100字范文 > 排水管 drainage pipe英语短句 例句大全

排水管 drainage pipe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-08 03:31:13


排水管 drainage pipe英语短句 例句大全

排水管,drainage pipe

1)drainage pipe排水管

1.On water-supply anddrainage pipes common used in our country;目前国内常用给排水管材浅论

2.Characteristics of UPVCdrainage pipe and attentive problems in installationUPVC排水管的特点及安装时应注意的问题

3.Utilizing the method combined with siphon drainage and drainage technique on the same floor the drainage questions of large-area roof and problem encountered indrainage pipe inspection process are resolved,in order to raise people s understanding on those two drainage ways and provide references for(designers).对虹吸排水和同层排水进行介绍和分析后,提出利用虹吸排水系统和同层排水系统的方法解决大面积屋面雨水排水和本层排水管检修影响上下层的问题,以提高人们对这两种排水方式的认识,可供设计人员参考借鉴。


1.A hole or pipe in a wall to allow water to run off.墙上排水孔,墙上排水管

2.A pipe for carrying off water or sewage.排水管排水或污水的管子

3.Install drain hose to vent tube at bottom of pump.在水泵底部安装排放管到排水管。

4.Water escaped rapidly from the drainpipe.水从排水管中迅速流出。

5.felt the drain starting to suck.感到排水管开始吸水

6.guttering and drain of glass for industrial use玻璃排水槽和排水管,工业用

7.The drainpipe conducts excess water from the well.排水管把多余的水从井中排出。

8.A pipe or channel by which liquid is drawn off.排水管排掉液体的管或通道

9.a blockage in an artery, drain-pipe, etc动脉、排水管道等的堵塞.

10.The fish swam along the drain.鱼沿着排水管游下去。

11.The drain was choked with mud.排水管被泥堵住了。

12.a plumber"s snake for clearing a trap and drain.清洁排水管的螺旋钻。

13.Dirt choked the drain.排水管被污泥堵塞。

14.sewer appurtenances排水管系附属构筑物

15.Transforms about the Jin City Draining Water Pipe Network uses the Plastic Discharge Pipe’s Discussion关于晋城排水管网改造采用塑料排水管的探讨

16.New Drainage Pipe Product-Flexible Connector for Machine--Made Cast Iron Drainage Pipe新型排水管材——柔性接口机制排水铸铁管

17.Hydraulics Riser: A room containing pipework for water supply and drainage水力泵房: 装有供水和排水管线的房间

18.A stone basin with a drain for carrying away the water used in ceremonial ablutions.排水石盆带有用于排去正式洗礼用水的排水管道的石盆



1.Study on practical design method for matching steel of reinforced concretedrainpipe;钢筋混凝土排水管实用配筋设计方法

2.Discussion on the deepdrainpipe design and construction;深部排水管设计与施工讨论

3.The pipeline can be used as a kind of buried free-runningdrainpipe.经检测,该管材的各项指标均达到相应的行业标准,可用作埋地用排水管(自流式)。

3)drainage pipeline排水管

1.Discussion on the choice of steel concretedrainage pipeline;浅谈钢筋混凝土排水管道的选择

2.The paper introduced the construction technology of top pipe methods for roaddrainage pipeline,and proposed some problems and treatment methods in the construction.介绍了在城市道路排水管道施工时,因埋深较大,地下水位高于设计排水管顶情况下,采用的顶管法施工技术,以及在顶管施工中出现的问题和处理方法。

3.Through a case of the link passage of Shanghai Rail Line 2 adopting the technique of li-quefied nitrogen frozen repairingdrainage pipeline, the design of the technique and the effect of frozen & strengthening construction were introduced, which could provide experience for similar projects in the future.通过上海地铁2号线联络通道采取液氮冻结修复排水管的工程实践,介绍了液氮冻结加固施工技术的液氮冻结设计、冻结施工工艺以及冻结加固的效果。

4)drain pipes排水管

1.Research on the noise-reducing tee for PVC-Udrain pipes;PVC-U排水管降噪三通接头研究

2.The application of sound-proof mass law in noise-reducing buildingdrain pipes;隔声质量定律在建筑降噪排水管中的应用

5)drainage pipeline排水管道

1.The development of thedrainage pipeline of PP-B;PP-B排水管道的发展

2.The management of elevation collision ofdrainage pipeline;排水管道高程冲突的处理

6)drainage hose排水软管

1.Aimed at the pressed damage ofdrainage hose at floating roof of the 2nd tank of Zhenhai Transfer Oil Tank Station caused by poles of fringe floating cabin after descent of water-filled hose, the accident investigation was carried out.针对镇海中转油库2#储油罐浮顶排水软管在充水下降后被边缘浮舱立柱压损事故,进行了事故原因的调查。


坝内排水管坝内排水管drains in concrete or masonry damba’ne一Palshuiguan坝内排水管、drains一n eonerete ormasonry dam)排除棍凝土或其它污工坝坝体内部渗水的孔管。用以降低坝体浸润线位置,减少坝体扬压力。坝体排水管通常做成铅直的或接近铅直的,位于上游侧防渗混凝土层之后,与上游坝面的距离一般不小于坝前水深的1/10一1/12。其上端通到坝顶(或溢流堰面以下),下端通到纵向排水检查廊道或基础排水廊道。通过廊道排水沟或集水井再将渗水排向下游(见图)。排水管卜水管之间剖面的浸润线 一排水管剖面l泊勺浸润线横向廊道 横向廊道内的排水沟即炸教 道 廊向 纵排水管布置示意图坝内排水管间距通常为2一3米,内径一般为15一25厘米。常用预制多孔混凝土管,在浇筑混凝土时埋入坝内;有时也用立模法或拔管法在坝内做成排水孔;运行中增设的坝体排水,则为通向廊道的机钻孔。排水孔管在廊道的出露处常加设一段铸铁管,以便集引漏水进行渗漏量观测。为了排除从横缝中漏入坝体的渗水,有的坝在横缝止水设施的后面也设置排水孔管。必要时还设置排水井兼作检查井。(李珍照)
