100字范文 > 海关特殊监管区 special Customs controlling zone英语短句 例句大全

海关特殊监管区 special Customs controlling zone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-16 13:29:22


海关特殊监管区 special Customs controlling zone英语短句 例句大全

海关特殊监管区,special Customs controlling zone

1)special Customs controlling zone海关特殊监管区

1.Thespecial Customs controlling zone in China was firstly established in the 20th century, the early 90s.我国海关特殊监管区最早设立于20世纪90年代初。


1.Development Direction of Chinese Special Economic Zone and Special Area Supervised by Customs;中国特殊经济区和海关特殊监管区的发展方向

2.The Proposal of Customs Special Supervision on Promoting Development of Foreign Trade海关特殊监管区域推动外贸发展的建议

3.Custom special supervision district s development foreground and integrated mode probing--Nibo city s special supervision district development research;海关特殊监管区域的发展前景及整合方式初探——宁波特殊监管区域发展研究

4.Pilot Study of Cross-strait Economic Cooperation Mechanism of Hercynian Zone Based on the Establishment of Langqi Special Customs Surveillance Zone海西区两岸特色经济合作机制试点研究——基于设立琅岐海关特殊监管区的思考

5.SJEPZ is a special self-enclosing area supervised by the Custom House.松江出口加工区是由海关监管的特殊封闭区域。

6.The Relationship among All Special Warding Zones in Customs Bonded Logistics System;海关保税物流中各特殊监管区域之间的关系

7.within a Customs surveillance zone and the specified coastal or Border area in the vicinity of a Customs establishment在海关监管区和海关附近沿海沿边规定地区,

8.Those unable to be exported for special reasons shall be delivered to the local administrative department for drugs in accordance with the relevant regulations, and shall be verified and written off by the customs office.确因特殊情况无法出口的,移交地方药品监督管理部门按规定处理,海关予以核销。

9.The storage of goods under Customs control at a place outside the Customs surveillance zone shall be approved by the Customs and subject to Customs control.在海关监管区外存放海关监管货物,应当经海关同意,并接受海关监管。

10.The Specific Characteristics of the Phase Relationship of Air-Sea System over East Asian Monsoon Region in Summer东亚季风区夏季海气系统位相关系的特殊性

11.The Design and Research of a Special Controlled Area Inspection and Quarantine Management System Based on J2EE Platform;基于J2EE技术的特殊监管区域检验检疫管理系统的设计和研究

12.Studing in Rehabilitation and Special School"s Prison Modle Structure康复医院+特殊学校监狱监管模式构建

13.Operational Mechanism Analyze for Songjiang Export Processing Zone上海松江出口加工区发展战略及海关监管研究

14.The administration of cosmetics with special functions;特殊用途化妆品监管面临的问题及监管对策

15.Research on Customs Control in Free Trade Zones under Trade Facilitation Mechanism;贸易便利化机制下自由贸易港区海关监管研究

16.The Research on the Value-added Service for the Customs Supervised Warehouses in Air-port Region空港区域海关监管仓库的增值服务研究

17.If the port drug inspection office has to fetch samples in the supervisory area of the customs, the port drug inspection office shall contact the customs about the matters related to the sampling, and shall obtain the consent of the customs.对需进入海关监管区抽样的,口岸药品检验所应当与海关联系抽样事宜,并征得海关同意。

18.The Study of Particularity of Education and Management to University Students on Multicampus;多校区大学学生教育管理特殊性研究


customs special supervision areas海关特殊监管区域

3)special supervision zone特殊监管区

1.This is a study of electronic inspection and quarantine supervision system over information of entry commodities inspecial supervision zones.通过对特殊监管区内检验检疫物流信息监管系统的研究、开发与应用,建立了检验检疫部门、报检单位、物流场站间对物流信息的共享和通关作业信息的互换机制,有效消除了物流瓶颈、显著提高通关效率、极大降低通关成本;通过对入境货物信息的全面管理,实现了对特殊监管区内入境货物的全面有效监管,避免了逃、漏检等行为的发生,同时为进口《检验检疫目录》外商品的管理、退运货物跟踪调查提供了信息支持。

4)special controlled areas特殊监管区域

1.Along with the development of our country’s policy“opening up to the outside world”, thespecial controlled areas have been developed rapidly, such as export processing zone, bonded area and logistic park, etc.随着我们国家对外开放的发展,出口加工区、保税区物流园区等特殊监管区域得到快速发展。

5)specially supervised zone by the customs海关特别监管区域

6)Customs Surveillance Zone海关监管区


