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鲜穗 Fresh spike英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-27 22:22:37


鲜穗 Fresh spike英语短句 例句大全

鲜穗,Fresh spike

1)Fresh spike鲜穗


1.The fresh ear yield was positive relation to the grain yield. The dynamic changing of fresh ear weight and fresh grain weight after silking was one-peak-curve.果穗鲜重随花后天数的增长表现为单峰型曲线,不同品种鲜穗重峰值与鲜穗产量正相关。

2.Study on the Mature Characteristic and the Quick-Freeze Technical of Fresh Maize Ears;鲜食玉米穗成熟特性及速冻工艺研究

3.The vacuum is kept fresh with the glutinous maize fruit ear list ear of grain net profit of quick-freezekeeping fresh 0.2 yuan about, 700 yuan of per mu of process income.真空保鲜和速冻保鲜糯玉米果穗单穗净利约0.2元,每亩加工收益700元。

4.Studies on the Process of Ear Differentiation and Kernel Filling in Fresh-food Maize鲜食玉米穗分化暨籽粒灌浆过程的研究

monly cultivated anthurium having bright scarlet spathe and spadix.通常被载植的花烛属植物,有鲜红色的佛焰苞和肉穗花序。

6.Genetic Effect Analysis on Mainly Yield Factors of Fresh Ear of Black Sweet Corn Germplasm Innovation Material in Yunnan Province云南省黑甜玉米种质鲜果穗主要产量因子的遗传效应分析

7.Dessert-Type Cultivars of Blackcurrant(Ribes nigrum L.)-New Breeding Aiming at the RIPF,Skierniewice,Poland鲜食型黑穗醋栗品种—波兰果树和花卉研究所新的育种目标(英文)

mon American spring-flowering woodland herb having sheathing leaves and an upright club-shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries.一种美洲春天开花的林地草本植物,具有鞘的叶,一个直立的棒状肉穗状花序,果实为鲜红色。

9.The fresh rhizome is used in cooking. The leafy stems of the plant Bear flowers in dense conelike spikes. Oil distilled from the rhizome is used in foods and perfumes.鲜姜用于烹调。植株的花密生,穗状花序密集球果形。姜蒸馏制得的精油用于食品及香料工业。

10.Through above easures,the commodity rate of corm ear has been raised and the products come into the market 20 days a-head. Theoutput value is increased by 63. 4%.这些技术措施不仅提高了鲜食玉米果穗的商品率,还可早上市20天,增值63.4%。

11.An ear of this plant.谷穗,玉米这种植物的穗

12.Classification of Panicle Types in Japonica and Analysis Study on Rice Quality of Panicle Types and Parts of Panicle;粳稻穗型的分类及其穗型、穗位米质分析研究

13.To form or grow ears.长有穗的形成或长有耳穗的

14.fringed or adorned with tassels.边上装上缨穗或者用缨穗来装饰。

15.(botany) having or relating to spikes.(植物学)有穗的,或关于穗的。

16.The gleaners gathered up the loose ears of corns.拾谷穗的人把掉落的谷穗收集起来。

17.Finally,these changes lead to the bald degree of ears reduced,the grain number and weight per ear increased,and grain output per mu raised.最终导致果穗秃顶度减少,穗粒数与穗粒重增加,产量提高。

18.Relationship between Vascular Bundle System of Rachis and Rachilla and Ear Productivity in Wheat小麦穗轴和小穗轴维管束系统及与穗部生产力关系的研究


Fresh ear yield鲜穗产量

1.Analysis of combining ability and inheritance trait of fresh ear yield and sugar content in super sweet corn;超甜玉米鲜穗产量和含糖量的配合力及遗传特性分析

3)Fresh ear corn鲜穗玉米

4)Fresh ear harvest standard鲜穗采收标准


1.Quantitative Analysis and Primary Simulation on RicePanicle Structure;水稻穗结构的定量特征与虚拟表达的初步研究

2.Effect ofPanicle Distribution Mode on DifferentPanicle Type Rice Population;分布方式对不同穗型水稻群体穗的影响

3.Study on Response ofPanicle Growth and Development, Grain Filling under Water Deficit and Its Mechanism in Super Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties;超级稻品种穗生长发育和灌浆结实对水分亏缺的响应及其机理


1.Studies on the Effect of the Formation of theEar-Stem Vascular Connection Structure on the Growth and Development of the YoungEar in Winter Wheat;冬小麦穗-茎维管联络结构及其形成过程对幼穗生长发育的影响


鲜蔬酿鲜鱿菜 名: 鲜蔬酿鲜鱿主 料: 鲜鱿鱼(中)2只,椰菜叶6片,甘笋、白萝卜、青瓜各1/2条,金菇1两(约40克),姜2片,盐适量。配 料: 汁料:醋2汤匙,糖、生抽各1茶匙,盐1/3茶匙。做 法: 1、鲜鱿鱼去头,洗净,鱿鱼身保持圆筒状,触须洗净留用。2、鱿鱼筒、触须分别放入滚水中氽至刚熟,沥干水分;椰菜叶放入加盐滚水中焯软,沥干水分备用。3、甘笋、白萝卜去皮切筷子条状,金菇切去根部,姜片切丝,青瓜去瓤切条;全部材料放滚水中氽水,即捞起,沥干。4、椰菜叶铺开,放上(3)的蔬菜料及鱿鱼触须,卷上成长卷状,酿入鱿鱼筒内。5、酿好的鱿鱼筒放入加盐开水内,用碟轻压着,使之浸于水里约1小时。6、酿鱿鱼横切约5厘米长段,上碟,进食时淋上调匀的汁料即成。
