100字范文 > 案例设计 case design英语短句 例句大全

案例设计 case design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-12 22:35:15


案例设计 case design英语短句 例句大全

案例设计,case design

1)case design案例设计

1.A comment on teachingcase design based on the mathematics culture;基于数学文化的教学案例设计述评

bined with chemistry knowledge,this paper,which aims at milk,introduces thecase design of research study and practice achievements in‘Knowledge Related to Milk and Mensura- tion of Calcium Quantity’.本文依据"化学来自于生活,化学应用于生活"的课改理念,结合化学知识内容,以牛奶为研究对象,介绍了牛奶的相关知识与含钙量测定的研究性学习案例设计与实践成果。

3.They arecase design, case statement, case discussion and case summary.案例教学的实施过程分为案例设计、案例表述、案例讨论和案例总结四阶段。


1.Design Quality Ensuring Test Case in Automatization Test自动化软件测试案例设计的质量保证

2.The Webquest to Promot the Development of High-Level Thinking and Its Case Designing;促进高水平思维的Webquest及案例设计

3.Case Teaching of International Trade Practice;《国际贸易实务》教学案例设计探析

4.Case Teaching Innovation Design of Photoshop Graphic Design《Photoshop平面图像设计》案例教学的创新设计

5.Designing Scheme for Distance Case Study Discussion on Management;《管理学》远程案例讨论的设计方案

6.Task Design in EFL Classroom Teaching英语任务型教学设计——案例点评与范例

7.Design of CBR insurance fraud case analysis system;基于案例推理的保险欺诈案例分析系统设计

8.Programming example of multimedia study-scheme of the Basic Application of Computer;《计算机应用基础》多媒体学案设计示例

9.Based on Industrial Design Case of the Comprehensive Intellectual Property Strategy;基于案例的工业设计全方位知识产权战略设计

10.Project of Industry and School and Research Institution:China Style Pattern Design Case Study产学研合作项目——中国风格图案设计案例分析

11.Design of the Teaching Scheme in Automatic Control System Case Analysis“自动控制系统案例分析”课程教学方案的设计

12.Web-Based Case Learning Environment Design and Research;基于网络的案例学习环境设计与研究

13.Case Analysis of Contrivance and Application of Schoolyard Net in the Primary and Middle School;中小学校园网的设计与应用案例分析

14.Teaching Design and Case Analysis on Chemistry Inquiry Teaching in Middle School;中学化学探究教学设计及其案例分析

15.Nanjing Fujitsu Computer Product Co.,Ltd.;《案例》:南京富士通计算机设备有限公司

16.Study on Conceptual Design Knowledge Management Based on Case and Rule;基于案例与规则的概念设计知识管理

17.On the Case Teaching of "the Education Activities Design Course in Kindergartens";“幼儿园教育活动设计课”案例教学初探

18.The Design Element in the Commercial Cultare--Analysing Bookstore Case;商业文化中的设计因素——书店案例分析


case designing案例设计

1.Based on the importance of case teaching in the specialized courses of distribution,this paper discusses the existing problems incase designing to the specialized courses of distribution.从案例教学对配送专业课教学的必要性出发,通过对配送专业课案例设计存在的问题进行分析,结合具体的教学实践活动,探讨了配送专业课案例设计在案例内容选取、案例问题设计上可以采取的措施。

2.Based on the action-research theory,this paper studies the currilar knowledge analysis,case designing,student participation,teaching interaction,and effect evaluation.基于行动研究理论,通过对课程知识点分解、案例设计、学生参与、教学互动、效果评价等环节,进行了学生参与式互动模式课程课堂教改试验,采取likert量表认知度、知识点考核、课堂活跃度等指标手段比较了对照班级和试验班级在参与式与传统教学模式下的区别。

3)accounting case design会计案例设计

4)Case-based Design基于案例的设计

1.The Research on the Applications of theCase-based Design Method in ICAID System;基于案例的设计方法在ICAID系统中的应用研究

2.Bu means of a combination of case-based design with technique of pattern plate in engineering CAD, a set of schemes that possesses universal guiding significance on the parameterized design of the product s whole engine was put forward.通过基于案例的设计 (case -baseddesign 。

5)Cases of Parameter Design参数设计案例

6)case design contest案例设计竞赛

bined with the practices of the course teaching reform,this paper discussed the affect of thecase design contest in the course teaching reform of economics,then gave some more measures about the courseteaching reform model based on thecase design contest.本文结合教改实践,对开展学生案例设计竞赛在“西方经济学”课程教学改革的作用进行了探讨,并提出了关于依托学科竞赛的课程教学改革模式的实施设想。


1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)
