Formation,Xinchang gas field;新场蓬莱镇异常高压气藏气体单相渗流实验特征

2.Overview of calculation methods of dynamic reserves inoverpressure gas reservoir;异常高压气藏动态地质储量计算方法综述

3.Distribution characteristics,dominant factors ofoverpressure formation and their effects on the reservoir formation are systematicaly studied in this paper.东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷平湖构造带深部普遍发育异常高压,对研究区的异常压力的分布特征、主导成因及其对油气成藏的影响进行了系统研究。

4)abnormal pressure异常高压

1.Deliverability characteristics of gas pools withabnormal pressure——an example from well Heba-1 in the third member of the Feixianguan Formation of Hebachang block,the Sichuan Basin;异常高压气藏产能特征分析——以四川盆地河坝场构造飞三气藏河坝1井为例

2.Forecasting method of production decline law of the ultra-low permeability oil reservoirs withabnormal pressure异常高压特低渗透油藏产量递减规律预测方法

3.The production index curves of all gas reservoirs, not onlyabnormal pressure ones, are curved downward.异常高压气藏与正常压力气藏没有本质的区别,只是压力稍高而已。

5)abnormal high pressure异常高压

1.Analysis of current ofabnormal high pressure distribution characteristicsistic and discuss which cause of formation in Kuqa depression of Tarim basin;塔里木盆地库车拗陷现今异常高压分布特征及其成因

2.Influence of pressure-sensitive effects upon development of Wendong low-permeability oilfield withabnormal high pressure;压敏效应对文东异常高压低渗油田开发的影响

3.Influence ofabnormal high pressure on physical properties of reservoirs;异常高压对储层物性的影响

6)abnormal high-pressure异常高压

1.Study on the mechanisms of the formation of formationabnormal high-pressure;地层异常高压形成机理的研究

2.Theabnormal high-pressure of fluid controls the hydrocarbon-forming mechanism of source rocks and the migration and accumulation of oil and gas.流体异常高压控制着烃源岩的成烃机理和油气运聚成藏。

3.The implications ofabnormal high-pressure for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation lie in two opposite aspects.异常高压对油气运移和聚集具有建设与破坏的双重作用 :发育异常高压的泥岩可作为良好的盖层 ,尤其是作为良好的区域性盖层 ,有利于油气成藏 ;异常高压可以成为泥岩排水、排烃的动力 ,产生的裂缝既可作为良好的油气运移通道 ,也可能导致油气盖层的破坏 ,促使油气重新分布。


