100字范文 > 国际竞争态势 International Competition Situation英语短句 例句大全

国际竞争态势 International Competition Situation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-04 03:33:15


国际竞争态势 International Competition Situation英语短句 例句大全

国际竞争态势,International Competition Situation

1)International Competition Situation国际竞争态势


1.The International Competition Situation Chinese Foreign Trade Faces and the Developmental Strategy and the Countermeasures中国对外贸易面临的国际竞争态势与发展战略及对策

2.International Structure and Evolution of Japan-U.S.Economic Competition Posture;国际格局与日美经济竞争态势的演变

3.A Study on the Competition between Hong Kong and Singapore as Internatinal Financial Centers: 1980-;香港和新加坡国际金融中心竞争态势分析:1980-

4.An Analysis of the International Talents Market Competition in the Condition of Globalization of Economy;经济全球化条件下国际人才市场竞争态势分析

parative Advantage,Competitive Advantage and China s International Competing Power;比较优势、竞争优势与中国的国际竞争力

6.Analysis of the Competitive Posture of China s Modern Logistics Industry:Based on the International Perspective;我国现代物流产业竞争态势分析:基于国际化视角

7.Analysis and Promoting Measures of InternationalCompetition Ability of Chinese Tourism;入世后我国旅游业国际竞争力态势分析及提升对策

8.Analysis on the International Competitive Power of India’s Software Industry From the Theory of the Competitive Advantage;从竞争优势理论解析印度软件业的国际竞争力

9.Study on Competitive Situation Analyzing and Promotion Measures of International Tourism Competitive Power in Xi an;西安市国际旅游竞争力态势分析及提升对策研究

10.Debate on Carrying Out the International Competitive Advantage of Small and Middle Size Companies;论发挥我国中小企业的国际竞争优势


12.The increasingly fierce competition brought about by globalization endows prominent practical significance to the study of private enterprise core competency index system.日益国际化的竞争态势,对民营企业核心竞争力评价指标体系的研究具有很强的现实意义。

13.Study On The Development Strategy And Strength Of Chinese Competitive Sports;我国奥运会优势竞技体育项目的竞争态势分析

14.Internationally, the situation is complicated and changeable, and competition is becoming increasingly acute.在国际,形势复杂多变,竞争更加激烈。

15.The Choice of Internationalization Method According to Competitive Advantages;基于企业竞争优势的国际化方式选择

16.Research on the International Competitive Superiorities of Small and Medium-sized Service Enterprises;中小服务性企业国际化竞争优势研究

17.An Analysis on Government s Functions in Cultivating International Competitive Superiority;政府对培育国际竞争优势的作用分析

18.With China"s entering into WTO,it may add to the tendency that domestic market will be globalized and international competiton nationalized.随着WTO的加入 ,国内市场国际化、国际竞争国内化的态势将进一步加剧。


international competitive advantage国际竞争优势

1.MNCs Intra-firm Trade and International Competitive Advantage;跨国公司内部贸易与国际竞争优势

2.It is a realistic problem that how to cultivateinternational competitive advantage while keeping the small-scale advantage for nongovernmental enterprises.如何在保持民营企业小规模优势的同时培育国际竞争优势是我国民营企业国际化所面临的一个现实问题。

3.Based on the theory of competitive advantage, the paper suggests that structural effects be the cut-in point of research oninternational competitive advantage of Chinese enterprises.“结构效应”应成为探讨我国企业形成国际竞争优势问题的切入点,竞争优势的形成有赖于“企业组织内部结构”和“外部市场结构”的珠联壁合。

3)competitive situation竞争态势

1.The paper analyzes thecompetitive situation of ports around Bohai Bay and the advantages of developing port coal logistics and puts forward the competitive tactics for each main port.通过对环渤海湾港口群竞争态势及港口煤炭物流发展优劣势分析,提出了各主要港口的竞争策略。

2.Exerting Porter s competitive model to analyzecompetitive situation,we can conclude that after international companies entry,Shanghai s convenient store market will change quickly.因此,本文重点运用波特的五种竞争力量模型分析了现阶段上海便利店行业的竞争态势,进一步指出在外资便利店真正进入后,上海便利店行业会开始加速进行重组整合。

3.Thecompetitive situation of industry condition on China s retail trade is shown in several respects,such as the overall competition,the structural competition,the regional competition and the internal and external capital competition.我国零售业的业态竞争态势表现在总体竞争态势、结构竞争态势、区域竞争态势、内外资竞争态势等几个方面。

4)competition situation竞争态势

1.This paper analyzes some factors that affect the natural gas market,and probes into and sums up thecompetition situation of natural gas terminal market.分析了影响天然气市场的因素,探讨和总结了天然气终端市场的竞争态势。

2.Four big changes have taken place in thecompetition situation.20 0 1年我国餐饮业取得了巨大成就 ,竞争态势发生了四大变化 ,行业发展存在潜在危机。

5)international competition国际竞争

1.How should pharmaceutical industry participate ininternational competition;我国制药工业如何面对当今国际竞争

2.Japanese Promotion Policies on SMEs Participation in International Competition and the Illusion;日本政府促进中小企业参与国际竞争的政策及启示

3.How Does "Dinghy" Challenge "Aircraft Carrier"——The analysis of posture and countermeasure of medium - sized and small trading enterprises participation ininternational competition after (China) entering WTO;“小舢舨”怎样迎战“航空母舰”——中小流通企业参与国际竞争面临的形势与对策

6)competitive advantage of international tourism of cities城市国际旅游竞争优势


