100字范文 > 调和级数 harmonic series英语短句 例句大全

调和级数 harmonic series英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-13 19:43:21


调和级数 harmonic series英语短句 例句大全

调和级数,harmonic series

1)harmonic series调和级数

1.Divergence and Application of Harmonic Series;调和级数的发散及其应用

2.This paper put forward a recurrence formula through calculation and synthesis,based anharmonic series theory.通过计算、综合、证明等步骤,得出飞机空中加油问题的递推公式,并以调和级数等相应的数学理论为基础来解决。

3.A proof of existence of primitive functions of a continuous function with area principle is introduced,and the divergence of theharmonic series in area method is also proved.用面积原理证明了原函数存在定理;给出了调和级数发散性的面积方法证明。


1.A Brief Proof for Convergence and Divergence of Harmonic progression and P progression调和级数与P级数敛散性的简单证法

2.Harmonic Progression Is Still Divergence--Ussing with Zhang Hui;调和级数仍是一个发散级数——与张慧同志商榷

3.Study on Harmonic Series and Euler Constant by Mathmatica;利用Mathematica研究调和级数与欧拉常数


5.Strategies of Thinking Reflected in Proving out "Harmonic Series Divergence;“调和级数发散性”证明中体现出的思维策略

6.Another Modern Version of Zeno s Paradox--the Paradox of Harmonious Series;芝诺悖论的又一现代翻版——调和级数悖论

7.Proof of an identity involving combinatorial numbers and partial sums of harmonic series;一个含有组合数与调和级数部分和的恒等式之证明

8.On Several Simply Methods Proof of The Divergency of sum from n=1 to ∞(1/n)关于调和级数sum from n=1 to ∞(1/n)的发散性的几种简单证明

9.Approximation of the Fejér Sum of Chebyshev-fourier Series for the ω-type Monotomic Functions;Chebyshev-Fourier级数Fejér和逼近ω-型单调函数

10.The key to divine harmonic proportion( sacred geometry) is the relationship between progression of growth and proportion.神的调和比例(的几何学)键是生长级数和比例间的联系。

11.Survey on the accuracy and comparability of complete blood cell count in the hospitals at second-class level and above in guiyang municipality贵阳市二级以上医院全血细胞计数结果准确性和可比性调查

12.The Growth of Dirichlet Series and Random Dirichlet SeriesDirichlet级数和随机Dirichlet级数的增长性

13.The Series sum from n=1 to ∞(x~n) Applies in Solving Summation Function and Summation of Series关于幂级数在求和函数及级数求和方面的应用

14.post adjustment class 10(Multiplier 63)工作地点差价调整数第10级(乘数63)

15.d range of spindle speeds主轴转速级数和范围

16.summability theory of divergent series发散级数的可和性理论

17.Questionnaire Survey and Analysis of Students Number in Class Teaching of Secondary School中学班级化教学中班级人数调查及分析

18.Coefficients of some classes of star like and convex functions of order ρ某些ρ级星形函数和凸形函数的系数


harmonic progression调和级数

1.Research into Convergency in the Subset of Harmonic Progression;对调和级数子集收敛性的研究

2.Harmonic Progression and Various Prove Method调和级数及其发散性的多种证法

3.Theharmonic progression is more important divergent series in the theory of series.调和级数是级数理论中一种比较重要的发散级数,现行《数学分析》教材中,有关它的发散性证明学生在学习中不易掌握。

3)harmonic progression and p-progressive调和级数与p-级数

4)harmonic series调和级数,谐级数,谐波系

5)the paradox of harmonious series调和级数悖论

6)multiple harmonic sums多重调和级数


调和级数调和级数hannonc series调和级数[加mn血史6哈;ra州。。胭ee。‘p:汉」数项级数呈李. ‘廿一几调和级数的每一项(从第2项开始)等于其相邻两项的调和平均值(恤n刀。hicmea」1)(因此称为调和级数).调和级数是发散的(G.珍ih血,1673),其部分和s。一全华渭一k随Inn增加而增加(L.Euler,1740):存在常数c>0,称为D.妙常数(E川er cons加Lnt),使得s。=hin十c十。。,其中lim。:=0.级数呈去由廿一k口称为广义调和级数;当“>1时它是收敛的,而当“(1时是发散的.Jl.八.K酬甲朋毋。撰【补注】关于凡的表达式的证明,例如见【All,定理422.注意:级数艺1/p,当p取一切素数时,也是发散的;其部分和表达式,例如见〔All,定理礴27.广义调和级数常常用来检验一个给定级数是收敛的还是发散的,只须借助于1/丫来估计给定级数的第。项即可.
